Chapter 10
"Huh? Do you want to join my pirates?" Shanks looked at Luffy in surprise.

With his ability to read people, he never thought that Luffy would choose to be inferior to others, so he didn't think too much about it.

Hearing what Luffy said now, Shanks is of course very happy, even though Luffy is still young, but now he is already so extraordinary, he will definitely be an amazing person when he grows up, not to mention that Shanks is also a person who has seen the world , Never judge a person's strength or not based on his height and age.

"How is it possible!" Luffy refused of course.

"I just want to take a ride with the wind, go to the sea to test myself, just find a place to put me down." Of course, Luffy must not tell Shanks what he really thinks.

"Okay, then there's no need to delay, we'll set off tomorrow." Shanks agreed to Luffy's request, holding up his glass.

"it is good!"

Although the time is a bit rushed, I have come here in such a hurry these years, and I am used to this kind of travel.

Luffy said to Makino at the corner of the tavern, "Sister Makino, I'll go out with them for a while tomorrow."

Makino froze for a moment, raised his hands slightly, then slowly put them down as if thinking of something.

"Well, be careful." A warm smile bloomed on Makino's face again.

"Today is a good day, brothers, let the party begin!"

Shanks stood up, put his arms around Luffy's neck and laughed, as if he had finally found a reason to have a party.

"Put me down, my neck!" Luffy, who was uncomfortable being caught, once again strengthened his determination to buy the "rapid growth capsule" as soon as possible.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha."

In the tavern, ear-splitting laughter sounded again, wave after wave, until the night.

After a night of carnival, the tavern was in a mess.

In the early morning, the sun shines slightly through the horizon, casting a radiance.

Luffy got up early, ready to clean up the messy tavern.

Last night, for the first time, Luffy saw the life of a pirate who was really licking blood on the knife edge. Fortunately, Luffy let Makino go back to rest early.

Otherwise, Makino will see a drunk pirate doing a striptease.

Thinking about it, Luffy felt a chill and got goosebumps all over his body.

When he came to the front hall of the tavern, Luffy saw that Makino was already cleaning up gently, and there were many fallen wine barrels and wine bottles on the ground.

"Let me help you, Sister Makino." Luffy stepped forward and began to help with some exhausting work.

"Luffy." Makino looked at the busy Luffy and suddenly called out in a low voice.

Before Makino could say the following, Luffy said while working: "I'm sorry, Sister Makino, I may be leaving here, and I made you worry."

Makino shook her head slowly after hearing this, her smile made those tear-filled eyes even more beautiful.

"I know, I've known from the beginning, Luffy is strong and powerful."

After Makino finished speaking with a smile, he began to clean up wholeheartedly. Luffy didn't say anything, and the two of them silently restored the tavern to clean.

At noon, by the small port of Windmill Town, six-year-old Luffy boarded the Red Foss ship of the Red Hair Pirates after being sent off by a group of villagers.

Standing at the stern of the Red Forth, the six-year-old Luffy looked at the smaller and smaller Windmill Town, as if he could still see Makino saying goodbye to him in tears.

"I'll be back." Luffy turned around silently, just in time to see Shanks approaching.

"Luffy, are you nervous about going out to sea for the first time?" Shanks slowly took off his straw hat and said to Luffy.

"Nervous, a little bit." Lu Fei held the rail of the boat tightly with his small hands, and supported himself on it, his eyes were shining with stars, except for excitement, he didn't look nervous at all.

Shanks looked at the excited Luffy, then looked at the straw hat in his hand, and said slowly, "Luffy, this hat was given to me by someone who is very important to me."

Luffy looked at the hat in Shanks' hands and said slowly, "Then it must be very important to you?"

"Yeah. It's very important. It has his will on it. Just wear this hat."

"With the will of others, it will be difficult to surpass him." Luffy suddenly interrupted Shanks.

Shanks' hands trembled suddenly, as if stung by Luffy's words, after a long time, he put the straw hat back on his head tremblingly, without saying anything.

Looking at the endless sea in front of him, Luffy suddenly supported himself, sat on the railing of the boat, kicked his little feet and said, "Grandpa always wants me to be a navy, but I don't want to be influenced by other people's will to do something, After finally coming to such an interesting world, I want to live for myself and do what I like!"

"That's right." Shanks and Luffy looked at the same sea and said slowly, "That's really a great dream!"

Luffy doesn't want to make too many changes, but he won't do anything in order not to disturb the plot. As he said, it's rare to travel to the world of pirates, and he also brings a character that is not too big at present. With the golden finger, Luffy wants to live his life well according to his own ideas.

If possible, he would also like to give it a try. In this world, is there a way to go home?

"What a powerful kid." Shanks looked at Luffy with firm eyes, thinking silently in his heart.

Seeing Shanks looking at himself with the eyes of a child, Luffy couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

In fact, most of the time Luffy doesn't want to do that.

But there is no way, who told his system to be such a pit.

I only hope that some powerful functions can be brought to him in the future, otherwise he will really be a dwarf killer without emotion in the world of pirates.
"Since you think so, I don't know if you have any clear goals.

I will start working hard after sending you. "As if stimulated by Luffy's words, Shanks said to Luffy.

"If possible, just put me in Rogge Town. By the way, can you help me find out where Cocosia Village and Frost Moon Village are in the East China Sea?"

"Okay, let me inquire about it for you."

In the past few years that Luffy traveled through, in order not to forget the original story, he recalled the plot of One Piece every day whenever he had time, especially some tragic things, which Luffy did not forget at all.

Taking Shanks' ship was also thought of a little earlier, but I didn't expect to set off so soon, a year earlier than the original plan.

This has also caused Luffy to be too weak now. If you look at it in terms of strength, Luffy's current strength is about the same as that of the pirates who offer a reward of about 500 million.

Of course, this may be a lot for a child who is just six years old.

Luffy has to do a lot of things, such a little power is not enough at all.

Kuina and Bermel in the original book are important relatives of Sauron and Nami. If possible, Luffy wants to prevent their deaths, although this will cause unknown changes in the plot.

But Luffy really doesn't want to see the two future partners sad, but he doesn't know the exact time when these two things happened, so Luffy plans to take a look one by one, whether it can prevent the tragedy from happening, or It is not possible to do nothing.

In this way, Luffy planned his future journey on the Red Forth, walked slowly to the bow, looked at the magnificent sea, and involuntarily raised the corners of his mouth.

"The world of One Piece, I, Monkey D. Luffy, come!"

(End of this chapter)

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