Random Rebirth of Pirates

Chapter 29 Baine's Determination

Chapter 29 Baine's Determination

late at night.

After disconnecting the call with Ye Shisan, Bain sat alone on the chair in the room, feeling uneasy with the unwillingness and powerlessness in his heart.

He is a rational person, so he knew that everything Ye Shisan said was correct, and it was precisely because of this that he felt unwilling.

"Strength..." Baine clenched his fists, and there was an inexplicable impulse in his heart to vent.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise outside the door, and Bain's pupils shrank suddenly. He got up and opened the door immediately, but only saw Elsa's back leaving around the corner.

"Not good." Bain's heart sank, and he hurried to catch up.

Bain walked quickly, caught up with Elsa twice, and hugged her in his arms.

"Let go of me, you are all liars!" Elsa cried and struggled.

"Elsa!" Bain yelled in a deep voice, turned Elsa to face him with both hands, and stared into her eyes.

"He won't die, he said he won't die, you have to believe him!" Bain said with a serious face,

"Liar!" Elsa cried and struggled, and said, "I heard, he won't come back."

"No, he will come back, I promise you!" Bain said in a deep voice.

"He said he wouldn't die, I believe it, and you should believe it too!"

At this time, there was a group of people behind Bain, and it was Shanks who heard the sound and came out to see the situation.

But they didn't make a sound, just watched quietly.

"But..." Elsa's emotions gradually calmed down, but she was still not very stable.

Bain looked at Elsa with tears in his eyes, and said seriously: "Listen, Elsa, whether it's you or me, we must firmly believe that he can come back, no matter what happens, we must firmly believe, understand?"

"Remember what he said? You have to use the wisdom, kindness and hope of the heart to bring hope to others. Now is the time to execute it. As long as you firmly believe that he can come back, there will be hope."

Elsa threw herself into Bain's arms when she heard the words, sobbing and did not speak, but Bain could feel that her emotions had gradually stabilized.

Ye Shisan told him that a traumatized little girl like Elsa must be taken care of. If she doesn't pay attention, she will act violently, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Bane patted Elsa's back lightly, and waited for a while until Elsa gradually stopped crying.

"What happened?" Shanks asked in a low voice.

"He won't come." Bane said in a deep voice, looked back at Shanks, and said seriously: "I have a request."

Shanks frowned, and said, "Tell me."

"Please let me follow you and sail the sea together!" Bane said in a low voice.

Shanks was slightly taken aback, frowned slightly, and said, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Bain sat cross-legged on the ground, lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "I am too weak. I made an agreement with him to become stronger in our own ways, until one day we can sail on the sea in a fair and honest manner."

"The Red Hair Pirates are a world-famous big pirate group. If they can sail with you, they will surely encounter more powerful enemies, so please let me sail with you."

Shanks looked down, and gradually released an inexplicable aura, and said expressionlessly, "Why should I promise you?"

"I know that my request is very rude, and I don't have any capital to show for it. I'm just asking in my own name." Bane said with his head down.

Elsa on the side was silent for a while, and then said: "Me too, please allow me to be with Mr. Bain."

Saying that, Elsa's legs were slightly bent, and Bain suddenly made a move, took her hand, turned back to stare at her with horrified eyes, and said, "Don't kneel!"

Elsa's pupils shrank from this stare, her body softened, and she almost fell down.

Bane pulled her behind him, turned his head to face Shanks, and said in a deep voice: "If you agree, I will entrust you with my life. I can do everything, even fighting on the battlefield. take care of me."

Baine's eyes were flickering with madness at this time, this was the first time in his life that he had such eyes.

"If I die, it will only prove that I am not strong enough to survive in this sea."

Shanks looked at the man in front of him who had almost lost his mind, and his evaluation of Bane was slightly lowered in his heart.

Only a person who can think rationally can become a ferocious beast. If he only acts on desire and impulse, he can only be a beast in the end.

However, Shanks thought of Bane's previous behaviors, and he could only understand that this was a stressful move after losing his companion.

"According to the agreement with Thirteen, unless you disembark voluntarily, I won't drive you away." Shanks' face was dark, and he stared at Bain with sharp eyes.

"However, this is my boat, and he, Ye Shisan, hasn't had such a big face yet!"

Bain's pupils shrank and his face sank slightly, as if he had touched a minefield.

There was a smile on the corner of Shanks' mouth, but it was not so friendly in Bane's eyes: "From now on, I will decide whether you will stay or not. If you want to stay, just show me."

"Tomorrow we will fight the Moonlight Pirates. At that time, you can try it. If you can survive, you can stay."

Saying that, Shanks turned around and walked to his room, leaving behind a sentence without emotion:

"If you don't want to die tomorrow, just stay on the boat honestly, then I will still abide by the agreement with Ye Shisan."

Shanks and all the crew members left, leaving Baine and Elsa sitting cross-legged in silence under the moonlight.

"Mr. Bain." Elsa broke the silence in a low voice, "Let's get out of here."

Bain was slightly taken aback, turned around to look at Elsa, and asked, "Why?"

Elsa was a little scared. Bain's terrifying look just now made her a little scared. After hesitating for a while, she said, "Don't they dislike us?"

Bain shook his head slightly when he heard the words, touched Elsa's hair, and said, "No, it's not that they don't like us, it's because I offended you first."

"Also, Shanks is not trying to drive us away, he is giving me a chance, which is already very good."

Yes, in Bane's view, Shanks was not so angry, but gave him a chance to stay.

In any case, Shanks is the captain of the ship after all, the boss of the red-haired pirates, even if everyone respects him, he must have a reason for doing things.

Bane wanted to board the ship, and he didn't want to join, but simply wanted to stay on the ship. This kind of request is actually very offensive. If he was placed in other pirate groups, he would have been hacked by a knife.

But maybe it was due to the relationship with Ye Shisan, or maybe it was other reasons, in short, Shanks didn't draw the sword, but gave Bane a chance.

As long as Bane's performance on the battlefield against the Moonlight Pirates tomorrow can convince the other crew members of the Red Hair Pirates, then Shanks can keep him as agreed.

If not, presumably Shanks will not force him to stay, because Ye Shisan really doesn't have that much face.

At the same time, Bain also heard another news from these words, that is, the Red Hair Pirates are going to fight the Moonlight Pirates.

Bain judged almost instantly that Shanks was helping Ye Shisan, helping him block the powerful enemy Moonlight Moriah, so that he could be a little easier on Monroe Island.

"Elsa, you have to remember that the red-haired pirates are our benefactors. Maybe you don't understand it now, but you have to remember, do you understand?" Bane said solemnly.

Elsa nodded hesitantly. She really didn't understand, but she remembered.

"Also, from now on, no matter who you meet, you are not allowed to kneel down, absolutely not!" Bain looked serious, this matter is very important.

Elsa lived in a different environment from Bain. She was just a girl who grew up in a small village. It is normal to kneel and beg when faced with plundering pirates. She has seen it a lot, and she has knelt before.

However, being used to it doesn't mean it's right.

"You have to remember, neither I nor Thirteen will allow my partner to kneel to anyone, even if it is death, absolutely not!" Bain said seriously.

Seeing that Bain was so serious, Elsa nodded and said seriously: "I remember."

"Okay, go back to sleep." Bain smiled, stood up and pulled Elsa back.


On the other side, Shanks' room.

"No way, boss, didn't you agree to stop him from fighting?" Lagi Lu said helplessly.

"Well, what's the difference? We've all gone, so what if we don't fight." Shanks said with a smile.

"You were indeed impulsive in this matter, Shanks." Beckman said calmly.

"We have no enmity with the Moonlight Pirates. For the sake of a favor, it is not a good idea to form an enemy out of thin air."

"Uh..." Seeing what Beckman said, Shanks scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, "I didn't think about it that much, that guy Moria probably wouldn't care...probably."

"Alas..." Lagi Lu sighed helplessly, Shanks was not very good at this, he was easily impulsive, but he still had a domineering appearance.

Originally, they went to stop Moria, as long as they didn't take the initiative to start a war, nothing would happen. Afterwards, the trap of the flying squirrel was exposed, and Moria might have to thank them.

However, once a bloody incident occurs, don't say thank you, you may have to beat your head every time you meet in the future.

After Shanks recovered, he bowed his head decisively and said sincerely: "Sorry, I was wrong, please forgive me."

Lagi Lu sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said, "I'm very sorry, I dare you next time, won't you?"

It's not the first time Shanks has done this kind of thing, and he apologizes every time, but he will continue to do it next time.

"Hahaha, how could it be?" Shanks laughed and raised his head, not looking into Lagi Lu's eyes.

"However, if you really want to fight, there is no solution." Beckman pondered.

"Do you have an idea?" Lagi Lu asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well, we have to pretend to be good for Moria, and at the same time provoke him, let him take the initiative to fight us, and then wait until the flying squirrel comes on the scene, he will naturally understand that we saved him, so that we will not form an enemy, mo Leah also lied to us." Beckman said calmly.

Shanks was stunned when he heard the words, and asked, "This, can it be done?"

"Try it, you won't lose anything anyway."


(End of this chapter)

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