Pirate, my talent beats everything

Chapter 96 Reluctance to part

Chapter 96 Reluctance to part

In this way, after the two confirmed their relationship, Rist seemed to become more courageous, sitting directly at the bar of the tavern, staring at Makino, no matter where Makino was, Rist's eyes were fixed on that place.

It made Makino so shy that he could only glared at Rist angrily, but what responded to him was Rist's shameless smile, and Makino had no choice but to follow suit. Rist wanted him to keep staring.

And those guests who came to the tavern were also surprised to find that Rist was not a blind man, and he had been fooling them for so long, but they didn't dare to say anything to Rist, after all, where is Rist's strength? , and Rist has never admitted to them that he is a blind person.

As time went by, people in the tavern also noticed the strange behavior of Rist and Makino. Although they did not dare to tease Lister, they dared to tease Makino. After all, Makino can be said to be the one they saw grew up.

Little by little, I watched Makino grow from a little girl to a big beauty.

From time to time, Makino's face would turn red when she teased him, and the teased Makino would show his domineering arrogance on the smiling Rist, put his hand into his waist, and twist it tightly.

Although Makino's twisting didn't hurt, Rist still put on a face every time, his facial features were tightly wrinkled together, pretending to be in unbearable pain.

Of course, upon seeing Rist with this expression, Makino's heart would immediately soften, and he would gently touch the place she just pinched.

In this way, time passed bit by bit, and the happy days were very happy, at least Rist thought so now.

No matter how reluctant you are, the day of parting has finally come.

Sometimes, Rist wondered whether he should stay here in Windmill Village and live a shameless life with Makino, but Makino didn't want him to be like this. Navy, he hoped that Rist could save more people from the pirates.

Garp had already returned to the warship, and was waiting for Rist. Soon, under his gaze, Rist came to the port surrounded by a group of people, and it was Rist standing next to him. .

Except for Makino who came to send Rist off, everyone else came to see Karp off.


Rist called Makino's name, but the words of parting couldn't come out of his mouth no matter what.

Suddenly, Makino stood on tiptoe and hugged Rist directly, wrapped his arms around his neck, leaned his head on his shoulder, and whispered in his ear.

"Be careful all the way, Riester, I will always be here waiting for you."

"Well, Makino, when I come back, I will come back to see you often."

The two hugged each other. Originally, Rist wanted to kiss, but Makino was too shy. Under the eyes of so many people, he was not embarrassed at all, which made Rist want to use his domineering look to kiss him. These people fainted.

But it is estimated that if he does this, the first face will be Karp's iron fist.

Under Makino's reluctant eyes, Rist was forcibly taken onto the warship by his adjutant. At this time, Bruce was like a villain who broke up a team of lovers.

Makino saw the warship getting farther and farther away, gradually disappearing before his eyes, and then he went back with the rest of the villagers.

"I really regret bringing you here."

Garp looked at Rist and said angrily.

He didn't expect that in the past few days when he was away, Rist would hook up Makino.

"Hmph, but I still have to thank Lieutenant General Garp, if it weren't for you, I might not be able to meet Makino."

As soon as Makino was mentioned, a happy smile appeared on Rist's face.

Afterwards, his mind fell into fantasies, fantasizing about his wedding with Makino, fantasizing about the children they would have in the future, and fantasizing about their future life together.

"You guy."

Garp hit Rist with an iron fist, directly repelling him from those fantasies.

"Report sir, Lieutenant General Garp, found a pirate ship at the three o'clock direction of the warship."

"Bring the shells here."

"No, leave it to me."

Rist directly took over Garp's task, and then directly turned into a golden light, and came to the pirate ship.

"Who are you guy?"

Those pirates were also immediately attracted by the dazzling golden light. Seeing the golden light slowly forming a human shape, they said in panic that they had never met such a person before.

"Are you all pirates? You are really weak."

"Damn it, you dare to look down on us."

After finishing speaking, a man rushed over with a knife in his hand and chopped off Rist's waist.


Everyone on the pirate ship was all beaming.

"Hmph, so it's not all that bad?"

The pirate captain who was a little panicked just now began to speak proudly.

"It's really amazing."

At this moment, the person they thought had been killed by them started talking again, and the body that had been turned into two halves, the upper body turned into a series of light spots that directly condensed on the lower body.

A safe and sound Rist appeared in front of everyone again.


Immediately, everyone on the pirate ship was in a state of panic. It was the first time they saw a person who was split in half, able to speak, and resurrected.

"You're lucky today, and you're in a good mood after catching up with me, so you don't want to do too many murders today."

"No, no, I beg the navy lord to forgive us, we will never be pirates again."

"This sentence, wait until you go to prison and tell the judge."

These pirates are not even qualified to enter the city of advancement, at most they are serving their sentences in ordinary naval branch prisons.

Then, a golden aura erupted directly from Riester's body.

Those pirates who were shrouded by this aura all fell into a coma after taking a look, and the whole pirate ship fell into silence, only the sound of the waves and the occasional seagull passing by could be heard.

"Ah, you have changed your temper, you didn't kill anyone."

Soon the warship also came over. Looking at the situation on the pirate ship, Garp said in surprise, you know, Rist used to almost never let the pirates live, because he learned the lesson of Zefa.

But this time he was the first person in the world not to kill anyone.

"I'm in a good mood, I'm happy."

(End of this chapter)

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