Pirate, my talent beats everything

Chapter 19 The first shot

Chapter 19 The First Shot


Seeing that their captain was killed so easily, the crew immediately shouted in horror. They knew Garp was very strong, but they didn't expect it to be so strong. Their captain didn't even have a single blow from the opponent. keep on.

"Boys, let's see how powerful the world is.

Bogart, they leave it to you. "

"Yes, Lieutenant General Karp."

Bogart saluted straightly and said.

"Are you going to be caught by us obediently, or are you going to try your best to resist and be killed by us?"

Bogart only gave them two options, one was to be caught, and the other was to be killed.

"We surrender, we surrender."

Having seen Lieutenant General Garp's strength just now, they don't even have the courage to resist now. They can still live if they are caught, but if they resist, they will really die.

But at this moment, Toby, who was the deputy captain, found Rist standing behind Bogart, and then rolled his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his mind.

Just as the navy put handcuffs on these marines, Toby directly broke free from the navy that was controlling him, and then went directly to Rist, lifted him up, and then he did not know where to get the dagger, and put it on the ground. on Rist's neck.

Seeing this scene, Bogart immediately put his hand on the sword at his waist.

He originally thought that these people had given up their defenses, so he relaxed his vigilance a little, but he didn't expect the other party to play this trick with them.

"Let him go."

Bogart said with sharp eyes that Rist is now being captured by the opponent. This is his dereliction of duty. He has an unshirkable responsibility, but the most important thing now is to save Rist from the opponent's hands.

"Give me all my brothers."

Hearing this, there was a trace of hesitation in the eyes of the group of marines.

"Hurry up, or I'll kill the brat."

Tuo Er pressed the dagger down threateningly, but it didn't pierce it.

"Let them go."

Bogart said that he believed that the group of pirates could not escape from his hands at all, and now it was just a useless last-ditch effort.

The pirates who were uncuffed picked up their weapons and stood behind Thor.

"You can let him go now."

"You're dreaming, if I let him go now, then we are going to kill ourselves. Give us a small boat, and when we reach a safe place, we will naturally let him go."

"Don't go too far."

Bogart's tone was already a little cold, as if he was on the verge of erupting.

"Hurry up, I don't want to repeat it a second time."

"Don't worry, lieutenant, trust my strength."

Suddenly, Riester who was held hostage spoke.

"shut up."

"Okay, I'll give you a boat, but you must protect the safety of the hostages."

"Don't worry, I'm the most trustworthy pirate."

There was a scheming smile on Thor's face, and he wanted him to let this kid go, but there was no way.

"Get them a lifeboat."

"Yes, Adjutant."

Then, a small boat that was many times smaller than the warship appeared under the warship, and the pirates all jumped onto the small boat one by one.

"Can you let him go now?"

"Don't worry, when we can't see your warship, we will naturally release this little guy."

By the time Thor arrived at the lifeboat, he had already let Rist go, because in their perception, isn't a seven-year-old child at their mercy?

"A good strategy, but you chose the wrong hostage."

When Rist was let go, he spoke slowly.

"You kid, what do you mean?"

Thor looked at the kid with serious eyes. At this time, he didn't know why, but he felt a threat from this kid.

"You'll find out soon, Moon Step."

Suddenly, Rist used the moon step and jumped into the air.

Bogart, who saw this scene on the warship, was also relieved.

"Is this the moon step in the Sixth Form of the Navy?"

Thor said in surprise that he had also fought against many navies, and some of them had mastered the six-style navy, so he had a general understanding of the six-style navy, but he did not expect that he would see it on a child. Moon steps.

"Shoot him down, absolutely not let him return to the warship, otherwise, we will be finished."

Hearing Thor's order, the pirates immediately raised their guns and shot at Rist.

"Be careful, Rist."

Bogart yelled, then pulled out his sword, and used a flying slash, trying to cut off the bullets, but there were too many bullets, and they were not in a line, so even he couldn't help Rist to kill all the bullets. All the bullets were blocked.

"Lan feet."

At this time, I only heard Liszter yelling, and then he flicked his foot, and a sword aura similar to the slash of a swordsman flew directly from Liszt's feet.

This not only helped Rist block other bullets, but at the same time, Lanjiao's slash also flew towards the opponent's boat. Rist now intends to wipe out the opponent in the sea.


Thor made a sound, but he was not dissatisfied with the speed of his hand at all. He directly took out the knife in his hand and slashed out a sword aura, blocking Rist's Lan's feet. The last two attacks canceled each other out in mid-air.

"Did you block it, but I don't know if you can still block the next attack."

Bogart originally wanted to come over to help Rist, but when he saw Rist's confident expression, he didn't make a move, but his whole body was in a state of high concentration, and he was preparing for his own sword attack. , as long as the opponent makes any dangerous moves that can hurt Rist, the sword energy released by him will instantly split the opponent in half.

The power of Bogart's sword drawing and slashing mainly depends on his own speed, the faster the speed, the stronger the power will be, and the time of accumulating momentum also determines the speed and range of the sword energy.

"Lanjiao, chaos."

I saw Rist waving his legs quickly in mid-air, several slashes flew directly from Rist's feet, and there was no way for Thor to stop the dozens of slashes in front of him.

It can only protect itself from injury, but it cannot protect the safety of its companions.

Soon, Rist's slashing stopped, and on that ship, except for Thor who was still standing, all the other pirates lay down, including the ship under their feet, which was already sinking.

"I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a brat like you."

In mid-air Rist, Thor had absolutely nothing to do with him.

"I hope you will be a good person in your next life, six-style profound art, six-king spear."

(End of this chapter)

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