Duanmu Baiyun of Konoha

Chapter 39 Secret is very important

Chapter 39 Secret is very important

The moonlight shone on everyone, and the nine people from Duanmu took the antidote and rushed to the tower in the central forest overnight in high spirits.

It is still very happy to defeat a group of ninjas in the Chunin exam.

The ninja's suppression of civilians is too strong, where there is oppression, there is resistance.

In school, because of the difference in foundation, ninjas are much ahead of civilians like Duanmu.After graduation, I finally saw the hope of catching up.

Everyone thought they would be number one, but in the tower, they saw two teams resting leisurely in the tower. Konoha was really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

One of the groups was actually the same as Duanmu and the others, a group of commoner ninjas, a combination of Duantong, Dieiwaxi and Yamashiro Aoba.Duanmu remembers that in the comics, the parallel feet and Diyiwaxi later became the fourth-generation bodyguards, and they were really powerful.

Tejiu and others greeted the team with familiar and parallel feet. After listening to their conversation, Duanmu knew the process of their completion.

The team first hid in the dark and overheard another team's conversation, and knew that medical ninja configuration was needed to understand the medicine.

Then tracked the team and determined that it was a soft persimmon team.

The parallel team also secretly helped this team to get rid of the other teams that came to harass them.

In the end, after the team successfully prepared the antidote, they rushed to grab the antidote and ran away.

Seeing that the three people who are similar to each other are not very eye-catching now, they are actually limp and witty. They are really cute and witty little devils.

The poor soft persimmon team became a real passerby once.

The other group made Duanmu unhappy, and Duanmu saw the pineapple head that gave him a headache again.

This year's only neat trio of Ikacho, Koji Nara, Yamanakasuke and Akimichi Taifu.

Although Nara Koji hid it very well, but Duanmu still saw that Nara Koji looked at the Duanmu three people a few more times.

Now 5 teams have completed the second round, which means that there are only three places left.

A medical ninja checked the bodies of the nine newcomers from Duanmu, and confirmed that the poison in the test had been removed.

Since it was already late at night, the examiner came to announce that those who arrived first could go to the lounge to rest.This is the benefit of completing the exam first, and you can have a good night's rest.

After a day of high-intensity fighting, Duanmu really needs a good rest.

At about noon the next day, the second round of the Chunin Exam ended, and all 8 completed teams had appeared.

There are not many surprises for the three new teams, namely the Uchiha Ri team, the Asma team and the Inuzuka Natsuko team.

The Uchiha power team saw that there was only one Uchiha team in the field, but did not find the Uchiha Inahide team. They were still in doubt, wondering why the Uchiha Inahide team, which was clearly not weak, failed the exam.

Uchiha Ri looked at the teams that arrived first, and guessed which team eliminated Uchiha Inahura and the others.When seeing Duanmu, Uchiha Ri became excited instantly, and the road to the enemy was narrow.

Isn't this the group of people with a lot of face?

Asma's team and Inuzuka Natsuko's team have pure hatred for Duanmu, and they always feel that Duanmu's team defeated them by dishonorable means.

Duanmu, who was resting comfortably, suddenly lost his good mood.

Coincidentally, the first reaction of the three new teams seeing Duanmu and the others was to gnash their teeth.

On the second-floor stand in the tower, many big figures appeared.The Third Hokage-sama came to the meeting place in person, followed by Hokage consultant Mitomon Yan and Tanju Koharu.

The third generation looked at the 8 teams off the field, 4 ninja teams, and 4 civilian teams, thinking that the performance of the ninja clan this year was average, so many civilians passed the second round.

Duanmu had already seen Sarutobi Hiruzen III once at the ninja school graduation conference, and that time III came to give a concluding speech for the graduation, talking about his will of fire.

Different from the astonishing momentum of the third generation, the speech was really long and smelly.

Duanmu came to Konoha for ten years, and finally met Sandaime for the second time.

As far as Duanmu knew, consultant Mitomon Yan was mainly in charge of Konoha's internal affairs, and consultant Zhuanju Koharu was mainly in charge of Konoha's medical and health care.

The third generation took a few steps forward, looking at the young Konoha below, feeling very relieved.

"Because it is a time of war, Konoha's Chunin organization will be expanded. Therefore, you will all take the third round of exams. Two weeks later, we will be at the assembly hall, under the watchful eyes of the Konoha villagers and the nobles of the Fire Nation Next, hold the ultimate test of the Chunin Exam, I hope you will perform well."

Konoha's three high-level executives all took time out to show their faces in the Chunin Exam during their busy schedules, which shows how much Konoha attaches importance to this Chunin Exam.

The third generation started his tirade again, the education level of Konoha's ninja is really worrying.

Can't such a big Konoha choose a secretary of Hokage?
As long as someone polishes the manuscript for the third generation, it will not be so dry.

Duanmu observed the third generation, wearing the Naruto Yushen robe, not like a combatant, but the confidence in the eyebrows is very dazzling.Coupled with a group of Jonin who carefully accompanied him, and the two high-level advisers who followed behind the third generation, the third generation's aura on the stage was even more impressive.

Duanmu has a feeling that as long as the third generation is willing, everyone in this room will be killed instantly.

This is Konoha's current card, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation with the title of "Ninjutsu Professor".

Then everyone dispersed, Duanmu looked at the ninja people pointing at him from the corner of his eyes with a guilty conscience, and Inuzuka Natsuko, who was more tempered, looked at it and wished he could come to Duanmu's theory now.

Duanmu said to Shoujiu dejectedly: "I don't think I can live to the day of becoming a Chunin, Shoujiu, remember to take good care of my seventh uncle's third niece after I die."

Tehisa also felt the resentment from the ninja: "What are you afraid of? If you don't accept it, you can just subdue it. Jiraiya-sama, Orochimaru-sama, and Minato Jonin are so strong, which ninja would dare to say a word more."

Hong also felt indifferent: "Duanmu, are you afraid? This is rare. I thought you would always be the strongest one."

Duanmu was not really afraid, but felt a little bored: "We are like living in a big net. As long as we want to do something, we will definitely harm the interests of some people. As long as we want to stand out, we will definitely be targeted. Although I envy those who lie Flat people, but we have to move on. These are really small scenes now."

"In short, cheers for the third round! May we all have a bright future!"

(End of this chapter)

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