Duanmu Baiyun of Konoha

Chapter 12 A money-making machine without emotions

Chapter 12 A money-making machine without emotions

A month passed quickly, and at the end of Konoha 46, the war started without any surprise.

Teacher Qiu Dao led the team, and the four carried out the task of transporting supplies to the front for the first time.

The Land of Fire itself is the largest and richest country in the Hokage world, occupying a vast land and producing rich products, so the Land of Fire itself has no motivation or idea to attack other countries.Every ninja battle is based on Konoha's defense.

In fact, Duanmu has studied the news, the country of fire always disagrees, relying on the price difference, the economy plunders other big countries.When this kind of plunder reaches a certain level, other countries began to protest fiercely.The Nation of Fire will change hands and begin to impose economic sanctions on other major countries. When the Nation of Fire does not do business with a certain country, it will cause a shortage of supplies and chaotic prices in that country. The Nation of Fire will take the opportunity to harvest another wave.

The Land of Fire, which is full of benevolence, righteousness and peace, is the richest country in the Hokage world, and it is so willful.Of course, the Nation of Fire chanted the slogan of peace loudly, because the Nation of Fire does not need war to achieve its goals.

Until the daimyos of several major countries cannot resolve various conflicts through economic and diplomatic means, there will always be one party that will jump out and threaten with force.As a result, the demands of various countries collided in an instant, and a Ninja World War broke out.

What is most detrimental to the Nation of Fire is that the ninja villages of several other big countries always have a tacit understanding to first unite to weaken this Konoha.Muye Village was also gradually weakened and weakened in the ninja world wars.Of course, the ninja villages of several other big countries, after weakening Konoha, will always start to divide the stolen goods unevenly, and become one, leaving Konoha to silently mend the wounds in the war.

The ninja world is too small, like a small island, the script does not need to be changed, history always repeats itself again and again.

Although the ninjas in Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Winds are not strong in combat power, their fighting methods are efficient.Most of the sand hidden ninjas mainly use poison. Once they succeed in a blow, they flee away without looking at the outcome of the battle.As Mr. Akimichi said, keeping the wounded on the battlefield consumes a lot of logistics in Konoha Village.Sha Yin is also famous for his bad taste, the bad taste of watching others suffer and die in the poison.

The war is going on in a way that is unbearable for both sides, and is particularly violent in the form of attrition.Konoha's individual soldiers are of high quality, and Sand Hidden has a good killing effect. None of the five major countries is easy to deal with.

Although this is still the hinterland of the country of fire, ninja squads kept jumping over the four of them and ran towards Konoha or the front line.Qiu DaoJiMaru is taking the time to give special training to the three team members, and Duanmu feels that the atmosphere is tense and breathless.

A lot of age, still feeling nervous, Duanmu felt sorry for his vicissitudes of the soul.

"What Shayin is best at is stealth and stealth, and then, like a cobra in the desert, he suddenly attacks and attacks us with poisonous weapons." Teacher Qiudao continued to describe the situation and key points of the battle, "Therefore, you need to pay attention at all times and move forward. Always pay attention to observe the surrounding environment. As long as you find the opponent first, you win half the battle. At the same time, if you are in a non-moving state, you must be prepared to defend against traps."

The frontline camp is in the wild, as far away as possible from the residential areas of ordinary people.

From this point of view, the ninja war is more like the ancient aristocratic war in Duanmulai's other world.Ordinary people are not qualified to participate in war. War is a cruel game played by nobles. Those who participate in war are at least knights with fiefdoms.

People who possess force will eventually die by force. This is the fate of ninjas, just as those who drown are all people who can swim.

Gangsters with knives on the street will be killed on the street one day, and finally written in textbooks, becoming cases of self-defense.

Although it will inevitably affect ordinary people, and no ninja will hesitate in the slightest if it is involved, this kind of battle away from ordinary people may be the most unexpected gentleness in ninja wars.

It is impossible for the village to allow a powerful ninja like Akimichi Maru to play growing games with three children during the war.After Mr. Akimichi arrived at the frontline headquarters, he went to report to Namikaze Minato Jonin.The subsequent material transportation tasks will be completed by three people independently, until the front line is disabled, these reserve soldiers will join the front line.

The three of Duanmu could not walk freely in the camp, and Duanmu observed the camp in order to adapt to the environment faster.The core of the camp is the headquarters tent, field hospital and material depot.

The tents of each team seem to be scattered, but they are regularly placed around the main buildings of the three camps.A real commander-in-chief will not expect extravagant schemes every time, and the most important thing is strong strength.The three main buildings of the frontline camp are located here. Those who want to steal the camp will pay a heavy price.

The team with the mission hurried out of the headquarters tent.

The team that handed over the task, the most unbearable to watch, is the team that has lost members.Generally, such a team is not full of people, and everyone is injured, with hideous or sad faces.

The faint smell of blood floats in the camp, this is the war in the ninja world.

After the Duanmu three handed over the supplies, they returned to the village alone.Round after round of material transportation began.

At the material task release office, the people of the Hao family received most of the materials that needed to be transported slowly, such as food transportation and medical transportation.Food and other materials are huge, and the use of sealed scrolls outweighs the benefits, so horses and horses are mainly used as transportation methods.Following the slow food transport team, the chances of appearing on the front line will be much less, how safe it is.

Duanmu team, Maitekai team and other civilian teams watched Uchiha, Sarutobi, Hyuga and other wealthy families slowly leave the village following the grain trucks, and their faces had already lost their expressions.

Duanmu and the others took packs of material scrolls and quickly rushed to the Konoha gate.

Let these wealthy people go on an outing with the grain truck, Duanmu thought to himself that I only want money.

During the war, every material transportation was a C-level task. A C-level task cost 2000 taels. Most of the money was paid by the daimyo of the Fire Country and various wealthy families. Want to be a ruthless money-making machine.

(End of this chapter)

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