Pirate, my talent beats everything

Chapter 43 Rist's Awakening

Chapter 43 Rist's Awakening
The next day, when Rist woke up in bed, his whole body was sore, as if his bones were falling apart. He couldn't even attend today's class, so he could only let his master take over.

So when the students who originally belonged to Lister saw General Zefa, they all showed surprised expressions

"I will replace Rist in today's class."

At this time, there were already forty students standing here, including the remaining elites selected from the ordinary class by General Zefa yesterday.



"Teacher Zefa, what happened to Instructor Lister?"

Ross, who was taught the hardest by Rist yesterday, asked. As the saying goes, the harder he is taught, the deeper his feelings for Rist.

"He was beaten, and he can't get out of bed today."

Zefa said in a flat tone, perhaps it was because he was the murderer that he was able to be so flat.

"Teacher Zefa, who hit it, we want to avenge Instructor Lister."

"Yes, Teacher Zefa, tell us who hit us, we must avenge Instructor Lister."

After a day of getting along yesterday, they had already recognized Rist very much, and they had truly regarded Rist as their instructor in their hearts. To them, Rist could only be defeated by them.

Seeing the expressions of the group of little devils in front of him, Zefa's face darkened instantly and became darker and darker.

"I hit it, why, are you guys coming to seek revenge on me?"

Hearing these words, the yelling just now stopped abruptly, as if it never happened.

Some people broke out in a cold sweat because of what they said just now, and they didn't dare to clean up Mr. Zefa and give them ten guts.

So now they can only mourn Rist in their hearts.

"It's not that the students don't help you, it's that the students are incompetent."

Rist, who was lying on the boat, kept thinking about what Zefa said to him yesterday.

"Where is your fighting style, where is your fighting style?"

"You are not a golden lion, not Karp or me, you are just yourself."

Rist thought of the expression of resentment on Zefa's face, and his heart felt uncomfortable for a while.

Distraught at the last thought, Rist went straight out of bed, picked up the saber next to him, and came to the training ground, waving the most basic moves over and over again.

There is nothing in him that belongs to him, whether it is sword skills, domineering, or devil fruit, all of them are obtained from others.

Rist didn't stop until he was sweating profusely from the practice, his body was sore, and he had no strength to move anymore. Now he can only use this method to calm himself down.

Afterwards, Rist began to stand on the spot with his head lowered. Since he was wearing a blindfold, it was impossible to see whether his eyes were open or closed.

After being extremely exhausted, Rist's brain fell into an extreme calmness, as if he was the only one in this place, in the boundless darkness, and all around him were the various abilities he had acquired .

Golden Lion's swordsmanship, Bogart's swordsmanship, Zefa's physical skills, Garp's knowledge-colored arrogance, armed-colored arrogance, Rayleigh and Roger's overlord-like arrogance, and the abilities of the four devil fruits.

Rist deduced various moves in his mind over and over again, trying to integrate all these moves, transform all the sword intent of the Golden Lion into his own sword intent, and turn the swordsmanship of the Golden Lion and Bogart into his own. kendo.

In this way, Rist, who had been standing in place, sometimes erupted with extremely sharp sword intent, and sometimes all these sword intents were restrained in his body, as if it did not exist, or a terrifying aura erupted from his body. The aura that can only be erupted by the strong.

Soon, even when it was dark, Rist didn't notice it, and was immersed in his own world.

And Zefa had already stood aside, watching the changes in Riester's body intently, revealing a kind of relief in his heart, letting him know that the lessons yesterday were not in vain, and they are still very useful.

In the end, his body couldn't hold on any longer, and when he was about to fall down, a big warm hand suddenly supported his body.


Rist said in a weak voice, now that he has no physical strength, and his armed arrogance and knowledge-like arrogance are exhausted, he can only fully replenish the energy in his body if he wants to recover, and he has already had a good rest.

"It seems that you have found what you were missing."

"Yes, Master."

"very good."

Although Rist couldn't see the expression on Zefa's face now, through the strength of the hand that assisted his body, Rist could still feel Zefa's agitated mood.

"After dinner, take a good rest. I won't be able to help you substitute for the class tomorrow. Those kids still miss you very much today."

"Yes, Master."

There is another reason why Zefa made Rist the instructor of the elite class, that is, if you can teach others everything you have learned, it means that you have mastered this thing.

Letting Rist serve as an instructor is also a kind of experience for Rist.

In the twinkling of an eye, two years passed again. During these two years, Rist almost always lived a life of two points and one line, constantly wandering between the two places of college and home.

Except for the personnel of the Naval Academy, the Naval Headquarters almost forgot about him.

However, in the past two years, Rist's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

If he was a worm two years ago, he is a dragon now.

Except that the ability of the devil fruit cannot be exposed and has not been trained, everything else has been mastered, or in other words, those abilities copied by him have all belonged to him.

Even if the fighting things are other people's moves, they all have their own style.

Of course, this is also inseparable from Zefa's efforts in the past two years. Rist will be beaten almost every month, just to speed up Rist's evolution.

While Rist was getting stronger, those students were also getting stronger.

In the almost monthly competition, the elite class B led by Rist wins, and there is also a reason why the elite class B is generally better than the elite class A.

And Rist had some doubts. If he was beaten so badly once a month, it was Zefa's revenge on him, public revenge.

It was to avenge that the class led by Rist defeated his class.

(End of this chapter)

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