Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 201 The Birth of God

Chapter 201 The Birth of God

As Luffy's voice fell, a lottery disc appeared in front of Luffy in an instant.

The all-encompassing disc still holds countless venerable items.

But Luffy also knew that all of this had nothing to do with him.


It's very late today, and tomorrow Luffy will talk to Kaya about some important things.

So, while it was an exciting time, he just wanted to go to bed early.

After all, this is a lottery for a celestial being recognized by the system, and Luffy simply doesn't believe that Usopp will get any ordinary abilities.

Could it be possible to give him a Barrett and make him "biubiubiu"?
While thinking about it, the speed of the disk pointer began to become slower and slower.

Luffy looked up inadvertently, and saw that the slow pointer was approaching a 98k little by little.


"No! I'm just thinking about it! Don't cater to me like this?!"

Luffy's eyes widened in an instant, no sleepiness at all, his hands fluttered forward, as if he wanted to change the position of the disk.

Although this is equipment for partners, if it is really an ordinary sniper rifle, no matter how you think about it, Luffy feels that it is a big loss!

Soon, the slow pointer swung to the 98k area, and the pointer became slower and slower, and gradually, there was a tendency to stop.


Luffy stared at the lottery turntable, and kept yelling with one heart and one mind, which made many servants passing by think about it. They didn't dare to stay for a second, and almost ran away from the door of Luffy's room.

"Oh! Yes!"

Under Luffy's voice control, the last click of the pointer finally crossed the 98k icon and stopped on a strange light ball that Luffy didn't know what it was.

Luffy couldn't help but yelled.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Magic Eye of Immediate Death", which has been put into the backpack, please check it. 】

And the system's prompt sounded instantly, and even more fortunately, Luffy was lifted three feet high at once, and exclaimed again:
"What! What! It turned out to be the Devil's Eye!?"

Afraid that he heard it wrong, Luffy hurriedly opened the backpack, and clicked on the analysis of the item in the last box of the backpack.

[The magic eye of straight death]: Can see the "death" of things, and receive the concept of "death" in the form of visual information. (Karma weapon)
"No... no way! You will actually get the law of causality weapon!"

Luffy's shocked eyes trembled uncontrollably, as if he still couldn't believe it.

Luffy has a certain understanding of the magic eye of death.

In the eyes of people with the magic eye of straight death, the target will be covered with criss-crossing lines like graffiti, and the dots formed by the intersection of these strange lines will emerge on the surface of things:
Lines represent "lines that are easy to divide and destroy objects", and dots represent "death of things".

The dead line can be seen without any effort, but the dead point can only be seen with concentration.

And the dead line has no difference between soft and hard, no matter how hard things are, they can be cut along the dead line effortlessly.

Even if the main body is still active, the cut part of the dead line will be necrotic, and it is impossible to restore it.

If an attack is launched towards the dead point, the entire attacked individual will stop completely and cannot move anymore, that is to say, the existence of the thing will be eliminated and life will be terminated.

Even non-material existence, as long as it has a certain energy form or dynamic, such as enchantment or energy release type ability, it is possible to see the line or point on it and destroy it.

That's it!
A power that only God can possess!

At this moment, Luffy really wanted to take off his [X Gloves] and exchange Usopp's magic eyes with the system.


The reason why exclusive props are called exclusive is because he can only buy equipment from Luffy's partners.

"System! Is this really what I thought, the Devil's Eye?"

Luffy raised the question in his heart again.

[Answer the host, yes. 】

The voice of the system answered Luffy faithfully, and continued:
[However, the actual effect will be slightly different from what the host thought. 】

[The "death" in the Devil's Eye of Straight Death is not limited to death in a simple biological sense. 】

[The performance of death mainly depends on the attitude of the holder of the "Magic Eye of Immediate Death". 】

"What do you mean? Could it be that if Usopp doesn't think that the blow will go down, the enemy will die, and the enemy will not die even if he is hit at the dead point?"

Under the system's answer, Luffy, who was still a little sober, became confused instead.

【it's not true. 】

The system answered again:
["Death" will still be "death", but this "death" is determined according to the attitude of the holder. 】

[If the holder thinks that coma is "death", then the person who is hit at the dead point will be unconscious. If the holder thinks that brain death is "death", the person who is hit will suffer brain death. 】

[Also, the dead line for objects is also determined according to the owner's attitude. 】

[The number of dead lines and dead points depends on the comparison between the holder and the target. If the gap is too large, it is very likely that the dead points and dead lines will not be seen. 】

This time, the system explained all the explanations in one go, completely blocking all the questions in Luffy's mind.

"From this point of view, the Demon Eye of Death is not as powerful as imagined."

Luffy lowered his head in thought.

Also, after all, the holder of the magic eye of death that Luffy has seen is not an ordinary person.

In my memory, it seems that ordinary people once held the magic eye of death, but it was of no use.

It seems that the training of Usopp is more intense than imagined!

No matter what he said, he couldn't let him waste such a powerful ability.



Refreshing morning.

Luffy, who originally planned to go to Kaya, changed his plan directly, called a servant to lead the way, and walked straight to Xipro Village.




Knowing that Usopp will leave soon, the three little ghosts of the Usopp Pirates got up early and blocked Usopp's door.

"Ah... you guys are here!?"

Usopp, who habitually got up early and went to the village to shout "the pirate is coming", got up early today as usual, but he didn't go out as usual.

Because of Crow's incident, Usopp just said "farewell" to his home yesterday, so the room is still very tidy.

After welcoming the three little ghosts into the house, Usopp slowly closed the door.

When he turned around again, the same arrogant smile suddenly appeared on his face as before. Brother Thumb pointed to his long nose and said proudly:
"Haha! Why are you three listless today!"

"Your great captain is about to go to sea again!"

"This time, I'm going to catch the monsters I've seen before and bring them back for you to visit..."



Before Usopp finished speaking, the three little ghosts suddenly rushed up, hugged Usopp tightly, and cried convulsively.

Snot and tears instantly rubbed Usopp's body.

"Oh, what are you doing..."

"What are you holding me for..."

With tears in his eyes, Usopp looked down at the three crew members who had been with him since childhood, choked up secretly, and continued:

"Man, man, how can you cry..."

"Let others see, what does it look like..."

"I just want to go to sea, and it's not like I haven't been out before..."


As Usopp spoke more and more, tears slowly dripped from the tip of his nose, collided with the back of his hand holding the children, and exploded into scattered mist.



Luffy stood at the door of Usopp's house, and glanced at the atmosphere inside through the window.

Suddenly he turned back to the servant of the Keya family and said:

"I've been walking for a long time, and I'm a little hungry, let's not look for Usopp, let's go back and eat something!"


After speaking, Luffy walked back in the direction of Kaya's house again without looking back.




The servant who was left there was stunned, looking at the capricious Luffy inexplicably.

At this moment, there is only one sentence in his heart.


 Thank you and a reward of 0!
  Sorry, I have to complete the design in these two days, and there is really no time code. I will add updates immediately after the mid-term inspection is over! <(__)>
  Monthly ticket (776/1000)

  Recommended (13738/30000)

(End of this chapter)

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