Random Rebirth of Pirates

Chapter 56 Ai Lige 2

Chapter 56 Ai Lige 2
Not long after, the bald doctor finished treating Ai Lige's wound, packed his things, and looked at Ye Shisan.

"This is the reward." Ye Shisan casually took out a gold nugget and put it on the table, then walked out with Ai Lige in his arms.

"Thank you for your patronage." The bald man said expressionlessly, and after watching Ye Shisan leave, he closed the door and turned off the lights, turned around and walked into a dark room, and took out a phone bug to call.

"Sauron is dead, the eldest sister was rescued..."


Ye Shisan took Ai Lige to Sauron's villa for a circle, got back his treasure, and brought them back to Zhuni.

At noon, they killed Sauron's men. In order not to startle the enemy, Ye Shisan drove the Zhuni away, made a circle and came to the back of Gaya Island, where it stopped and hid under a cliff.

After returning to Zhuni and setting up Eligo, Ye Shisan and Orka came to the living room and took something for supper.

"That Sauron, what do you think?" Ye Shisan asked while eating.

"It's pretty solid, but it's too weak." Orka said with a smile.

"It will be troublesome if people from other forces on the island are like him. It's hard to deal with too many kills." Ye Shisan sighed.

"No, it's all a group of soft-legged shrimps." Ai Lige's voice sounded, and Ye Shisan looked back, only to see.Ai Lige was walking in from the outside while leaning on the wall.

At this time, Ai Lige had been washed by the bald doctor, and her face looked much cleaner. Under the bright light, Ye Shisan could see her appearance clearly.

She has short bright red hair, fierceness and arrogance revealed between her brows, and there is a small cross scar under the left cheek of her already pretty face, which makes her look resolute and murderous, like a woman who has come out of a chill.

"I thought you would sleep until tomorrow." Ye Shisan said casually.

Ai Lige shook his head slightly, walked to the table and sat down, and said, "Those people on Gaya Island are all timid and timid wastes, they can do anything with a knife on their necks."

"You are also from Gaya Island." Ye Shisan reminded him friendly.

"I was born and raised on Gaya Island, and it was those bastards who came here that made this place what it is now." Elrig said with a frown.

"You said before that you wanted to unify Gaya Island, is that true?"

"Of course." Ye Shisan nodded and said.

"After the unification, what do you want to do?" Ai Lige continued to ask.

"There are no rules here, I will make the rules." Ye Shisan said lightly.

Ai Lige was slightly taken aback, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said, "Okay, I'll help you out."

"Maybe I, like those people, came to harm Gaya Island." Ye Shisan reminded again.

"Hmph, no matter how bad it is, it won't be much worse. It's better to send those bastards to hell." Ai Lige sneered.

"Then tell me what you think." Ye Shisan said casually.

"In my name, write a letter to those bastards, let them have a meeting to carve up Sauron's territory, and then wipe them all out." Ai Lige said with murderous intent in his eyes, gnashing his teeth.

"Does your name work?" Ye Shisan asked calmly.

"A few days ago, I was the leader of the wanderers. Sauron died. I escaped from there. They will think that Sauron was killed by me. They are afraid that I will make a comeback. I just need to explain that I will not participate in the action to carve up Sauron's territory. " Ai Lige sneered, the group of dog-like things will definitely go up and bite when they see a profit.

Ye Shisan pondered for a while and said, "You can try it, I'll get you a pen and paper."

Afterwards, Eligo wrote four letters to Ye Shisan, corresponding to the four forces on the island. Ye Shisan set off overnight, took advantage of the darkness to fly to the island, and delivered the four letters to the respective forces. .

It took Ye Shisan half an hour to deliver the letter back, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Ai Lige and Orka blowing the wine bottle against the bottle.

The corners of Ye Shisan's mouth twitched, this unrestrained woman doesn't know what it means to be hurt.

Shaking his head, Ye Shisan walked over and snatched Alige's wine bottle, which made Alige who was drunk a little bit stunned, and looked up at him blankly.

"Stop drinking if you're hurt, just go back to sleep." Ye Shisan said flatly.

Ai Lige stared blankly at Ye Shisan for a while, then came back to his senses, curled his lips and said: "Really, you are really a disappointment."

Afterwards, she leaned over to the table, but the edge of the table touched her wound, grinning her teeth in pain.

"By the way, aren't you the leader of that wanderer? Is there anyone else who can use him?" Ye Shisan asked suddenly.

"Wanderers? Fuck you, they're all dead!" Ai Lige sneered while laying on the table.

Ye Shisan frowned slightly, Ai Lige's attitude was not quite right.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. With this big guy here, tomorrow I will punch them one by one and kill all those people, all..." Ai Lige's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared directly, and fell asleep directly past.

Ye Shisan looked at Alige who was asleep on the table without a word, shook his head slightly and said, "Let's rest too, and try to get everything done tomorrow."

"Okay." Orka replied, raised her head and drank the wine, got up and went back to the room.

Ye Shisan used his thoughts to take Ai Lige back to her room, put her on the bed, and then went back to the next door to sleep.

In the darkness, Ai Lige opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he didn't have the look that a drunk person should have.

Ai Lige is an orphan. She has been living on Gaya Island since she was ten years old. Since then, she has been drinking. No matter what state she is in, as long as there is a party, she will drink with her. Until now, her drinking capacity has been higher than that of ordinary pirates. Even better, just a little bit just now, of course it is impossible to get her drunk.

However, since she was a child, this was the first time that someone took away her wine glass in the name of "being injured and can't drink".

Human caring, this is something Elrig has never experienced. No, she once thought she had it, but later found that it was just flattery.


"This guy is probably the same as that group of people." Ai Lige sighed and closed his eyes, but there was a lingering shadow in his mind.


The next day, news of Sauron's death came out, causing panic among people who didn't know the truth. Everyone felt that Gaya Island was going to be in chaos, and some pirates attached to Sauron packed up their things and left Gaya Island.

Unexpectedly, the major forces on Gaya Island did not act aggressively. Everyone seemed to maintain a certain tacit understanding. They did not attack Sauron's territory, and only watched the escape of Sauron's subordinates.

This situation lasted until noon before someone leaked the inside story. It turned out that the leader of the homeless organization, Elrig, who was wiped out a few days ago, killed Sauron in Sauron's house, escaped, and told everyone. The big powers spread the word that for the stability of Gaya Island, they demanded a peaceful negotiation to carve up Sauron's territory.

Not long after, another news came from another corner. The major forces decided to gather at Sauron's villa at five o'clock in the afternoon to discuss the division of Sauron's territory.

Not long after that, the onlookers saw that the major forces sent people to the Sauron Villa one after another. They crowded there for a long time before they each occupied a corner. They all stared at the other forces vigilantly.

At this time, Ye Shisan and Ai Lige also wore masks to witness this scene outside Sauron's villa.

After the fight between the people inside, Ye Shisan turned around and left with Eligo, and came to a remote tavern, where Orka was waiting for them.

This tavern was originally owned by Sauron's subordinates. Hearing that Sauron was dead this morning, he quickly put up a sale list, and Ye Shisan bought it.

"How's it going?" Orka asked while sitting at the table drinking.

"Basically as expected, it will end in the afternoon." Ye Shisan replied with a smile.

Ai Lige took off the mask, looked at Ye Shisan in surprise, and asked, "How can you be so accurate?"

"Are you sure? This is basic, aren't you the leader of an organization?" Ye Shisan said with a smile.

"Don't mention the homeless to me, I'll get angry if you mention it." Ai Lige said angrily.

Ye Shisan was slightly taken aback, thought for a while and asked, "What's going on between you and the homeless?"

"Didn't you say don't mention it?" Ai Lige glared at him, but seeing the mask on his face, he was a little speechless.

No matter how hard he stared, he couldn't see the guy's expression, only the smiling face of the clown who deserved a beating, really hateful!
Ye Shisan smiled, poured her a glass of water, and said, "Why don't you tell me what happened between you and the homeless, and I'll analyze what I did today for you?"

"Besides, you are doing things for me now. I should know if you have any problems. Otherwise, what should I do if someone comes to me in the future?"

Ai Lige frowned, with a slightly cold voice, and said, "Are you thinking of betraying me?"

Ye Shisan frowned, and said, "No, I'm not the kind of person who betrays my partner, but are you my partner now?"

Ai Lige's face softened a little, and then he said angrily: "Didn't I mess with you?"

Ye Shisan raised a finger and reminded: "You said you wanted to hang out with me, but I didn't agree."

"I've helped you so much." Ai Lige said dissatisfied.

"One yard is worth one yard. This is the price agreed before for letting you out." Ye Shisan shook his head.

Ai Lige choked for a moment, then drank water angrily, then slammed the glass on the table, and said, "Then why do you ask so many questions, the matter between me and the homeless is none of your business!"

Ye Shisan chuckled, refilled her drink, and said, "Don't be so excited, I'm trying to get to know you. After all, I only know your name and nothing else. What if one day you betray me? what to do?"

"You..." Ai Lige was very angry, but felt that what Ye Shisan said made sense, and didn't know how to refute it.

Ye Shisan shook his right hand, took out a poker card, put it on the table, raised his head and said to Ai Lige:

"Tell me your story and decide whether you can uncover this card."


 Seeking recommendation, seeking interaction, seeking collection~
  Thanks @铜铁北月 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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