Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 217 Hawkeye (recommendation ticket monthly ticket~)

Chapter 217 Hawkeye (recommendation ticket monthly ticket~)

Klick turned his head in an instant, and pointed the musket in his hand directly at Sauron and the others.

The corners of the mouth twitched slightly, looking at the person who appeared suddenly with some surprise.

Just in the restaurant, he saw Luffy and his group.

But at that time, he was very weak at first, and then his attention was attracted by the barefoot Zeff.

As a result, he didn't pay much attention to it, he just thought they were a group of daring eaters.

But now it's completely different!
It was obvious that he had just felt that everything was in his own hands.

But Sauron's sudden voice inexplicably aroused his heart palpitations and completely interrupted him.

Interrupted his thoughts, his killing intent, his desire...

Even—his life!
It's like when a lowly creature sees a ferocious beast, a shock comes from the bottom of its heart.

"You... who are you?"

Crick, who suddenly lost his sense of security, reconfirmed that what he held in his hand was a deadly musket.

And the intimidating muzzle has been aimed at Sauron very precisely, and he said timidly.

However, Zoro didn't pay attention to his thoughts at all. Instead, he lowered his head and asked Sanji who was stepped on by Klick:
"Surrender this ship obediently, then change to another place, and start all over again, wouldn't it be a better choice!?"


Sanji, who was pinned to the ground and unable to move, suddenly fell into a brief silence.

After a while, as if thinking of something, he suddenly said loudly:
"I don't do it!!!"

"Why! Mr. Sanji! Isn't this very simple?!"

"Just give up this store! Everyone can be saved!"

Ah Jin, who was injured on the side, also said loudly immediately.

He really didn't understand why Sanji was so stubborn!

The embarrassed Sanji still refused as always:

"This shop... is the old man's treasure!"

"It was me who took everything from the stinky old man."

"Strength, and dreams...so I never will!"

"Never again..."

Hey, hey, hey...

There was a sound of friction suddenly, and Sanji stepped out of a hole in the large steel mesh woven by steel wires.

Through this hole, Sanji quickly stretched out his leg from the big net that bound him, lifted it high, and suddenly stepped down on him, stepping hard.

The already damaged plank beneath him collapsed in an instant, and a big hole appeared on the deck again.

The moment the hole appeared, Sanji fell into the hole.

Because of this, he broke away from the shackles of Klick.


The sudden change made Klick completely unresponsive.

When he realized something, Sanji had already pulled off the big net wrapped around him, and jumped out of the pothole again.

Standing in front of Zeff, facing Klick, Sauron and others, he slapped his chest and said:
"If I can't even do something like death!"

"How can I repay the kindness of the stinky old man!!!"

Sanji's expression, extremely generous, made everyone believe...

He will die for this store!


A light cough suddenly appeared.

"Sanji! I'm not worthless yet, I need a kid to save me!"

Zhefu clutched his chest, the ribs that had just been broken by Ah Jin were still in great pain.

Holding his head up, he shouted loudly at Sanji:
"You stinky brat! Get out of here quickly!"


Hearing Tetsuo's words, Sanji still had no expression on his face, as if he had decided to go, calmly lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and said slowly:

"I just think……"

"Let this restaurant exist for a while longer! Even if it's only for a second!"

"What an idiot's line!"

Zoro suddenly yelled loudly at Sanji who thought he was great!
In an instant, everyone's attention was attracted again.

Zoro didn't care, and continued to yell at Sanji:
"You want to repay your kindness with death!?"

"I want to get rid of my debts in the form of death!!!"

"You're one! Out and out!"


"What are you talking about! You green algae head! What do you know!!!"

Sanji, who was ridiculed by Sauron, instantly became angry, with a ferocious face, and also shouted loudly at Sauron.


The cold knife came out, and a bloodthirsty aura suddenly rushed towards his face, not letting anyone present.

The timid Usopp immediately hugged Keby beside him, his body trembling uncontrollably, shivering.

Kebi smiled wryly, and had to comfort Usopp in a low voice and said:
"Okay, okay, Mr. Usopp, this is just the breath of Master Sauron's Zanpakuto."

Kebi, who has been practicing with Sauron, has long been used to Sauron's fearfulness. For this evil spirit, it is as normal as seeing the waves on the sea.

Everyone who was shrouded in evil spirit fell silent instantly.

Klick and Ah Jin instantly showed horror, watching Sauron in disbelief as the knife was unsheathed, and he didn't even pull it out.

They didn't find this breath strange!
In their nightmare, the man in the great route was exuding an aura even scarier than this.

Klick still remembered the eyes of that person.

Even thinking about it, it was as if that person was walking towards him slowly.

That makeup, those eagle eyes, and... that black knife!


Creek suddenly widened his eyes, feeling something was wrong!

This does not seem to be my hallucination!

His eyes were fixed on the figure that slowly came out from the restaurant.

At this moment, Klick even thought that he was on a great route, full of dangers and without a foothold.



"Why isn't it over yet, Sauron?"

Luffy, who led Hawkeye here, said to Sauron with some complaints.

Zoro listened to the words, concentrated slightly, his eyes appeared from Hawkeye, and never left his figure, and responded gently to Luffy and said:

"Soon... it will be over!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze back, the Zhan Po Dao at his waist had already started to tremble non-stop, but was forcibly smoothed by Sauron, and shouted at Kebi:


"Yes, Master Sauron!"

Kirby immediately stood up and replied.

"You go……"

Sauron pointed to Klick's position and said as an order.

"Okay, Master Sauron!"

Kebi, who was personally guided by Sauron, has always regarded himself as Sauron's apprentice, and has full admiration for Sauron.

Although Kebi will show enough respect to everyone in the Star Pirates.

But the only ones he respected from the bottom of his heart were Luffy and Sauron.

Kebi, who took the lead, went straight forward and stood between Creek and Sanji.

The body is in a posture ready to go, but the face still has a relaxed look.

after all……

Crick, not yet worthy of his seriousness.



"Tch! Little dwarf, what do you mean!?"

Due to the appearance of Hawkeye, Klick was completely confused.

At this time, Kebi who suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked him made him feel like he had completely lost control of the situation.

An inexplicable anger suddenly rose, and he, who didn't dare to be presumptuous to Hawkeye, directly directed this unknown fire at the thin and weak Keby.

Although he didn't know the identities of Zoro and the others, Sanji looked at the boy in front of him, whose height was not as long as his legs, and couldn't help shouting worriedly:

"Hey! Brat! Get out of here!"

However, Creek didn't want to give them another chance.

Facing the two people in front, he directly set up the machine guns at both ends of his shoulders and arms, aimed at them, and shouted:

"Damn stinky brat! Give it all to me ~ go to hell!!!"

 Thanks to the romantic and careless, book friend 20181230101824519 for the reward!Wow ⊙ω⊙Your votes today are too good, I am so embarrassed, and now I am waiting for my turn to reply, while typing...

  The following books are recommended: "The Infinite Journey of Transforming into Fu Jiang"

  It is an author who was at the same time as me. At that time, we all made various recommendations together, but now everyone has no recommendations_

  support each other

(End of this chapter)

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