Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 137 Across the Red Earth Continent (please recommend and ask for a monthly pass)

Chapter 137 Across the Red Earth Continent (please recommend and ask for a monthly pass)
"So! Brothers! We're going!"

Facing the scorching sun, Luffy raised his arms and gave orders to Robin and Brook.

"Luffy~The situation of the great route is more complicated. I still need to look at the chart and do some calculations."

Although Robin couldn't bear to interrupt Luffy's passion, the fact is that they can't sail rashly.

"Really?" Lu Fei was slightly puzzled, and then continued indifferently: "It doesn't matter, we won't go to the windless belt anyway."


Robin and Brooke were stunned for a moment.

From the great route to the East China Sea, there is only one way to go through the windless belt.

But looking at Luffy's appearance, could it be that he has some magical means?
"Okay, okay, get on board! We're going!"

Luffy didn't explain anymore, he just urged the two with a smile.

Although still confused, the two boarded the ship obediently.

"Then! Uncle Kulocas, we're leaving!" Luffy waved his hand and shouted loudly to Kulocas who was still shocked by the sudden disappearance in Rab.

"Huh? Oh!. Goodbye"

Kulocas waved his hand blankly and replied.

Luffy jumped into the sea with a plop.

After a while, the sea water near the coast gradually boiled, hot bubbles appeared, and wisps of steam visible to the naked eye slowly rose.

Robin and Brooke stared at each other with wide-eyed eyes, as if they were asking "Are you thinking the same as me?" Then they nodded in unison, their eyes filled with incredulous expressions.

The ship shook suddenly, and Robin and Brook hurriedly grabbed a corner of the hull and firmly fixed themselves on the ship.

The entire huge ship miraculously floated up.

Luffy grabbed the ship with one hand, pinpointed the center point with the other, and sprayed mighty and mighty flames below him, scalding the surrounding air with hot energy.

Kulocas took off his eyes, wiped his shirt, put it on again, and murmured silently: "I'm really old, I've started to have hallucinations recently. Hehehe."

Luffy, who had already flown into the sky, could no longer hear his murmur, and shouted loudly to Kulocas, who was already a small dot below: "Goodbye! Uncle! I will come to see you again in a few years!"

After finishing speaking, the flame in Lu Fei's hand suddenly flickered again, bursting out with even greater energy.

Driven by the flames, the ship quickly flew towards the top of the red earth continent.

The Red Earth Continent, surrounded by Pirate World, has a tall mountain shape and is the most extensive land area in the world. There are a large number of "world nobles" Tianlong people living on it.

Ever since the adventurer Fisher Tiger climbed onto the Red Clay Continent with his bare hands, broke into the world government headquarters and made a big fuss in the holy land of Mariejoia, and liberated thousands of imprisoned slaves of different races, the world government began to realize The defense of the Red Earth Continent is weak, and the world's first army unit with land as the main theme has been established.

Although there were soldiers guarding the Red Earth Continent in the past, these soldiers were all classified as subordinates of the Navy.

Generally, they are near the fixed business roads established by the government, mainly to prevent some pirates or malicious people from attacking passing merchants, and collect some business taxes by the way.

After the Fisher Tiger incident, the government began to spend huge sums of money at all costs, recruiting a large number of laborers, and under the desperate processing and extra points, the entire Red Earth Continent was reinforced.

One army branch after another was quickly deployed in every corner of the Red Earth Continent.

The two headquarters of the army are set up on the left and right sides of Reversing Mountain, with the holy land of Mary Gioia as the center, and there is an army branch at a fixed distance.

The world government even ordered that the army troops be guarded day and night and strictly guarded.

The Army Branch manages the Red Earth Continent in batches to ensure that similar incidents will not happen again.

At this time, in the absence of a good candidate, the commander-in-chief of the army, who is temporarily serving as the field marshal, is Kong, a very strong old man with a broad chest, tawny skin, and white hair and beard in the shape of the word "mountain". , was sitting in the office at the end of Upside Down Mountain, listening to his cronies who had just attended the government-wide military meeting report on the content of the meeting.

"Reporting to the Marshal, the government's latest order pointed out: the entire army is required to comprehensively strengthen military training and preparations, thoroughly implement the government's thinking on strengthening the army, implement the most suitable military strategy under the current situation, and select the appropriate field marshal and army at the fastest speed. Candidates for generals can be dispatched from other armies when necessary.

At the same time, we must not forget our original intention and strictly guard every corner of the Red Earth Continent.”

"Okay, okay" Kong rubbed his temples, suddenly interrupted him, sighed, and said with some worry: "It's so easy for a strong man at the general level to appear, and Wu Laoxing doesn't know how to think about the actual situation." the situation?"

"Marshal, in my humble opinion, the government is likely to ask you to deploy some personnel from the navy in the name of the commander-in-chief of the entire army, so that"

"This is even more impossible! There are so many cunning villains in the sea, and the navy lacks high-end combat power, so how can it be deployed!" Kong directly interrupted him and said.

As a former admiral of the navy, Sora understands the pain of the navy very well.

"What's more, the army doesn't have that many enemies to defend at all, why is the government so anxious."


Sora's confidant was about to say something more, when a piercing siren sounded suddenly.

Kong frowned, stood up without saying a word, walked out of the office, and asked, "What happened?
Walk!Let's go and see! "

"Wow! It turns out that the Red Earth Continent is like this. I don't know what these troops are protecting?" Luffy murmured, looking at the base in front of him and the large number of soldiers in the base.

On the Red Earth Continent, most of the Tianlong people are concentrated in the Holy Land, Mariejoya, and most of the other places are desolate, but the government insists on using such a large force.

It seems that the Red Earth Continent is not as simple as imagined.
Luffy, holding the ship, slowly landed in front of the gate of a base, put the ship aside first, and prepared to take a rest.

From Luffy's departure in the Twin Straits to the current summit of the Red Earth Continent, although a total of three hours have passed.

But Luffy's spirit is still somewhat exhausted. He planned to take a rest on the red soil road to refresh his spirit, but unexpectedly, he happened to break into the government army's general base.

The gate of the base opened, and a group of well-trained soldiers ran out of the base, quickly surrounding Luffy and his ship.

From among the soldiers, a few figures slowly walked out, wearing a cloak of justice similar to the navy, but with a more calm breath, walking slowly towards Luffy.

One of them carried a terrifying aura that made the ship creak, and a cloud of dust was blown up on the ground under the turbulent aura.


"Mr. Luffy!"

Seeing this situation, Brook and Robin quickly jumped off the boat and quickly came to Luffy's side, confronting the army ahead.

"Don't worry about it." Lu Fei was very calm, and turned around to comfort the two partners.

"Who are you? How dare you trespass on the army headquarters?"

Sora walked over to Luffy and the others with an incomparable momentum.

In the world of pirates, Garp is not the only character who does not age with age.

Luffy's domineering look also came out in full force, confronting Sora's aura and making a loud noise, after that, there was no movement.

The two tacitly withdrew their momentum.

Luffy took a step forward, and said calmly: "The Seven Martial Sea Starry Sky Pirates apply to cross the Red Earth Continent and enter the East China Sea."

(End of this chapter)

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