Random Rebirth of Pirates

Chapter 45 The Chambord Islands

Chapter 45 The Chambord Islands

Only he himself knows how strong Ye Shisan is, but it is certain that Hancock is stronger than his peers.

Hancock went out to sea with the Nine Snake Pirates at the age of 12, and was trafficked and sold as a slave. It was not until a few days ago four years later that he was rescued by Ye Shisan and Fisher Tiger.

In the original work, two years after Hancock returned to Nine Snake Island, he became the emperor of Nine Snake Island and concurrently served as the head of the Nine Snake Pirates.

In the same year, the Navy Qibuhai planned to recruit people. In order to protect Kusnake Island from infringement, Hancock agreed to join as Qiwuhai.

It can be seen that Hancock is originally a talented player, strong since he was a child, and even stronger when he grows up.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Shisan believed that she could help him enter Nine Snake Island and live there.


Orka was at the helm at the bow, the three Hancock sisters went to explore the cabin, Ye Shisan also turned and walked towards the captain's cabin.

Pushing the door open and entering the captain's cabin, Ye Shisan was shocked three times by the aura of gold and jade inside.

In front of the table is a wide tiger-skin stool, on the wall is an ivory gold knife, and a cabinet is filled with all kinds of gold and silver treasures, and various decorations protrude a precious character.

It seems this captain loves money, which is good news.

Ye Shisan roughly scanned around, and then walked to the table by the window. There was a log book on the table, but he didn't pay too much attention to it, but opened the drawer under the table.

The first drawer is used as some sundries, pens, ink, paper and the like.

The next few drawers were filled with gold nuggets, neatly placed inside.

"It seems that there is a lot of money." Ye Shisan nodded in satisfaction, then turned and walked towards the cabinet full of gold, silver and jade boxes.

After a general look, the cabinets are full of exquisite works of art, which seem expensive at first glance, but they are just expensive, nothing special.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ye Shisan's eyes lit up and he saw something he was interested in.

He reached out and took a crystal box from the cabinet. After opening it, there was a black and white clown mask inside. He reached out and touched it. It was animal skin on the outside and metal on the inside, which was very hard.

This clown mask is only black and white, most of it is white, the eyes and mouth are black, and the overall expression is smiling, but it doesn't look happy, but rather inexplicably scary.

Ye Shisan raised his hand to put the mask on his face, picked up a gem-rimmed mirror and looked at it, he felt pretty good, mysterious and weird, after wearing it, his temperament was completely different from his own.

However, this mask should be for viewing when it was made, there is no fixed rope, but it doesn't matter, he can fix the mask on his face with his mind.

He took off the mask, put it in his pocket, and continued to look at the things on the cabinet.

When he saw the end, Ye Shisan's eyes lit up again, and he reached out to pick up a palm-sized crystal box and opened it. Inside was a pair of metal playing cards trimmed with gold wire.

"It's destined, you and I are destined." Ye Shisan smiled and threw away the crystal box, and took the playing cards in his hand to play.

The door of the captain's cabin was pushed open, and Hancock walked in from the outside. He was slightly taken aback when he saw the scene in the room, and then said, "I said, why is there only grain in the ship's warehouse, and all the valuables are here."

"Then move them all out, put them in bags, and find a place to sell them in the Chambord Islands." Ye Shisan said with a smile.

Hancock glanced at him, saw the playing cards in his hand, and asked strangely, "What is this?"

"Playing cards, high-end goods." As Ye Shisan said, the playing cards flew out of his hand one by one, and slowly turned around Hancock in a circle.

"Choose one and try it out."

Hancock frowned and looked at the backs of the playing cards, pondered for a while, and reached out to take the nearest one in front of him.

Seeing this, Ye Shisan hooked his finger, and all the playing cards flew back. He smiled and walked to the door, saying, "This card suits you very well, so I'll give it to you."

Hancock looked at Ye Shisan's leaving back inexplicably, and then turned over the playing card in his hand, on it was a king of hearts.

"Suitable for me?" Hancock was still confused, unable to understand what Ye Shisan wanted to express.

"Sister, come to eat." Sandersonia shouted outside the door, interrupting Hancock's thoughts.

Hancock shook his head, no longer entangled in the meaning of the playing cards, but still put the cards away.

Well, after all, it was said that it was given to me, so it is not appropriate to just throw it away.


Since boarding the ship, Sandersonia used the kitchen of the pirate ship to heat up the prepared food, and everyone had a good meal.

After eating, the pirate ship was slowly approaching the Chambord Islands. Ye Shisan took out the clown mask and put it on. He looked at the record pointer that was taken from the captain's body. The pointer was straight down.

Although the name of the Chambord Islands is suffixed with "island", it is not an island in the general sense.

Its body is the largest mangrove tree in the world, and its name is the Alchiman mangrove. The Chambord Islands are formed by the roots of the Alchiman mangrove exposed on the water.

Therefore, the Chambord Islands do not have the magnetic field of ordinary islands, and the record pointer will not point to the Chambord Islands, but to the Murloc Island.

Just because the Chambord Islands are just above the Murloc Islands, the record pointer will point in this direction before reaching the Chambord Islands, and at the same time, it will tilt downward a little bit until it reaches the Chambord Islands and goes straight down.

Chambord Islands is composed of 79 mangrove trees, each tree has towns and facilities, and there are numbers on the trees, from No. 1 to No. 79.


For pirates, numbers 1 to 29 are a paradise, and numbers 50 to 59 are a new starting point for dreams.

Ye Shisan and the others packed all the valuables on the ship, and Orka carried two large bags, and landed in area 52.

"Go change your clothes first, then deal with these things, and finally buy pointers." Ye Shisan said as he walked.

Since there were no women on the pirate ship, there were naturally no women's clothes, so the three Hancock sisters are still wearing the slave uniforms in Marie Joa Prison, but they just put on coats to avoid being seen by others.

"To deal with these things, it's hard to find someone who can collect things before you get to area 30," Olka reminded.

"Well, just keep an eye on the bag." Ye Shisan nodded and led the crowd towards the block.

As the terminus of the first half of the great voyage, the Chambord Islands are one of the most chaotic regions in the world, but also one of the most prosperous regions.

The great route starts from the Twin Straits of Upside Down Mountain. By recording the characteristics of the pointer, the great route is divided into seven routes. Every pirate group that enters the great route must choose one of the routes to advance, and the general pointer will only move forward, there is no Turn back.

In the first half, all the people on the seven routes will eventually converge on the Chambord Islands, and then depart from here to the New World to start a new route.

Therefore, the Chambord Islands not only brought together all the survivors who successfully cleared customs in the first half of the great voyage, but also gathered all the resources in the first half. Coupled with the unique bubble culture of the Chambord Islands themselves, this place became a place of chaos and chaos. Where prosperity coexists.

Ye Shisan led the crowd into the block, randomly chose a clothing store and walked in, and then everyone chose their clothes.

Although this area is No. 52, it is not all shipyards and coating industries. Some basic businesses such as clothing stores still exist, but relatively speaking, there are not as many tourist areas as No. 40 to No. 49.

Ye Shisan bought a set of casual suits that would not affect his movements at the clothing store, and bought five black cloaks with large hoods, and then went to the door to exchange them with Orka who was guarding the bags.

Speaking of which, this is the first time he has bought new clothes since time travel. Before, he either wore slave uniforms, was given by others, or was robbed. In short, he didn’t buy them himself.

But this has to do with his own personality. He has no special requirements for clothes and the like, as long as they can be worn and not dirty, and dirty ones can be left alone under special conditions.

Of course, this does not mean that he is a person who likes to give up. The reason why he is only because he has no other way is to give up. When he really has the conditions, he will not force it. The most expensive suit in the store, worth 50 Baileys.

Ye Shisan sat at the door, thinking about some messy things bored, and after a while, Hancock came out.

Hancock chose a set of denim leggings and a black leather jacket, which looked a bit conservative, completely different from the empress Ye Shisan remembered.

However, her outfit made Ye Shisan fall into deep thought, and began to think about a question.

"What's wrong?" Hancock asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, this is for you." Ye Shisan shook his head and handed the hooded windbreaker to Hancock, saying, "We'll wear this to work in a while."

"You are too careful." Hancock said while putting on the windbreaker and taking off the hood at the same time.

"Be careful, there is no big mistake, and it won't cost much." Ye Shisan said with a smile, but now he is wearing a mask, and the weird smile of the clown mask is even more weird when matched with his laughter, which makes Hancock speechless. Turn your head away.

You have such a handsome outfit, but you have to wear this broken mask and windbreaker, so why are you buying it?

Not long after, Orka and the others also came out after shopping for clothes. Ye Shisan gave each of them a black hoodie, then got up and left the clothing store.

Afterwards, under the guidance of Orka, everyone came to the "station" of the Chambord Islands, took a taxi and went to areas 1 to 29.

Of course, the car here is not a taxi, but a bubble car unique to the Chambord Islands.

The roots of the Alquisman mangrove secrete a special natural resin due to respiration. The resin expands with air to form bubbles. These bubbles have extremely high toughness and elasticity. People in the Chambord Islands integrate these bubbles into their lives. All aspects, such as bubble cars, bubble ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles, etc., have formed the unique bubble culture of Chambord Islands

 Please recommend, collect and interact~

(End of this chapter)

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