Chapter 18
After Su Tian set off from Hanhai City, he didn't plan to go home or go to the academy, but went to the Sunset Forest in the center of Tiandu Empire.

It has been almost a year since his soul power broke through level 30, and in this year, he either quenched his body or increased the age of the soul ring. The increase in soul power is also huge, but he did not absorb the third soul ring. So it can't be shown, he even doubts whether he will directly break through to level 40 after absorbing the third spirit ring. After all, Su Tian's third spirit ring is a 3-year-old plant spirit beast, which can bring The growth of soul power around level 3, coupled with this year's accumulation, is still very possible.

Su Tian was practicing with his eyes closed in the carriage. What he didn't know was that there was a group of people waiting for him dozens of miles ahead.


On the only way back to the Heaven Dou Empire, there is a place densely covered with jungle, and in the woods on both sides, there are six people ambushing at this time, the leader is three soul masters, the middle one is a big man with yellow beard, with a scar on his forehead , there is one person standing on each side, on the left is a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, who looks extremely elegant from the outside, but there is a ray of fierceness in his eyes, and on the right is a young man.The three are the three leaders of a bandit den nearby.

At this time, the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi on the left turned his head and asked a subordinate behind him, "I've been waiting for an hour, why haven't you come here yet? Is the information you got accurate?"

"Second leader, you must be right, the rich young master who has a storage soul tool hired a carriage from us, and he said he was going back to the Heaven Dou Empire, so he should be here soon, and there is an old horse still in charge of the carriage. It must be right to drive!"

The leaders felt relieved when they heard this, and continued to wait.

Nearly an hour later, Su Tian's carriage arrived near the woods. With Su Tian's eyesight, he had already noticed some subtle movements of the coachman, but he didn't move. He wanted to see, even the soul master It's not that the coachman is holding back something bad.

Gradually approaching the ambush site, Su Tian noticed that the coachman's small movements became more frequent, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "It seems that it's about to start!"

Su Tian wasn't too arrogant, since he entered the woods, he had already invoked his martial spirit, and his eyes had turned blue-gold. He checked the surrounding situation, and within a short while, Su Tian discovered the ghost hidden in the woods. several people.The soul power fluctuations were felt from the three people in front of them. Although they didn't know the specific level of soul power, they could feel how high it was.

When the carriage reached the ambush location, several people jumped out and blocked the front of the carriage. The leader, a big man with a yellow beard, came up, opened his mouth and shouted: "Stop, boy in the carriage, come out!"

The few people next to him also shouted together.

"Get out now!"

"If you don't come out again, we will not be polite!"

"Boy, do you come out by yourself, or do you want us to help you!"

Before Su Tian could move, a few more voices reached his ears, and he opened the car door and walked out, and the pupils of his eyes were still blue-gold.

But what he didn't expect was that the coachman was still pretending to be on his side, thinking that he hadn't noticed his problem, and he didn't bother to pretend that he didn't notice any more, and kicked the coachman away with a kick.


Then he bumped into a tree by the side of the road, and finally fell to the ground. It was obvious that he had taken in more air and outflowed less. This was Su Tian's first time killing someone, but he didn't feel any disgusting feeling. He just felt that the driver was too fragile.

"Old horse!" The few people in front were also shocked, they didn't expect Su Tian to attack the old horse directly.

Su Tian stepped forward and said silently, "Teach his men, sorry, stop me as a driver for me?"

And what other people didn't notice was that the eyes of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi and the young man next to him had been dull.

"Boy, you are very arrogant!" The big man with the yellow beard stared at Su Tian and said, his heart became serious.

From the strength of Su Tian's kick, it can be seen that it is not easy. It is not far from Hanhai City, and wolf thieves are rampant nearby. Their robbery here is basically taking advantage of wolf thieves' loopholes, and they usually rob some small caravans Today, when they met a rich young soul master and a storage soul tool, they would naturally not let it go, but what he didn't expect was that this young soul master could actually bring him a threat.

"Really? Why do I think that you are much more arrogant than me." Su Tian said lightly.


At this point, the big man with the yellow beard knew that he could no longer be kind, and he was ready to act first, and he had already released his martial soul while shouting.

"Wolverine, possession"

His whole body turned golden, and his body became a bit taller, with three white, yellow and purple spirit rings surrounding his body.

The two people beside him also immediately summoned their martial souls. The martial soul of the middle-aged man in Tsing Yi is a fan, and the colors of the soul rings are white, yellow and purple, which are the same as those of the man with the yellow beard. The other young man's martial soul is Agni The dog, possessed by the martial soul, has two yellow and yellow soul rings.The middle-aged man's third soul ring and the young man's second soul ring lit up at the same time, and the two directly used their strongest soul skills to attack the big man with the yellow beard.

The big man with the yellow beard hadn't taken a few steps when he was hit by two strikes from behind. Naturally, Su Tian would not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"The first soul skill - the blade of the golden pole"

The abdomen of the yellow-bearded man was pierced immediately, and he fell heavily on the ground, but he didn't look at Su Tian, ​​but propped up his body with his hands, and shouted angrily at the middle-aged man and young man beside him: "You..., why is that?"

Naturally, the two of them didn't speak, nor could they speak. Instead, they stood silently behind Su Tian. The big man with the yellow beard was tearing his eyes apart. As for his remaining subordinates, they didn't know what was going on now. He stood still and didn't dare to move.

Su Tian walked up to the big man with the yellow beard, without saying anything to him, he directly used the mind-stimulating technique to condense a seed of spiritual power, and planted it in the big man with the yellow beard.

"What did you do to me?" The big man with the yellow beard also felt something entered his head, and shouted at Su Tian angrily.

"They will be the same as you soon!" Su Tian said lightly, and then used the mind-stimulating technique to condense two seeds of spiritual power and plant them in the heads of the other two soul masters, and then let go of the temporary control over them .

Now Su Tian's mind-bending technique can not only condense the spiritual power seeds to achieve long-term control, but also temporarily control it like before, each has its own advantages.

Although the control of condensing the spiritual power seeds is more thorough, it takes his mental power to condense the spiritual power seeds. He can condense up to five of them now when his mental power is full.Temporary control is easier. His current mental power can forcefully control about four or five soul masters of the same level. Of course, there are more soul masters whose level is not as good as his own, but the disadvantage is that the controlled person has no own ideas. It can only do simple manipulation, and it will continue to consume one's mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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