Chapter 59 Miyake is a Good Man
After Kakashi Squadron rushed back to the defense area of ​​the troops, Lin took Obito to find a high-level medical ninja.

Kakashi went to hand over the task.

Duanmu returned to his team near the tent.

Seeing Miyake, the captain of the No. [-] Squadron, sitting at the door of the tent, he walked over to chat with him.

Miyake is a 40-year-old special jonin. He has no surname, so he is called Miyake.

According to Miyake, when he was born, Konoha had just been established less than ten years ago. At that time, the village was relatively desolate and there were not many buildings.

He was born on a remote street, and his mother called him Miyake as soon as three houses were built on that street.

That's how it was called for many years.

Although he is just 40 years old, his dark face is full of wrinkles, like an old farmer, the vicissitudes of life are overflowing from the vertical and horizontal wrinkles, and there is also a kind of kindness that does not belong to his age.

Duanmu can feel kindness from his attitude, and Miyake likes to talk to young people, as if he is also young.

Duanmu also likes chatting with him the most. After becoming Minato Jonin's direct unit, Duanmu got acquainted with him the fastest.

Maybe it's because Duanmu's mental age is similar to Miyake's.

Miyake also likes Duanmu the most, because Duanmu can understand the nasty jokes that Miyake said, and he can also expand the plot for Miyake, which is really great.

The other brats are nothing but idiots in front of Duanmu.

If Duanmu was not too young, Miyake would definitely worship him as a brother.

Miyake said that his team was rescued once by the young Minato Jonin, and he took the initiative to join after he heard that Minato Jonin formed a direct unit.

In the newly established directly under the army, especially Jonin is still very scarce, and Minato Jonin gave Miyake the position of a squadron leader.

Both Miyake and Duanmu were fine, so they chatted at the entrance of the tent.

Duanmu has been asking about the general situation of Ninja War recently.Miyake continued to explain Duanmu.

Miyake has experienced the complete first and second Ninja World Wars, and told Duanmu what kind of war the Ninja World Wars are.

Ninja wars can generally be broken down into wars between ninja villages, and these villages fight back and forth.

In the Second Ninja World War, Konoha fought against the Four Great Powers one by one. Countless ninjas were killed and injured, and many heroes were born.

Konoha Sannin and Konoha White Fang all became famous in the Second Ninja World War.

The war between Ninja Village and Ninja Village is generally divided into three stages.

The first stage is intelligence warfare.

In a village-to-village war, the most important thing is intelligence.

Villages will send out their strongest reconnaissance troops to spy on each other's intelligence on enemy villages.Find the main force of the opponent and find out the number of troops of the opponent.

With Hyuga's white eyes, Konoha can make it within a few kilometers, and the enemy has nowhere to hide, and there is no possibility of hiding.

This time the left-wing force also applied for more than a dozen members of the Hyuga clan as the intelligence squadron of the force.

For a range of more than five kilometers, it is necessary to spy on intelligence from the roots of Master Danzo.

Therefore, on Konoha's side, Danzo-sama's roots and the Hyuga clan conducted the initial intelligence collection.

The sand ninja on the opposite side is slightly inferior to Konoha in terms of intelligence.

This is nothing surprising, all Ninja villages claim to be slightly inferior to Konoha in terms of intelligence.

In terms of intelligence and reconnaissance, every village is not as strong as Konoha.In order to make up for the gap in their own intelligence, each ninja village is doing their best.

Snakes have snake ways, rats have rat ways, sand ninja also has its own unique intelligence and reconnaissance mechanism.

At close range, sand ninjas have cultivated their own sensory ninjas. Although they are not as powerful as the Hyuga clan, they can still meet the requirements of war.In addition, Sand Ninja can also use puppets to collect intelligence, which is concealed and efficient.

For a long distance, Sand Ninja has cultivated a desert falcon as a psychic beast, which can see prey ten kilometers away.

Therefore, in large-scale ninja village wars, encounters are rarely encountered in the early stage, and each village will try its best to detect the enemy in advance.

The war in Ninja Village was in the early stage, and the information from both sides was almost transparent.

The second stage is offensive and defensive warfare.

After detecting the traces of the enemy, the offensive and defensive battle of the large forces began.

At this time, the assassination of a small group of troops is meaningless, because the troops carry the sentient ninjas of each village.

In the comics, every ninja war takes place in the form of a group army.

In a war of the level of Ninja World War, the stealth and assassination of a certain team is of little use.

At the end of last year, Danzo-sama's roots had detected the possible route of the Sand Ninja army, and Konoha found that Sand Yin was not going to make a fuss like last year.

Konoha rushed to set up the defense line just after the New Year this time. The reason is that the war with Sand Hidden has reached the stage of fighting with large corps.

Betting on the future of their respective Ninja Villages, they must decide whether to live or die in this war.

The offensive and defensive battle is also the stage in the war that most tests the absolute strength of Ninja Village.Only ninja villages with higher average ninja abilities and stronger logistics supply capabilities can win.

The third stage is the pursuit of annihilation.

When the frontal legion battle is over and Ninja Village proves with absolute strength who is the king of the battlefield, the cruelest stage begins.

The formation of the side that lost the offensive and defensive battle was disrupted, and the troops were wiped out as a whole. The disadvantaged side had to break up into pieces and disperse to preserve its strength.

The side that wins in the second stage will enter the third stage with higher morale and more surviving teams.

The dominant side is as imposing as a rainbow, so they will spread out their troops, beat the dogs in the water, chase down the defeated soldiers on the opposite side as much as possible, and eliminate the opposing teams one by one.

This stage is also the most ninja-like stage, where the two sides strangle each other in squadrons or squads.

Use all the means, sneak, assassinate, and flee away immediately if you succeed in one blow.

This stage is also the stage with the greatest casualties.

After listening to Miyake's narration, Duanmu roughly knew the course of the ninja war.

"Miyake, you are too powerful. Didn't you go through several rounds of these three stages in the first and second Ninja World Wars?"

"Five times, two ninja wars, I participated in five wars with other ninja villages. I was ten years old when the first ninja war was held. Like you, I also graduated from a ninja school and participated in the war as a ninja. "

"It's amazing, you can survive this, is there any trick?"

"There is no trick, Xiao Duanmu. First of all, keep maneuvering. If you can't keep maneuvering, don't stand when you can squat, and don't squat if you can lie on your stomach. Of course, don't hesitate to kill the enemy with one blow when you have the opportunity."

"It's really useful, I want to live through this war on my stomach hahaha."

"There is another one, away from the battle zone of advanced ninjas. In such a battlefield, we are no better than a fragile tree."

"But we are Minato-sama's direct subordinate ninjas, shouldn't we follow Minato-sama closely?"

"Just you? Can you keep up with Minato Jonin? Let's practice for another 20 years." Miyake smiled:

"We are directly under the troops. The first role is to carry out Minato-sama's orders without any discount, and set an example. The second role is to help Minato-sama deal with miscellaneous soldiers and reduce the unexpected situations that Minato-sama encounters in battle. High-level In the battle, we can't help Minato-sama much."

(End of this chapter)

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