Chapter 22
Duanmu finished his battle and rushed towards the Konoha camp.As he walked, he searched for clues left by the team in front of him.

Winter is about to enter, and the wind is getting stronger and colder.Konoha is only 46 years old now, and there are still four years before the end of the war. It is too long, and it is so long that there is no end in sight.

It has only been about three months since entering the battlefield, and the Duanmu team has fought twice with the enemy Sand Ninja.

As the squad grows, these fights will become more frequent.What kind of monsters are those famous people in the Third Ninja World War who became stronger and stronger in the war?

Finally, after crossing several valleys, the sound of fighting in the valley was heard in the distance.

Duanmu happily quickened his pace, but the closer he got, the more depressed he felt.

Four people and one dog of the Nara team jumped out of the river valley one by one, followed by an adult male sand ninja and two young genin.

It seems that no one in the Nara team was injured, but everyone is in good spirits.

Nara Zakuji played against the opposing Chunin, and the three Genin and Ninja Dogs dealt with the two Sand Ninjas on the opposite side.The scene is great.

Duanmu waited, why are there no more, where are Tejiu and Hong?
As Duanmu ran, he thought carefully. On the road before, he had never seen any traces of fighting between Shujiu and Hong. Now Tejiu mainly relies on traps to fight against the enemy. His battle traces are still easy to distinguish. The two of them should not Right behind you.

Could it be that the worst still happened?

Could it be that Nara Sakuji gave the poison altar to Tehisa and Ko after seeing Sand Shinobi's intentions?Your own team stays, and the name is called staying behind?

What Ming Ming Sa Shino wants most now is the poison altar, whoever holds the altar is the most dangerous.

After the Sand Ninja team saw that Konoha was splitting up again, they sent the female Chunin to chase after Jiu Hehong, leaving the male Chunin and two lower ninjas to hold back the Nara team.

A Sand Ninja Chunin against two Konoha Ninjas, wouldn't it be more ominous than good?
It is Duanmu's team's responsibility to take away or destroy the poison canister, and Nara's team can still gain a good reputation.

It's really vicious killing two birds with one stone!

How could Tehisa and Hong be able to beat the Chunin now?
The two sides fighting in the front, seeing Duanmu running wildly, knew the fate of the previous two sand ninjas, and they should have been wiped out by the broken Duanmu.

The three of Sand Ninja's team escaped from the battlefield and formed a defensive formation to prevent Nara's team and Duanmu from attacking them back and forth.

Sha Ren looked at Duanmu vigilantly, not knowing what kind of means Duanmu would use when he rushed over, this indomitable momentum was amazing.

Nara Sakuji looked at Duanmu's arrival, his joy was written all over his face, and his eyebrows were raised a little, so that his pressure was much less. Duanmu who can kill two sand ninjas should still be very good.

Under the watchful eyes of the two teams of the enemy and our own, Duanmu passed by the battlefield without slowing down, and threw a few kunai at the sand ninjas casually, and continued on his way without looking back.

When Duanmu passed the Nara team, he tilted his head and looked at Nara Zuoer. His eyes looked at Nara Zuoer from rejoicing to bewilderment, and then to resentment.

Fortunately for Duanmu's appearance?I don't understand why Duanmu didn't slow down?Why didn't the resentful Duanmu stop?

Duanmu gave a sorry look to the three ninjas of the Nara team, and wondered if the three ninjas could understand.

The 7 players on the field failed to accept the result for a short time, so Duanmu just walked away?
Duanmu can't control so much anymore, the most important thing is to first determine the state of his players.

In a four-on-three fight, and a ninja dog, Duanmu judged that he was not needed here.When the lawsuit reached the headquarters, Duanmu had a reason. His teammates needed him more.

Duanmu's voice came from a distance: "Captain Nara, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task and bring the poison back to the camp with my teammates!"

If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

Why didn't Duanmu want to shout the will of fire with everyone and kindly, but just because of Nara Masao's face was knocked down by Danzo-sama, Nara Masao just made things difficult for Duanmu's team.

The Duanmu team just happened to meet at the meeting, and caught up with Master Danzang who had objections to the Nara clan and other ninja clans not doing their best in the war. Duanmu even had no chance to say a word or express any objection when reporting the mission. The meaning of Nara Masao.

Is the big man of the ninja clan so indifferent to human life, turning his hand into clouds and his hands into rain?
What's even more sad is that Masao Nara probably just arranged this casually, and didn't take the life and death of the Duanmu team seriously at all.

There are many civilian squads that died in the war, and this one is not too many.There are hundreds of graduates in each class, and how many can live to the end of the war.

Only the casualties of the ninja team will be used to write a special book, and will be advertised by the ninja as a sacrifice to the will of fire.

The death of civilians will not be publicized, and only the closest people will be silently missed during the festival.

It is useless to please others needlessly, let alone please the enemy.

Maybe when Duanmu died, Masao Nara would forget his unhappiness.

Duanmu no longer cared about his own chakra, he tried his best to extract the chakra, poured it into the seal under his feet crazily, and traveled at an astonishingly fast speed.

Duanmu couldn't imagine how he would accept the result after Shujiu or Hong died in this mission.

Duanmu can accept being cruel and ruthless to the enemy. This is war and there is no other choice, but he really cannot accept that his teammates die first.

Tejiu is Duanmu's first best friend in this world.On the surface, Duanmu always takes care of Tejiu in daily life and tasks, but Duanmu knows that in fact, he needs this friendship more and relies on Tejiu more.

Duanmu feels very lonely in this strange world. Only when he sees Hand Jiu, who grew up with him, can he temporarily forget the loneliness that invaded the bone marrow and feel the same warmth as his parents for him. This warmth is so precious.

After Tejiu's death, how will Duanmu explain to Tejiu's father.

Hong slowly integrated into the team with her tenderness and strength, and Duanmu couldn't bear to see Hong disappear at such an age.Hong has always been an important character in the comics, I hope she can live like the comics, and I hope she doesn't have too much influence on the plot.

The feeling of being strangled by fate made Duanmu breathless.

Duanmu finally understands why there are always seniors who have time-traveled to do rebellion and forbearance.

Due to the reasons of his father, mother and Tehisa, Duanmu could only choose to move forward cautiously amidst the malice of the Nara clan.

Duanmu's speed became faster and faster, and he became more and more proficient in using his own seal in his speed. Under the stimulation of adrenaline, he exploded with great potential.

(End of this chapter)

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