Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 245 Where is the Underworld (please recommend~)

Chapter 245 Where is the Underworld (please recommend~)

The footsteps on the ground were trembling constantly.

At this moment, all the corpses and bones of the whole world are being used here.

The road under your feet is getting more and more inclined.

Explaining to Sanji that the situation is urgent!
Behind him, the sound of heavy objects falling into the void appeared from time to time.

But Sanji had no time to turn around.

The battle just now had exhausted his strength.

Coupled with the loss of his right arm and physical injuries, Sanji has already fallen into a weak state.

Coupled with the speed of the ground fissure, and the world constantly tilting towards the abyss...

Everything is too sudden.

Even though he was still in a state of fighting strength just now, at this moment, for some reason, a sense of boundless weakness filled Sanji's brain and body.

Sanji, who was still gritting his teeth, covered the wound near his heart with his left remaining arm, and leaped forward with his last strength on his legs.

However, everything is of no avail!
Sanji, who was still pushing forward, suddenly felt his feet go numb, and he hadn't had time to react.

The ground under his feet instantly stood up, as if the law of gravity in the whole world had changed.

All the earth was erected to form a cube of unknown shape, and the bottom of this cube...

It is the abyss!

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you too!


If Sanji knew this sentence, he would definitely curse in his heart:
"I just kept turning my back to it, and I didn't even look at it!!!"

However, at this time, Sanji, who was so weak that he was unconscious, did not have so many brain cells for thinking.

The whole person could no longer control himself, and fell into this infinite abyss together with the countless skeletons in the world around him.

dong... dong... dong...

It seems that there is no law of gravity here.

Sanji clearly felt that he was falling out of control.

But his heartbeat gradually returned to calm, without any feeling of fear.

Maybe it's really calm, maybe it's too frightening, so I'm so overwhelmed that I don't have the ability to show it, so I can only calm down.

As for which one it is, even Sanji himself doesn't know.

Time passes by every minute.

But he couldn't perceive at all how long it had been all this.

Is it a second, or a day, or a year...

However, these seem to have become irrelevant.

Because, no matter how long it has passed, I am still falling here, and nothing will change.

Sanji's thinking gradually became stiff, and he became lazy.

what is thinking...

It seems to be of no use...

In the future, don't do it!

Sanji's dark golden pupils gradually returned to their original black and white.

Gradually, from black and white to gray.

Those eyes that once could shoot lightning at the beauty, now there is no gleam of brilliance anymore...

Sanji looked desperately at the corpses falling down with him in the sky.

In this world, there is only these things, and they are still in the same condition as themselves.

Ha ha……

These dead people look so strange!

It seems that each of them is so similar, just like a person.

Blonde hair, curly eyebrows, a pointed chin, the long fingers of a chef...



and many more! ! !

Sanji's pupils suddenly contracted!
A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the gray pupils.

Although it is not very bright, in this abyss, that ray of light is extremely dazzling!


Sanji looked at his body, his body, and his side in shock!

It's not me! ?

Sanji's wide eyes stared closely at the countless familiar figures around him!

That hair color, hairstyle, eyebrows, nose...

Even if some of the corpses are already in tatters, Sanji can still recognize them...

Every bone here is his own!
The only difference may be that the time state of each corpse is different.

Maybe he was young, maybe he was young, or he was young...

The him in the last moment, the him in the last minute, the him in the last second...

It turned out that the skeletons that covered the earth were all of me at different times!
It's all my past self!
What exactly is this?
Where am I! ?
Is this my Naraku Huangquan...

The dark abyss, as if it never ends, is bottomless.

How did I get here...

Why, I can't remember...

In this way, Sanji fell far away in a state of complete loss of control, but there was no end to it.

The darkness is getting deeper and deeper, and all the light has long since disappeared.

However, it is obviously a dark area, but Sanji can still see, see the overwhelming self.


Have you become one of them...

As long as I fall into this abyss, I am... one of them...

Or maybe, in fact, I have always been one of them...



Sanji, who was deeply hurt by the scene in front of him, wanted to make a sound, but he couldn't say anything!
At this moment, all he faced was his dead self and the endless darkness.

The sound also gradually disappeared.

The world is quiet again!


Time, and I don't know how long.

Everything is as usual, the same world, suddenly, it seems that there has been a slight change.

"Sanji! Sanji!"

A voice he was familiar with suddenly came, calling out a person's name incessantly.


Who is that?
Do not……

what is that?
It feels so familiar...

But what is familiarity... and what is feeling...

Another voice followed closely!

"Sanji! Sanji!!!"

This is a domineering man.

Although he couldn't do much thinking, his consciousness told him this way.

It seemed that the owner of this voice had done something important to him.


Another voice.

Even just listening to this voice, he feels that the owner of this voice must sing very well, and may also play a variety of instruments.


It's just that it looks a little scary!

Long nose, likes to brag, loves to show off.

But it is extremely reliable, and has been persisting in its own way!

Admirable man!
"Sanji-san, Sanji-san..."

A weeping pink-haired boy.

Mingming is not very old, but he always talks about the grand goal and takes action based on it.

A cute and caring child...

"Mr. Sanji!"

A gentle, intellectual, mature woman who is polite to everyone...

It seems that the person who appeared for the first time is a couple, but it seems that they are not...

His consciousness is very vague, and he doesn't know what it looks like!
"Hey! Colored cook!!!"

A lovely lady with orange hair, but she is extremely savage.


It looks cuter this way, doesn't it! ?

My favorite thing to see is when she eats, she looks shy but can't put it down!



Are they calling me?

Yes, you are calling me...

The pale eyes gradually opened, and a ray of spirit was hidden in them.

This time, I fell asleep really deeply...

But... it's time to wake up.

After all... It's almost time for dinner!
At this time, I can't do it without me...

I am...

Star Pirates!
The only chef - Sanji! ! !
 The following books are recommended: "Run, Little Cousin"

  Daily easy-to-follow sister-in-law, daddy style!

(End of this chapter)

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