Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 110 Life Potion (Please recommend! It will be available tomorrow, it should be...)

Chapter 110 Life Potion (Please recommend! It will be available tomorrow, it should be)

Glancing at the empress lightly, Luffy ignored her, ignored her again, and walked straight to Moria who was unconscious in the wreckage.

Luffy's reaction made the empress even more irritable.

But she also needs time to replenish her strength now, so she didn't provoke Luffy anymore.

"Master Moria?! Lord Moria!!!."

Beside Moria, Perona kept yelling loudly with a crying voice, but she was only a soul body, she couldn't shed tears at all, she could only open her mouth wide, and kept twitching, with an unspeakable weird expression .

Luffy calmly walked to Moria's side, passed directly through the spirit body of Perona, and slowly squatted down.

He was not too anxious because he knew that Moria was still alive.

Not only because of his knowledge and knowledge can perceive Moria's heartbeat.

It was because he discovered that the Empress was deliberately throwing Moria in the direction of Shouhe.

As for whether it is to let Moriah have a good buffer opportunity to survive, or to kill Shukaku and prevent it from attacking the Nine Snake Pirates, Luffy does not know.

Consciousness is connected in the void, and after a while, a bottle of red potion is in Luffy's hand out of thin air. This is a magical potion that Luffy bought in the mall system just now, which can restore vitality.

[Small life potion]: It can restore the vitality of 1000 points of life, all creatures can use it, the price is 10000 gold coins.

Yes, you read that right, it is [-] gold coins.

Such an expensive price can only restore a thousand points of health, which is about one-twentieth of Moria's total health, which may not be enough.

But it is absolutely fine to hang Moria's life.

In fact, Luffy felt that even if he didn't use the life potion, there would be nothing wrong with Moria.

But Moria is indeed worthy of Luffy's blood. After all, Moria is a bank that can not be responsible for Luffy, unlimited loans, and no repayment of principal and interest. How can there be such a good thing?!

The money spent today will be multiplied and earned back dozens of times in the future.

After feeding a bottle of life potion into Moria's mouth, Moria's injuries recovered little by little immediately, and her sunken belly gradually bulged up.

"Eh, I seem to have made Moriah's stomach bigger."

Luffy made a joke in his heart.

Seeing the miraculous recovery of Moria's injury, Perona stopped crying and kept staring at Luffy, who was possessed by Moria, her eyes widened, as if seeing something incredible.

Seeing that Moriah was still in a coma, Lu Fei rolled his eyeballs, and Wei Wei thought about it in his mind.

After a while, the consciousness quickly connected points in the void, and bought nine bottles of life potion again.

Save people to the end, send Buddha to the west.

I don't do anything, anyway, I don't need gold coins in a hurry now, so I just exchange some gold coins for some Moriah's favorability.

Perona was watching from the side, her face was almost on Luffy's face, it was impossible not to tell him what Luffy did for Moria today, it was more or less some compensation for forcing him to do things before.

In the world of pirates, most people's thoughts are very simple.

Evil is evil, and good is good. People say that if you treat me well, I will treat you well, so Luffy is not afraid that Moria will not accept this favor.

The red potion was like magic, bottle after bottle appeared in Luffy's hands, and bottle after bottle was fed into Moriah's mouth by Luffy.

In fact, in the system mall, there is more than one medicine for restoring health, but if you want to use it on Moria, you have to pay a higher price to buy this life medicine.

And for Luffy, if he needs to restore his health, he can buy another item in the mall.

[Small Life Pill]: Restores the vitality of 1000 points of health. It is only effective for the host and the host partners and pets recognized by the system. The price is 1000 gold coins.

[Medium Life Pill]: Restores the vitality of 10000 points of health, only valid for hosts and system-approved host partners and pets, price: 10000 gold coins.

Of course, there are also large life pills and corresponding life potions, but the price is more expensive, and Luffy has little chance to use them.

When he really has [-] health points, there should not be many people in this world who would dare to provoke him.

The price of the life pill is relatively low, almost [-] gold coins is Luffy's current life, and it can be controlled by the mind and used in the backpack at any time.

It can be said that it is one of the reasons why Luffy has the courage to run around.

Otherwise, with Luffy's current health, if he is not careful and gets a full blow from ten Qiwuhai-level powerhouses in an instant, it will probably return to zero.

This is also the reason why Luffy always likes to explode and has been pursuing quick battles. After all, his strength is only the attack power brought by [X Gloves], and other aspects are far from enough.

Nine bottles of life potion entered Moria's body one after another, and a full [-] points of life energy surged overflowing in Moria's body.

The injured belly became bulging like before, the crooked corners miraculously became straight and shiny again, the shattered fangs began to grow new roots, and the broken bones were unreasonably piece by piece. The ground is connected, as if the time is reversed, the crack disappears.

Except for some folds, holes, and dusty clothes, Moriah's appearance has completely returned to what it was before the battle.

"Master Luffy?"

Perona on the side stared dumbfounded at Moria's recovery from dying to what she is today, and asked Luffy in disbelief.

The used potion bottle gradually disappeared in Luffy's hands as if dissolving in the air.

Standing up, she just smiled lightly at Perona without saying anything.

Soon, Moria regained consciousness. After feeling the injuries on her body, she looked at the white clouds in the sky and asked Perona with some wonder: "Perona, how long have I been in a coma?"

In his consciousness, the last memory is the all-out blow that the Empress launched on him, bombarding him like a landslide and tsunami, making him realize that he has lost.

It must have been a long time since I woke up again.
"Ah?" Perona was a little surprised by Moria's question, but she quickly replied: "Master Moria, you are unconscious. About 5 minutes."

"???" Moria looked at Perona with question marks all over her face, and felt the injury again.

That's right. The place where it was attacked still hurts. Could it be that the woman is just loud?
No. The pain of being hit is real
"Okay! Moria, you should be able to stand up?"

A voice interrupted Moria's thoughts, and Luffy said as he walked towards the empress.

 Thanks to book friends 2019030822016610 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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