Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 126 The Boots of Mercury (5000 Reward plus more)

Chapter 126 The Boots of Mercury (5000 Reward plus more)

Hancock was short in an instant, his figure was like a ghost, and his slender legs were walking silently on the ice. His whole body was like a giant python approaching its prey, exuding a dangerous aura. The lieutenant general rushed over quickly.

Above the sky, the majestic hot wind kept rushing towards Aokiji, which made him temporarily have no time to deal with other things.

Moria manipulated a black shadow to float behind Aokiji more spookily than Hancock. With a flash of black light, the shadow had sneaked into the shadows, ready to go, waiting for an opportunity.


Aokiji glanced lightly at the shadow under his feet, and then moved his gaze to the sky again, ignoring it.

Looking at the huge fireball that was still gathering and expanding, Aokiji said with a little surprise: "Young people nowadays are really getting better and better.
I don't know whether Lieutenant General He's decision is right or wrong."

As for Lieutenant General Crane's decision, who knows.
Faced with Luffy's condensed energy, Aokiji also became serious. The energy in his body was fully deployed, transformed into the power of frozen fruit, and he stretched out one hand, facing the huge fireball above the sky.

"Ice Age. Abyss. Devil!"

A terrifying power suddenly gushed out from Aokiji's body, calm, indifferent, indifferent, but extremely powerful.

the world is frozen
This time it was not as if, but really frozen.

The blazing fire above constantly burns the oxygen of the sky.

The extreme cold and low temperature below continued to liquefy and solidify the air above the ground.

All of a sudden, there was no air for people to breathe in the entire sea area.

The gas around the battlefield, in order to maintain balance, began to rush here frantically.

In the sky, a strong wind pressure was formed, so that the creatures in this world did not dare to breathe loudly.

On Amazon. Lily Island, the strong wind blew up, and the streets in the kingdom were completely impossible for people to live normally. Every household closed their doors tightly, and they could only pray in the house while listening to the howling hurricane outside that shook the house. The house is strong enough.

Fortunately, Luffy and the others didn't park the terrifying three-masted sailboat too close to the Amazon Lily, otherwise it's just the aftermath of this confrontation, and I don't know how many lives would have died here in vain.

The powerful national defenders of the Nine Snakes ran to the city wall despite the strong wind pressure.

All stared dumbfounded at the sea beyond the island.

"Then what is that?!"

At this moment, a group of warriors who defended the country with good fighting power suddenly felt so insignificant and so weak in the face of a power that seemed to be like a god and demon.

On the sea area far away from Amazon Lily Island, one side turned into scorching heat waves, fireballs hung high in the sky, and the flames wrapped around a certain point as the center, circling continuously, just like the god of the sun came down to the mortal world.

The other side is covered with frost and cold air, and countless ice cones protrude from the ground. The ice cones spiral upwards, condense together in the air, and turn into a giant palm, reaching out to the fiery fireball in the sky, like a falling into the sky. The demon of the abyss asks the world for the last ray of light.

The sun god descended from the sky, trying to eliminate the demons on the ground together with the abyss.

Not to be outdone, the devil stretched its desperate claws towards the sun, trying to pull it into the abyss together.

Accompanied by energy collision fluctuations like turbulent waves, blazing fire and unparalleled frost raged everywhere in the sky. The weather outside the battlefield melted quickly like ice and snow meeting the summer sun, but the weather inside the battlefield was like flowing water. The once-in-a-century cold snap froze instantly.

"It's now!"

Luffy suddenly yelled, and suddenly gave up control of the soft flame in the sky, and his whole body was like a sharp arrow that opened the bow, shooting straight to the side.

The soft flame that lost Luffy's control was like a bonfire without fuel, and it went out in the sky in a blink of an eye.


Even Aokiji didn't expect that Luffy could control his power so freely.

Aokiji, who was still controlling the frost breath, couldn't dissipate the activated ability instantly. Under the inertia of power, the giant hand of the frost demon was still attacking forward.

At this time, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared beside Aokiji.

Hancock, a gentle lady, with his gentle physique, sharp eyes, and decisive intuition, caught the moment when Aokiji was absent-minded. Like lightning, he passed through the air, and kicked him hard with a heavy kick. Aokiji's shoulders.

But Aokiji had expected it a long time ago. He was fully informed, and as if he could predict the future, he elementalized the body Hancock attacked in advance.

It was as if Hancock kicked into a thin layer of ice, through Aokiji's body, he kicked directly to the ice layer below like a bamboo.

The ice layer collapsed instantly and spread in all directions.

Even after being frozen by Aokiji and solidified by Brooke.

After receiving an attack from Hancock that was enough to kick a small island, the glacier under his feet couldn't hold on any longer. It instantly turned into countless tiny ice crystals and fell into the deep sea, making it impossible for anyone to set foot on.

However, the defeat of the Empress does not mean the end of the attack.

Moria, who was not used to hand-to-hand combat, suddenly rushed forward, with a layer of jet-black domineering aura attached to his huge fist.

With a fat body like a little giant, his running speed was exceptionally fast. In the blink of an eye, the heavy punch had come to Aokiji's body.

Aokiji, whose body has gradually recovered from elementalization, has not had time to step on the shattered ice crystals, seeing the heavy punch coming in front of him, and hastily attached a layer of armed domineering darker than Moriah to the outer layer of his body, At the same time, the ice energy that rapidly stimulated physical energy formed an absolute zero protective shield in front of him to defend against Moriah's attack.

Everything happened too suddenly, obviously without any plan, but they controlled the rhythm of the attack tacitly.

Moriah's fist was too huge, and Aokiji couldn't dodge it at all, so it was very likely that he would be thrown into the sea by this punch.

So this is the only defense Aokiji has made so far.

However, seeing this, Moriah suddenly grinned at the corner of his mouth, revealing a genuinely smug smile.

"Shadow Warrior!"

A black and purple figure suddenly appeared beside Aokiji, which was Moriah's shadow clone.

The slight difference is that the shadow clone at this time is holding a big fist full of armed colors.

The heavy punch hit Aokiji's body from the side, and a series of quick combos really caught him off guard, but Moriah's fist had no effect at all except for knocking him into the air.

However, that alone is enough.

On the flight track of Aokiji, Luffy is forming a triangle with his hands, putting it in front of his chest, waiting for him.

Aokiji's complexion suddenly changed, no longer the lazy look just now.

Because the orange-red light gathered by Luffy's hands actually made him feel the aura of danger, and his knowledge and knowledge are constantly transmitting dangerous signals.

"Flame! Explosion! Bomb!"

Lu Fei uttered three inconspicuous words from his mouth clearly word by word, but the energy in his hands never stopped gathering, and the dazzling light slowly turned into a ball of light the size of a marble.

This is the light ball that Luffy consumes the most limited spiritual force at present, and gathers the light ball. The energy contained in it even exceeds the power of the explosion with Moria who used the shadow gathering place!
Aokiji realized that something was wrong, and instantly compressed the freezing ability he could control to the strongest at the same time as quickly as possible.

"Ice Age. Hockey!"

A sphere taller than a person instantly appeared on Luffy's body, wrapping Luffy in it, and Aokiji heaved a sigh of relief.

You know, the energy released this time is enough for Aokiji to kill either Moriah or Hancock.

He will never understand that there is an unconventional system in this world, and an unconventional piece of equipment has appeared.

The dark green boots under Luffy's feet seemed to emit some light.

Immune to 20.00% five-element damage!
Control skill effect reduced by 50.00%!
Aokiji's move is satisfied with all the special effects of the Mercury Boots. The damage and control that really fell on Luffy's body were rewritten by mysterious rules, and the reduction was less than a quarter of what it was before in an instant.

Although it is still powerful, it will not affect Luffy.

Click click
The ice puck began to shatter at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Aokiji was still in the orbit of being hit to Luffy.

 Thank you Dawang Qian for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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