Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 226 The Dust Has Settled (Please recommend a monthly ticket!!!)

Chapter 226 The Dust Has Settled (Please recommend a monthly ticket!!!)

The coercion of energy squeezed crazily in the air.

The turbulent flow that burst out tore the surrounding air apart again and again!

The waves flying in the air are ruthlessly crushed by the power of blooming!
Lu Fei showed his calm eyes like ancient Tan, with his hands in front of him, his arms up and down holding this slash that was passed down from the ancient world!

After releasing the last strength, Hawkeye stood on a surviving ice rock in a weak and almost unconscious state.

Using the black knife as a support, he covered the terrible wound on his chest, gritted his teeth, his face twitched from the pain, and looked at the figure above the sky with one eye.

Zoro, who was the complete opposite of Hawkeye, was full of vigor, and his rough muscles were as bright as ever, without any sign of fatigue. He shouted to Luffy in the sky as if asking:

Although only one name was called, Luffy heard that Sauron was asking him why he wanted to intervene in this battle.

The wind pressure blew Luffy's messy hair, soaring into the sky.

But it still didn't change Luffy's calm yet sharp pupils.

The flow of energy turned into a solid body, and the flame-like light lingered, and the lightning that flew towards each other swam around Luffy's body like a dragon or a snake, circling non-stop.

Accompanied by the blazing light of the slash, there was still no sign of diminishing, and the power that was proud of the world was fully released in Luffy's palms.

Facing Sauron's doubts, Luffy had no time to respond.

Because of Hawkeye's attack!
Really too strong!

Crimson flames spewed out frantically in Luffy's hands, but they could only resist the advance of this slash and stalemate with it.

cannot be eliminated.

The rumbling buzzing was loud and loud.

It seems to be responding to the crazy waves on the sea below.

On the deck, before everyone could recover from the gigantic beauty clone, another monstrous wave rushed towards the deck again.

As a restaurant close to the battlefield, Haishan Restaurant must show enough strength if it wants to get out of this peerless battle safely.

Facing the sideways tide, Brook slowly pulled out the bone sword from his waist, not in a hurry.

The nimble ghost flames flashed with calm and prestige in their eye sockets.

The bone blade with no advantage pointed directly at the overwhelming tsunami in the distance.

"World Shaking Movement·Black Light!!!"

A little cold light suddenly clustered on the tip of the bone sword.

The next moment!

boom! ! !
A dim black light pierced through the sky and earth like a rainbow, and was instantly released from the tip of Brooke's sword.

The terrifying impact pierced through the void, bringing out bursts of roaring sounds like thunder.

The terrifying black light hit the tsunami in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, a boundless suction burst out from the black light!

The black light hitting the target is like a black hole, instantly absorbing the roaring tsunami into the energy storm.

For a moment, the tsunami was like a drained body, and the internal power was completely absorbed by the strange black light.

From within the black light, a humming sound suddenly erupted, resounding continuously in the sky.

Let everyone feel a trembling from the soul!

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, as if the black light had been exploded by a tsunami.

boom! ! !
Suddenly, the propped up black light exploded like a silver bottle, making a violent noise.

The seawater that had been absorbed into the black light before was released again in an instant.

The power of the riot impacted the tsunami, turning the original monstrous waves into a wave several meters high, and a torrential rain that fell from the sky for no reason.

Nami stretched out her hand, and a light green magic spell popped out from the center of her palm.

The spell suddenly expanded, and with a flick of Nami's slender arm, a howling hurricane surged up instantly.

The mighty gust of wind pressed directly on top of the pouring rain, scattering the rain that was about to hit the ground.

Nami's lovely and noble princess dress was not stained with a trace of sea water.

Disdainful small eyes looked at the waves that had not been completely eliminated.

Raising her pretty hand slightly, she was about to activate the magic again.

A voice that surprised everyone suddenly appeared.

"Definitely kill lead bullet!"

An ordinary round projectile was ejected along Usopp Dara's slingshot.

Under the inconceivable eyes of everyone, the buckshot went straight through the heavy rain and shot towards the waves.


The moment the lead bullet hit the waves, a strange scene happened.

The waves that were originally roaring, like a calm lake, suddenly stabilized in the air.

It fell to the surface of the sea with a splash, without a single ripple.

In an instant, everything returned to calm.

Seeing this scene, Nami smiled and pointed.

The strong wind dried up the last trace of rain, and it gradually subsided.

In the distance, the fierce confrontation of forces also came to an end.

As Hawkeye's body became weaker, the slash he condensed became less domineering than it was at the beginning.

Zoro looked at the slash that was about to dissipate and the crimson flame that Luffy released mighty energy.

In the end, he put down the sword, as if he was explaining to Luffy, and as if comforting himself from the bottom of his heart, with an extremely unwilling tone, Zoro said slowly to Luffy:
"I can beat him..."

However, Luffy didn't react at all to Sauron's explanation. He still had the calm expression, looking behind the slash that was about to dissipate in front of him, revealing Hawkeye who was about to fall to the ground.

The scene was silent for a long time.


The blade swayed slightly, and the three blades reflected Sauron from different angles. Gritting his teeth slightly, he finally trembled and said softly:

"I know I was wrong..."


Hearing Sauron's apology, Luffy's expression finally changed.

There was a slight smile on the cold expression, and he snorted softly from his nasal cavity, as if expressing his dissatisfaction with Sauron, and said:

"I don't want to change the deputy captain because of this matter!"

As soon as Luffy's voice fell, Sauron immediately lowered his head, showing a look of introspection.

With Sauron Zanpakuto's strange ability, it can definitely easily break through Hawkeye's supreme slash.

It is by no means difficult to defeat Hawkeye, who has been seriously injured.

However, debts owed always have to be replaced.

Sauron wasn't really ignoring the damage.

In addition to the damage Sauron accumulated in the previous battles, it was enough to bring him to the brink of death.

If there is another blow, it really depends on God's will whether he can survive.

Just hold on a little longer...

You can become the world's number one swordsman!
Such a temptation really made Sauron unable to give up.

If Luffy hadn't rushed over suddenly and blocked Hawkeye's desperate blow, the battle would have ended now.

It's just that the results are different...

With a wave of both hands, Lu Fei completely tore up the remaining energy, and the world returned to normal.

There is no powerful aura of coercion, nor is there a blazing flame that is as brilliant as a god.

Hawkeye stood awkwardly on a piece of crushed ice, like a mayfly between heaven and earth, undulating with the waves.

Zoro slowly retracted the three Zanpakuto into their sheaths, and calmly said to Hawkeye:

"I lost……"

 Please recommend a monthly ticket!
  The following push books:

  Reborn as a baby dragon in fairy games!
(End of this chapter)

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