Pirate, my talent beats everything

Chapter 4 Welcome to the Navy Headquarters

Chapter 4 Welcome to the Navy Headquarters
"Come on, lieutenant."

Rist said to Bogart, although his eyes were full of exhaustion, he still persisted.

"Liuxin Sword, three-stage slash."

Afterwards, Rist felt phantoms appearing in front of his eyes, and three sword marks appeared on the clothes he was wearing.

"If you can use this sword, then I will make an exception and let Lieutenant General Garp enlist you in the navy."

"it is good."

Hearing Bogart's words, Rist's face showed a ray of hope. Through him just now, he knew that it was almost impossible to stick to ten moves in Bogart's hands.

Karp didn't say anything about this. If Rist could really use the triple cut, then why not let this talented boy join the navy, maybe he would become the youngest admiral in history.

Afterwards, Rist closed his eyes, and the triple slash that Bogart had just performed carefully in his mind instantly took shape in his mind, and then the sword intent emanating from his body became stronger.

"Liuxin Sword, three-stage slash."

I saw that Rist's figure was fast in an instant, shuttled back and forth three times around Bogart, and three sword gaps appeared on Bogart's military uniform very quickly.

Afterwards, the audience fell silent, no matter how stupid they were, they knew what it meant.

"Lieutenant General Garp, Riester has the qualifications and strength to join the navy."

After that, Rist said to Garp with a serious face.

"it is good."

For such a talented person, Karp can't wait to get him into the navy now. If he joins the pirates in the end, it will definitely be a huge harm to the world government.

Hearing the answer he wanted to hear, Rist finally showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then felt the darkness before his eyes, and fainted gloriously.

Fortunately, Bogart's reaction was also quick. When Rist was about to fall to the ground, he used the razor in the Navy's sixth style to come to his side and supported him.

Bogart was visibly relieved after a physical examination of his body.

"Report to Lieutenant General Garp, there is nothing serious, but he lost his strength and passed out. It should be caused by the Liuxin sword move just now."

"Well, carry him onto the warship, and find a military doctor to show him."

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp."

Then Garp returned to his office, took out the phone bug and went to show off to the Warring States period. Such a good seed was picked up by himself. Although this child has nothing to do with him, but the strength of Rist in the future When he becomes very powerful, Garp will also feel very proud, after all, he excavated this piece of rough jade.

After using Liuxin Sword and stabbing, Rist couldn't hold on anymore. After all, that sword move completely surpassed his current physique. After using it, his body was already in pain and dizzy.

But it was that belief that made Rist persist, and made him use the Liuxin Sword again, the three-stage slash.

After Garp said that he could join the navy, Rist couldn't hold on any longer and passed out directly.

The other children who were rescued by the Navy were sent to the orphanage of the Navy Headquarters. This orphanage was built by the Navy Headquarters. Unlike other orphanages, the orphans here have to receive some training since childhood.

When you grow up, you can decide whether to join the navy or just leave.

And Rist finally woke up after sleeping for a whole day, glanced at the roof in a daze, and confirmed that everything he experienced just now was not a dream, but a real time travel.

Glancing at the needle in his hand, it looked like he was giving him a nutrient solution.

"you're awake?"

At this time, Rist noticed the adjutant, Bogart, who had been sitting opposite him.

"Adjutant, why are you here?"

Rist asked in surprise, if he guessed correctly, the adjutant should have been here to accompany him for a while since he fainted.

"It's nothing, I just want to see how your structure is different from ordinary people."

"Uh this..."

Bogart's words directly made Rist not know how to answer.

"Adjutant, I'm just an ordinary person."

"No, no, you are definitely not an ordinary person."

Bogart shook his head affirmatively.

"It is impossible for ordinary people to easily learn something that has been read once, especially the most technical sword skills."

"Hahaha, maybe it's because of my extraordinary talent."

Rist now knows what his golden finger is, and it should be that monstrous talent.

He didn't know why he was able to learn Bogart's sword skills at a glance, but he felt that when Bogart used sword skills, an idea came to his mind that you could use it.

"Well, you are really a monster."

"But I prefer the title of genius to evildoer."

"Okay, come out with me, the Navy Headquarters has arrived, Marshal Sora and Admiral Sengoku want to see you."

"Marshal and general want to see me?"

"Well, get ready, most people won't see the general and marshal."

Afterwards, Rist discovered that there was a navy uniform on the bow, which seemed to be prepared for himself.

After putting on the new clothes, Rist instantly felt much more energetic.

At this moment, Rist heard the sound of neat footsteps outside the door, as if these people were being trained by the military.

When Rist opened the door of the infirmary, he immediately saw a big iron door piercing into the sky. From his angle, it was impossible to see how high the door was.

"This is the Gate of Justice. When the gate is opened, the Navy Headquarters will be inside."

Bogart stood beside him and explained to Rist.


Then, under Riester's earnest gaze, a tiny light appeared in the middle of the Gate of Justice, and then the light that passed through became bigger and bigger, and soon flowed out of the width that a warship could pass through.

When he arrived at the headquarters of the navy, Rist found that the attitudes of all the navies on the warship had changed, becoming more serious and serious, except of course, Vice Admiral Garp.

As if he didn't know that he had arrived at the Navy headquarters, he stayed in his room and did not come out. Rist could still faintly hear the voices coming from the room.

"The record is broken, and the record will be broken soon."

Although his articulation was unclear and his enunciation was unclear, Rist could hear these few words.

When the warship passed the Gate of Justice, Rist instantly felt a different feeling.

There is a sense of solemnity, because here is the most powerful armed force in the world.

As far as the eye can see, dozens of warships are parked in the port, and countless forts are all aimed at the Gate of Justice, as if as long as there is an enemy invasion, they can blast the enemy to nothing.

Although he has seen it in anime before, it is completely different from watching it now.

Seeing Rist who was surprised from ear to ear, Bogart nodded in satisfaction. Is this what he should look like when he sees the Navy Headquarters? You know, when he first came to the Navy Headquarters, he followed Rist looked pretty much the same.

"Even if it's a genius, it's not like I'm still calm now."

Bogart thought proudly.

Naval soldiers on patrol can be seen everywhere, and everyone has serious expressions on their faces.

"Little ghost, welcome to the Navy headquarters."

(End of this chapter)

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