Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 20 Luffy's Sailing Diary

Chapter 20 Luffy's Sailing Diary

"He said that in the wind and rain, this little pain is nothing, wipe away the tears, don't ask why."

On the vast sea, a small boat floats with the wind.

Bursts of singing came from the boat.

Luffy wrung out his clothes and trousers vigorously, spread them on Class A, and let them wait for the baptism of the sun.

Just last night, a heavy rain fell mercilessly on Luffy's head.

Luffy has to control both the sail and the rudder by himself, and he is not experienced and skilled.

After a frantic operation, the boat barely turned over.

When the storm passed the next day, Luffy walked into the cabin and saw that Sauron had been buried in a pile of furniture.

It took a long time to pull Sauron out and throw it aside.

Luffy just started tidying up the wardrobe, bed and other furniture.

After finishing all this, Lu Fei realized that he was wet and wearing clothes that had experienced heavy rain.

He took off his clothes again and washed them again.

Anyway, there was no one in this vast sea, Sauron was still unconscious, and he didn't know when he would wake up.

Clothes and the like are belongings outside the body, no more, no more.
Luffy thought so, and then began to sunbathe his whole body in Class A.

Just when Luffy was enjoying a good life.

In this sea area, a large ship is slowly moving forward.

If you use a bird's-eye view, you will find that the forward route of this ship and the forward route of Luffy just form an intersection.

on large ships.

A pirate with a weird hairstyle was talking to a strong pirate. On the left hand side of the strong pirate was a mace as tall as a person.

"Captain, we lost six brothers after yesterday's storm."

I only heard reports from Little Pirates with weird hairstyles.

The captain stroked his chin and said, "It's okay, anyway, we have more than 100 people, and if we can't make it to the end, it will only prove that they are all a bunch of trash!"

"Okay, Captain. One more thing, we lost a batch of food yesterday, and the remaining food can barely last for a week."


The captain slapped the reported pirate away, called another nearby pirate and asked, "How long will it take to get to the nearest island?"

The pirate replied tremblingly: "Captain, the nearest island to us is Cocosia Island, but it's very close to the naval base, so we don't want it. Ah~"

Before the pirate could finish speaking, he was kicked out by the captain.

"I don't need your advice!" the pirate captain roared.

Then, he yelled towards the lookout tower: "Observe me carefully, and if you find a passing ship, speed up and rush over immediately!"

"Yes, Captain." A pirate on the watchtower didn't dare to disobey the captain, so he replied immediately.

As soon as he finished speaking, the watchman on the other side suddenly shouted loudly: "North and east at 10 degrees, a small ship was found. If the direction remains the same, it will meet us in four or ten minutes."

After hearing what the watchman said, the captain said to the other pirates: "I can't wait for four or ten minutes! Now, go at full speed and grab that ship."

Dozens of pirates near the captain shouted instantly as an answer, and then got busy, increasing the speed of the ship.

But at this time, after experiencing a storm, Luffy, who was already dizzy, began to give up on himself, adjusted the direction to the previous angle, and started sailing in the Buddhist style. Whether he can get it all depends on fate.

I was naked and fell asleep in Class A.

I don't know how long it has been.


A loud noise woke up Luffy, followed by a commotion.

Luffy rubbed his eyes, stood up, and found that there was a big ship near his ship, and the ship fence on the big ship was crowded with people.

"Captain, there seems to be no one on board."

Luffy saw a short pirate talking to a tall pirate next to him.

Of course, even short pirates are as tall as three or more Luffy.

"I, I'm not human!"

Luffy stood up and protested loudly to the reporting pirate.

Then suddenly it occurred to me that I was still naked.

He hurriedly found the clothes that had already been dried, and put on his clothes slowly in front of hundreds of pirates.

During this time, the boards for connecting the two ships have been connected.

The pirate captain and more than twenty pirates came over and crowded Luffy's boat to the brim.

A pirate next to the captain analyzed the situation and said: "It seems that it is a ship in distress, and now there is only one child left. I just don't know why such a small ship went into such a deep sea."

The captain of the pirate waved his hand, put the mace on his shoulder, and said, "Why don't you, go and check what else is on this ship, and move it back for me! I don't even want such a small ship. !"

More than 20 pirates acted immediately and moved all the usable and edible food on board to the pirate ship.

Luffy just watched from the side, didn't say anything, showing a playful smile.

After a while, a pirate came to class A with Sauron in his arms, threw Sauron beside Luffy, and then ran to the boss of the pirate to report: "Report to the captain, send a lot of food in the cabin And some daily necessities have already been sent to our ship. In addition, two children who are suspected to be survivors of the accident were found. May I ask the captain, do you want to take them back together?"

The captain followed the direction pointed by the pirate, looked at Luffy and the two, and said: "No need, it's too small to form a combat effectiveness, and the waste that can't even do chores will only waste food. I will deal with them , is better than starving to death on this empty boat, hahahaha"

After speaking, the pirate captain walked up to Luffy with a mace in his hand.

The pirates nearby didn't feel much, they smiled and watched the captain execute the two children.

To them, it was kinder than what the captain had done before.

On the contrary, some of the pirates on the pirate ship covered their eyes angrily, not daring to watch.

The pirate captain came to Luffy and laughed disgustingly for a long time. Fortunately, Luffy is short, otherwise he might not be able to stand the disgusting tone.

"Boy, I'm the head of the Hammer Pirates. I'm going to send you to hell today. Do you have anything to say? Hahahahaha."

Lu Fei can assure you that someone who can laugh like this before killing someone is either a fool or a psychopath.

Obviously, today he belongs to the former.

"Since you don't speak, don't blame me for not letting you speak." Thinking that Luffy was scared stupid, the captain also lost interest in playing, so he picked up a huge mace and smashed it at Luffy's head.


There was a loud bang.

I saw the boss of the pirate captain staring at him, watching in surprise that Luffy blocked his full blow with one hand.

"You just said something wrong," Lu Fei said lightly.

"What?" After realizing that he seemed to have provoked someone who shouldn't, the captain's mouth began to twitch.

"Actually, I'm good at chores." Luffy smiled at the captain with a sunny face.

Then, it disappeared from the captain's sight.



"Help~ ah!"

One after another screams sounded.

The captain only saw a dozen or so pirates who were still on the boat, or their chests, or stomachs, and each of them had a hole in their bodies.

Some died instantly, some were still struggling, but it was useless at all.

The captain's clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and his throat choked up.

【Ding!The host kills an ordinary pirate and gains 25 experience points. 】

【Ding!The host kills an ordinary pirate and gains 28 experience points. 】

【Ding!The host kills an ordinary pirate and gains 36 experience points. 】

Luffy is pleasing to hear the sound of gaining experience one by one.

Seeing the frightened captain, Luffy said, "How is it, Captain, are my chores okay?"

"Who are you?" The captain, who was so frightened that he lost his soul, asked loudly.

"I'm the one you'll never get in your life."

Luffy played a past life stalk, then quickly ran to the front of the pirate captain, jumped lightly, and jumped to a suitable height.

Reaching out and grabbing hard, the tiny fingers easily pierced through the captain's skin and crushed his heart.

Before the captain of the Hammer Pirates died, he was still wondering what Luffy's words meant.

Before he could react, he just died in a daze.

【Ding!The host kills an ordinary pirate and gains 625 experience points. 】

 Thanks to the book friend 20180324080618297 for the recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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