Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 247 "4 Sacred Beast Movement" (recommended tickets~)

Chapter 247 "The Movement of the Four Holy Beasts" (please recommend tickets~)
Luffy and Zoro immediately raised their spirits and put on an appearance of being ready to listen carefully.

After all, what happened just now really shocked the two of them.

However, in this feeling of fear and worry, there is still a faint hidden...

A little bit of excitement! ! !
Inexplicably strong!Unknown world!
Mr. Lu Xun said:

"Curiosity is the source of power to make people progress!"

It was a big surprise for him that something suddenly appeared that completely exceeded Luffy's expectations!

In fact, if it weren't for the mysterious force just now, Sanji would look like he was on the verge of death.

Luffy and Zoro may not have any worries about this matter.

Even, I will be extremely excited!

The more complex the world is, the more people have the desire to explore!

Especially, for Luffy who is already familiar with the direction of the world.

This matter has become an event that makes him more curious than the secrets of the D clan.

The world of pirates, whether it is big or small...

Although Luffy has no intention of controlling everything in One Piece World in his own hands.

But he is still full of interest in controlling some unknowns!

There is another reason to become stronger!


Brook, who didn't notice the change in Luffy's mentality, continued to have a dark face.

After all, this power should have been a very good thing in his opinion.

But it was because he didn't fully control this power just now, and he almost killed Mr. Sanji.

This situation made him very guilty, but with this complicated mood, he slowly explained to Luffy and Zoro:

"Since Mr. Lu Fei bestowed the power of Bengyu on me, allowing me to be baptized and sublimated.

I have been persistently exploring its capabilities. "

The collapsed jade on Brook's chest was still emitting a dim light.

"However, after persisting for a long time, I suddenly discovered that all these efforts were in vain."

"Except for the first evolution, Bengyu will never give me any power for no reason at all.

So, after realizing this, I also started to carry out normal physical training with Mr. Lu Fei and the others. "

Saying that, Brook shifted his gaze to Luffy's face again.

Luffy smiled and nodded slightly to him, and responded softly like nostalgia:

"Oh, yes……"

"Thinking about it now, that was already several years ago..."

"I'm so lucky to have met Mr. Luffy~ Yohohohoho~"

Luffy's response was like a ray of warm wind, slightly relieving the gloom in Brooke's heart, allowing him to continue to explain:

"And by chance, I discovered that through creating music, I can have some superficial communication with Beng Yu."

"Although that feeling is very strange.

I can't tell, I don't know the way. "

"Now that I think about it, it might be because all my emotions about music come from my true inner thoughts..."

"I gradually realized that the collapse of jade will not directly give me strength for me to participate in battles.

Instead, through my efforts and ideas, subtly change certain things, or even create things that don't exist! "

It seemed that he was shocked by his guess, and Brook even had some disbelief on his face.

"That's right!"

Contrary to Brook's lack of self-confidence, Luffy confirmed with one mouthful:

"Bengyu's power can indeed absorb the thoughts of things around it and make it manifest or change it in other ways.

To put it simply, it is to turn the impossible into possible, and to turn fantasy into reality. "

Luffy looked at Bengyu on Brook's chest, and continued:
"It's just that Brook's collapsed jade seems to be somewhat different from normal collapsed jade."

"Normal collapse jade?!"

Although what Luffy said made Zoro feel a little foggy, but he still accurately grasped the strangeness in Luffy's words, and immediately asked curiously.


Luffy, who was asked by Sauron, was at a loss for words for a while, and didn't know how to answer, so he had to say perfunctorily:
"I'll tell you about this later..."

Hearing Luffy's explanation, Zoro and the others didn't pay too much attention to it, they looked at Luffy quietly, waiting for him to continue.

"Cough cough..."

Lu Fei coughed lightly, as if trying to resolve the embarrassment just now, and then continued:

"The collapsing jade used by Brook is slightly different from the normal collapsing jade."

"Bengyu was originally a magic with autonomous consciousness...um...let's call it a prop..."

"So he will actively absorb the thoughts around him and realize them."

"Such ability has no limit, so it is often very powerful."

Brook lowered his head slightly following Luffy's gaze, and also looked at the mysterious sphere in his chest that was emitting blue light.

"However, the collapsed jade used by Brook does not have its own consciousness.

That is to say, this collapsed jade will be the same as what Brook said just now, and there is no way to actively arouse its power. "

"However, looking at the current situation, I think you should have your own method, Brooke?"

Saying that, Luffy raised his head again, shifted his eyes from Bengyu to Brook's face, and watched his expression.


Brooke nodded slightly in confirmation.

The black jade-like skeletal hand moved to his chest, covering the only remaining dim light of Bengyu, and following Lu Fei's words, he continued:

"Indeed, with the deepening of my musical attainments, Beng Yu gave me more and more magical powers."

"It's just that these powers are not directly fed back to my body, and will not enhance my physique and strength."

"It's more like helping me to form a kind of ability, a unique ability."

Brook pulled out the bone sword from his waist again, and continued to say to the two of Luffy:

"In the beginning, I just wanted to increase my strength so that I could better help Mr. Luffy..."

"So, I created "Four Sacred Beasts Movement", infused with my depiction of the appearance of the legendary beasts, combined with a little bit of power I felt from the fruit of the underworld, and formed a music-based, gorgeous fighting method .”

The cold bone sword reflected Brook's dark eyes.

A wisp of green will-o'-the-wisp swims above the bone sword.

"However, as I continued to improve the movement, I gradually discovered that things seemed to be developing in a direction I couldn't predict."

"The four sacred beasts, in my heart, are becoming more and more real!"

"Even, every time the movement is played, I can clearly hear them roaring and screaming in my ears."

Luffy and Zoro frowned slightly, as if they had anticipated what would happen next.

But Brook continued to say:

"It's as if they are real.

It's just living in a dimension that I can't see or touch..."

"However, every time I fight, as long as I play the "Four Sacred Beasts Movement".

They will come from different time and space to help me fight! "

"Gradually, I seem to be able to touch a trace of things in different time and space through their traction.

There, I... I even... felt some familiar aura..."


Brook suddenly fell silent, and his eye sockets even began to tremble a little. It seemed that what he was about to say touched him so much that he fell into a turmoil of thoughts for a while.



Luffy, who guessed something, took the initiative to tell Brook's memories:

"Is it your former partner?"

Tears flowed continuously down Brook's pale cheeks, facing Luffy's question, he lowered his head.

Tears fell onto the bone sword, making a sound.

Brooke replied heavily, as if piercing from the depths of his throat:

 Thanks to the ruler of darkness for the reward! ! !

  Thanks to Fallen Angel Snow Ye for the reward! ! !

  I wish you all good health!May all go well with you!

  Recently, the literary prison, the book is not very easy to write... A little bit of exploration, afraid of crossing the border and being invited to drink tea...

  The following books are recommended: "Super Seminary: The Throne of the Elf"

  That's it, Super Theological Seminary turned into fanfiction, that's it.The author did not think of any good recommendations.

(End of this chapter)

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