Duanmu Baiyun of Konoha

Chapter 98 The Poisonous Kunai

Chapter 98 The Poisonous Kunai

Two squadrons rushed between the river valleys of the country of Kawa.

In such a troop configuration, Duanmu was not needed for reconnaissance at all, and two ninjas from the Hyuga clan took turns to undertake the reconnaissance task.

What a luxury, there are actually two ninjas from the Hyuga clan in Asma's escort team.

Even Minato Jonin's direct unit brought a ninja from the Hyuga clan only after Nara Shikahisa joined.

Sarutobi and Shu are of a higher level than Captain Miyake, one is Jonin and the other is Special Jnin.Therefore, vaguely, this intelligence force is headed by Sarutobi and Shuki.

Sarutobi Kazuki's squadron was in front, and Miyake's squadron was behind.

It's also very good. The Duanmu team follows at the end of the team and can observe the situation of the whole team.

The two squadrons were moving very fast, and Duanmu could tell that the chubby Nara Zuoji's footsteps were obviously frivolous, and there was some shaking in every step.

It seems that the injury has not healed quickly, but the footsteps have been vain for so long, and they can still keep up with the troops that are advancing rapidly. I don't know how much of this vainness is true.

The more Duanmu thought about it, the more he felt that Nara Zuoer was trying to lure Duanmu to make a move on him.

Nara Zuoer is very smart, indeed, Duanmu's allure has been fully drawn, Duanmu couldn't help but wonder if there is a chance to trick Nara Zuoer again.

Inuzuka Natsuko would occasionally look back at Duanmu with disgust. Compared with the insidious Nara Zuoer, such a little girl with likes and dislikes written on her face is so innocent that people can't hate her.

Suddenly, Hinata Keiichi said to Sarutobi and Shu: "Captain Sarutobi, there is something wrong at the bottom of the valley ahead!"

"Go and see."

The two squadrons descended to the bottom of the valley, and under the precise vision of Keiichi Hinata, they quickly found the body of a squadron.

It was an intelligence team of Konoha, and three Konoha ninjas were killed at the bottom of the river valley.

There were kunai scattered on the ground, and the kunai were smeared with a purple venom coating.

Everyone searched the scene, and the scene was full of traces of fighting. If you observe the details carefully, you can still find the direction for Sand Shinobi to retreat.

After a brief inspection of the scene, Nara Sakuji said: "The blood on the scene is not limited to our intelligence ninjas, but also in other places, which proves that our intelligence ninjas have injured sand ninjas before they sacrificed. They are not many in number, and they cannot run away." Far."

Sarutobi Kazuki approved Nara Sakuji's judgment and said: "The situation is urgent, leave a small team to deal with the bodies of the sacrificed intelligence personnel, and the rest continue to chase."

As the team with the least reputation here, the Duanmu team silently took out the sealing scroll and prepared to deal with the scene.

Captain Miyake said to Duanmu: "Catch up as soon as possible, the vicinity is not safe."

Duanmu nodded and watched the others leave.

Pulling out the Kunai from the intelligence personnel on the ground, and simply sorting out the remains, the three put the Konoha intelligence team into three body bags, and Duanmu sealed the corpse.

After sealing, the three were ready to leave.

Duanmu wrapped a poisonous kunai in a white cloth, handed it to Jiu, and did not shy away from red.

Teku silently put away Kunai and put it in the special compartment of the ninja bag.

Duanmu said to Hong: "Hong, you know who we are guarding against. I didn't want you to know this, I wanted to protect your young heart from being polluted, but our safety is more important."

Hong is not a rookie just out of school anymore, she understands what Duanmu is worried about, and said firmly to her teammates: "I know, Duanmu. Last time without you coming to rescue us, Tehisa and I would be harassed by Nara." Er killed. I will protect your safety at critical moments."

After a brief acceleration, Duanmu had already seen the Konoha team in front.

After merging the large forces, the two squadrons continued on their way.

Heading towards the direction where Ninja Hawk was circling, they continued to run for about half an hour. The team hid at the bottom of a river valley, and Keiichi Hinata made a new discovery.

Hinata Katsura reported to Sarutobi and Shu: "We found the target, three kilometers ahead."

It seems that Keiichi Hinata, who is not yet an adult, has a reconnaissance range of three kilometers now?An adult and powerful Hyuga ninja can scout five kilometers.

Sarutobi and Shu asked: "What's the situation with the enemy now?"

"There are five squadrons in total. Ninja eagles frequently return to the sand ninja team, but no trace of the large troop has been found for the time being."

Sarutobi and Shu lowered their eyes: "It seems that we were really deceived by the sand ninja with the ninja eagle, and walked for half a day in vain. Fortunately, the left wing troops were aware of the problem before we set off."

Sarutobi and Shu looked at the sky at the top of the valley.

Duanmu followed Sarutobi and Shu's eyes to look at the sky, only to see a ninja hawk hovering in the sky above their heads with a very small radius.

This means that they have been exposed. Sand Shinobi must have realized that something is wrong when he saw Ninja Hawk hovering abnormally.

Hyuga Keiichi didn't notice the abnormality above his head, but stared at the direction of Sand Ninja through the cliff of the valley: "It's not good, Sand Ninja started to move. Two squadrons continued to flee, and three squadrons rushed to us. Come!"

Sarutobi Kazuki thought for a while: "Three squadrons? They can't fight head-on. The opponent can eliminate so many of our intelligence troops, so that Konoha's intelligence troops can't pass on the news to the large army, which proves that the sand ninja on the opposite side is very strong. .”

"There's no need to fight with them. We're just here to confirm the information. Our priority is to send information back to Master Minato first. Therefore, we need to send someone back to deliver the letter first. Captain Miyake, what's your opinion?"

Of course Miyake agreed: "I have no opinion, Captain Sarutobi, you can make the decision."

Sarutobi and Shu arranged the team: "Let the three rookie teams go first, and I will appoint Nara Zuoer as the temporary person in charge, and lead your team, Asma team and Duanmu team back to the main force first to deliver information."

"The rest of them, fight as they walk, if they don't fight, they can buy time for Nara Zuoer's team, do you understand?"

Duanmu thought to himself, is he so anxious about Asma's safety? His first reaction was to let Asma leave the battle.

"Roger that!"

After speaking, each team quickly retreated.

The three squads commanded by Nara Sakuji were in front, Sarutobi Kazuki and Captain Miyake were behind, and hurriedly withdrew in the direction of the main force.

According to the order, the Duanmu team followed Nara Zuoer's team.

Duanmu glanced at Shoujiu and Hong, reminding them to pay attention to safety.

The two nodded knowingly, and they both remembered the mission experience under the command of Nara Sakuji when they first entered the battlefield.

What an embarrassing memory.

(End of this chapter)

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