Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 103 Keeping the Crane (Recommendation ticket plus update!)

Chapter 103 Keeping the Crane (Recommendation ticket plus update!)
"Molia! Call someone for help!"

As soon as Luffy came ashore, he saw Moria rushing to the beach led by the bat zombie, and he waved and shouted at him.

As Luffy drenched the sea and got closer and closer to the coast, Moriah's eyes couldn't help but shone like lanterns, and greed kept swirling in his eyes.

I saw Luffy holding the head of a huge sea king with one hand, approaching step by step, and the body of the sea king came out of the water little by little.

Moria can imagine the general size of this sea king just from its huge head, which is not comparable to the previous simple and ordinary sea king.

"Hey!!! Moria!!! Call Hobak!!! I seem to be careless, too much force, it is about to die!!!"

God is pitiful. At that time, Luffy just saw that the sea king was so huge, and felt that the strength must not be weak. In addition, it was about to run into the deep sea at that time.

Luffy didn't think much about it, so he used a little more strength.

Really just a trace!
The mental consumption this time was not half that of the fight with Moriah.

Who knew that this Neptune was so invulnerable to fever, it caught fire at one point, and was tormented by Gang Zhiyan in the deep sea for a full minute before passing out because of the pain.

When Luffy found it, his eyes were white and his skin was scorched black. Even in the deep sea, Luffy could faintly smell the smell of grilled fish.

If it weren't for the sound of experience gain from the system, Luffy would really think it was dead
Hearing Luffy's shout, Moriah realized that the black surface of the sea king was not his own color, but the burnt color after being burned.

Inexplicably, he actually felt a sense of sympathy for fate, and took a sympathetic glance at the sea kings who were dragged a little by Luffy to the coast, and then hurriedly ran towards the castle with two short legs.

Just kidding, he doesn't want to lose such a good shadow material.

Soon, all the idle zombies on the island came over, and those with hands held hands, and those without hands helped, and together they lifted the sea kings up.

Hogubak was also a little helpless when facing the sea kings who were more than 500 meters away. Finally, after Luffy's explanation, he came to a conclusion through guesswork-severe burns.

But with such a big body, Hogubak definitely can't heal it bit by bit.

Only some minor operations were performed on the head of the sea kings, and some scalding potions were applied. This alone was enough to keep Hobak busy until night fell.


After eating, Luffy, who had been waiting here for Hobak to finish his work, yawned.

Seeing Hobak get down from the body of the Neptune, Luffy hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Is it like this? Can it still be alive?"

Luffy felt that if this sea king could not survive, it would be better to let him have a good time.

If after a long time, the system does not judge his experience, then it will not be beautiful at all!

Huoba Ke nodded slightly wearily, and replied weakly: "There should be no problem.

I just took a look at the musculature under his skin and found that the internal burn was not serious, it seemed that the fat was burned away, so there was no great worry about his life. "

Luffy heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, nodded, and when he heard that the sea kings were not in danger, he became a little happy and said: "Really? That's good, I said why I lost so much weight, it turned out to be fat burning Lost weight."

"There is a problem. Luffy." Moria on the side suddenly said: "There are no idle corpses on the island, and the next island is still a few days away.

If, in the meantime, it comes to life."

Moria looked at the giant Neptune from the beginning to the end. It seemed that there were not many places on this island, enough for it to toss around.

Luffy frowned. He didn't think about this problem before. Think about it first. It's really not easy to solve. Should we purify a zombie first? After all, it is impossible to give up such a good shadow.

"Master Moriah, Lord Luffy!"

Hobak, who was about to leave, suddenly stopped, his eyes flashed, he regained his energy, and said mysteriously to Luffy and Moria: "The two adults seem to have forgotten something."

"Huh?" Luffy and Moria Qiqi looked at Hobak, wondering what he was trying to trick.

"Master Lu Fei also forgot, did you design the zombie yourself?" Hobak put his hands on his chest, rubbing them constantly, a wicked smile appeared on his weird face.

"Ah!?" Luffy suddenly realized, but still said with a little doubt: "You mean the tailed beast! But didn't you say that it was difficult to complete, and the plan was forced to suspend?"

"Hiss, hiss, hiss." Hobak let out a proud laugh, and then continued: "Master Luffy, it is really difficult to create a monster with a height of more than 1000 meters by connecting muscle cells, but the last time my lord caught Catching a huge sea king in the shape of a beaver cat gave me great inspiration.

Its head is very in line with the image you mentioned, my lord. I was thinking that if I cut off its head and put it on the body of the tailed beast we designed, wouldn't it save a lot of effort.

After several days of research, on a whim, I designed an osmotic membrane tissue.

This tissue can effectively prevent the material exchange of salt between various tissues, and also has similar characteristics to muscle tissue.

I made the internal organs wall from the spliced ​​land beast muscles, extending all the way to the throat, to ensure that the interstitial fluid of the beaver cat’s head will not have salt content flowing into the internal organs, and use osmotic membrane tissue to isolate the flesh of sea kings from the outside. The endoskeleton of the Tailed Beast is made of alloy and animal bone.

Finally, after a month of hard work, I finally completed the tail beast described by Mr. Luffy! "

Hogubak reported his achievements over the past month to Luffy and Moria in the most concise way he thought.

While explaining, his eyes kept shining, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

Just like a scientist who has just researched the discovery of Genesis, giving a detailed report at an international conference, the coexistence of excitement and satisfaction, at this moment, he is so happy.

Although neither Moria nor Luffy could understand Hobuck's mood at the moment, it did not prevent them from understanding Hobub's speech.

After the two recollected Hobak's speech for a while, a smile that approached madness gradually appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Moria knew very well what Hobak's success meant!
It means that there are countless huge zombies about to be born under his hands.

On his behalf, Moonlight Moriah, will soon have a legion of terrifying zombie soldiers.

Luffy is also very clear that the success of Hogbak means that in the future, zombies can be made through Neptune, so that the problem of the number of corpses will be greatly reduced, that is to say, experience activities will return soon.

"Hahahaha! Good! It's not too late! Let's start witnessing Hogubak's great works right away!" Luffy couldn't help but wanted to witness Hogubak's research results, and said hastily.

"No, no, no! That's your work, Luffy-sama, 咈咈咈咈咈咈!"

"Hehehehe, let us see together, the strongest man and the smartest man, create monsters together!"

The three of them boasted to each other about business, and then walked into the center of the castle with their own laughter.

Time passed quietly.

Early the next morning, a gigantic ship docked in the harbor of the dreaded barque.

A pair of delicate and slender legs set foot on the shore of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship. Her skin was like creamy fat, rosy in the inside, gentle as jade, and crystal clear.

Suddenly, the owner of the other pair of thick legs said: "Sister Huang, it seems that this is where the fire broke out yesterday."

 Thanks to Ying, Qiu Yeyan, and book friends 20190308222016610 for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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