Pirate's All Staff System

Chapter 100 Zombie

Chapter 100 Zombie
"This is the Neptune of today."

In the warehouse in the basement of the castle, there is a huge pool. A sea king is half placed in the air and half controlled under the water.

"This one doesn't seem to be as big as yesterday's one." Luffy walked up, looked it up and down, and said a little unhappy.

In the world of Neptunes, the bigger they are, the stronger they are.

"Hee hee hee hee hee."

Moriah laughed strangely and didn't speak. This level of shadow already made him very satisfied.

Slowly taking out a pair of huge scissors from behind, Moria began to fiddle with it "click, click, click".

At this time, Dr. Hobak brought a few zombies and pushed a large operating table to Moria and Luffy and said, "Master Moria, the body is ready."

"Oh, is it about to start?" Luffy looked at the corpse of the bull-shaped beast numbered 666 on the operating table, and took a step back.

The next thing is Moria, he just needs to watch quietly.

Moria nodded and gestured towards the distance, and said, "Let's start."

"Kala kala kala kala."

Four thick chains moved around the four corners of the pool, lifting the sea kings out of the pool little by little.

The sudden change frightened the sea kings into another struggle.

The iron chain shaking sound of "Kala Kala" sounded in the closed warehouse, and the reverberation echoed around, forming an extremely loud noise in Luffy's ears.

But this kind of small scene has no effect on Luffy at all.


A spotlight was set up from behind the sea kings, stretching the shadows of the sea kings very long and thin, all the way to Moriah's feet.

"Hee hee hee hee"

Moria smiled and put his hand on the shadow on the ground, and the shadow fruit ability was activated instantly.

The huge sea king's shadow was like a piece of paper, torn off the ground by Moria, and connected to the sea king's body, tens of meters long.

"Hehehehe." Moria kept grinning strangely, waving the scissors, and clicked on the shadow of the Neptune.

Simply and neatly, never leaving behind any roots.

The sea kings who lost their shadows immediately fell into a coma and collapsed on the iron chains as if they were under a mental attack.

The warehouse also fell silent.

However, the black Neptune's shadow began to struggle silently in Moriah's hands.

The shadow is obviously many times bigger than Moria, but it is held tightly by a corner of Moria, and it cannot escape its claws no matter what.

The coolie zombie on the side quickly pushed the prepared corpse to Moria's side.

Moria smiled ferociously, showing a row of fangs. The devilish image remained, and he said to the struggling Neptune figure in his hand, "Be quiet! From now on, I will be your new master!"

As Moria's voice fell, the shadow slowly became quiet and gave up struggling.

Moria continued to laugh and said: "Now, you will be reborn as a zombie. I will give you a voice and a body, but you must forget everything in the past, all habits, and become a soldier who absolutely obeys me!"

The shadow of the Neptune kind seemed to understand, and nodded slightly.

"Hehehe... Then, the contract is established.

Wake up!my soldiers! "

Moria picked up the huge shadow and pushed it into the prepared zombie little by little, until the shadow was completely swallowed by the body.

The entire warehouse was silent for about ten seconds, and everyone waited quietly.

The zombie lying on the operating table suddenly opened his eyes, and ran straight towards the pool regardless of the surrounding environment.

"Hey! If you fall in, it will be a waste of work!" Luffy murmured with a chuckle.

In an instant, the figure flickered, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the giant bull, grabbed the sharp horns of the giant bull, and bent back softly.

The Giant Cow Zombie suddenly vacated on all fours, and the whole body was lifted into the air by Luffy.


The zombie fell to the ground, smashing a huge hole in the ground, causing bursts of dust and mist, and the entire castle seemed to shake.

The giant bull zombie's entire body was still struggling on the ground.

Luffy turned around and pressed the zombie's head with both hands, making it unable to stand up anyway.

"Cut! If it weren't for the lack of corpses, I would have killed you now!" Luffy said a little unhappyly as the dust from the shaking stained his clothes.

Two months ago, Luffy had experimented once, sending salt into the zombie's mouth to force out the inner shadow, but there was no experience to remind him.

Some confused Luffy later conducted many experiments.

In the end, he came to a conclusion that in order to gain experience from zombies, the corpse must be completely destroyed, so that the shadow can leave the corpse with nowhere to stay.

Only in this way will they be recognized by the system and receive corresponding rewards.

But in this way, the leveling plan is obviously not as good as imagined, but at least it is several times better than before, which is still acceptable.

It's just that every time he passes by an island, Luffy will sneak into it, kill all the large creatures on the island, and then transport the body back.

In this way, the voyage time was delayed a lot.

In the end, there was no way, Luffy decided to go to the windless belt first.

Because there are many islands and wild beasts there, and the weather is not as changeable as the great route, the navigation will be more convenient.

As long as the power problem is solved, the upgrade speed will naturally increase.

After 5 minutes, the giant bull zombie under Luffy gradually stopped struggling, and Luffy slowly let go of his hand.

The zombie stood up staggeringly, and staggered to Moria step by step.

With a plop, he fell to his knees, and the recovery of the zombies was considered complete.

Luffy shook his arm, as if he had used a lot of strength just now, he pretended to walk to the side of the sea king, and shouted loudly: "Okay! Transport it to the sea before it wakes up!"

"Yes! Lord Luffy!"

Under Luffy's order, dozens of zombies immediately acted, put down the iron chain, and set up pulleys under the sea kings, pushing the sea kings all the way to the cliff on the coast.

"Let's go, let's go back." Luffy turned his head and said to Moriah, and then walked out of the warehouse.

Moria looked down at the zombie who was still kneeling there and said, "Go and find your own place first!"

And then walked out of the warehouse.

In order to facilitate management, Robin divided the island in detail, which are generally the residences and castles where Luffy and Moriah lived, the warehouse where corpses and shadow materials are stored, the control center of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and the tomb of zombies. garden.

The cemetery itself is the open space around the island, a very huge open space that surrounds the island and surrounds all the above areas.

Each zombie will have a separate residence according to its size.

Then put the signboard representing their identity on the border, so that the zombies can arrange their own location, saving more management space.

Then by number, the job of each zombie is subdivided. Compared with the previous bunch of zombies crowded in the cemetery and hidden in the forest, the utilization rate of zombies has increased.

No matter how weak a zombie is, it has to go to work, there is no humanity at all.

Ju Niu stood up, followed Moria and left the warehouse, and ran to find his place of residence.

After walking out of the castle, Luffy strode ahead with his arms crossed behind his head.

As if he suddenly remembered something, he turned around and said, "By the way, Hobak, how is the Tailed Beast Project going?"

(End of this chapter)

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