This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 86 New Year's Banquet

Chapter 86 New Year's Banquet
Since ancient times, the true love can't be kept, and the routine always wins the hearts of the people.

Just like Nicole Robin at the beginning, Karl finally tricked Luo into the Kara family by launching the "mouth escape and big deception technique".

Since Karl became the king of Shichibukai, he didn't take the initiative to make troubles, but stayed in Xihai in peace, and has been secretly integrating the underground forces in Xihai.

With the assistance of Robin's wisdom and the "Silver Fang" killer organization controlled by Bowness, although there will still be some small and small forces left behind, but at this time in the underground world of Xihai, no one knows "" Mr. V" title.

Just like Doflamingo and Crocodile have the titles of "JOKER" and "Mr. Underground forces.

As a result, Karl, a "patient with naming difficulty syndrome", didn't bother to think about it, and directly gave the name of a favorite movie character in his previous life to the cottage.

"Mr.V", a mysterious figure who walks in the shadows...

Peaceful days always pass quickly. Before you know it, the year 1508 of the Haiyuan calendar has come to an end, and the sea in this year is relatively calm, and it is only the only thing that can attract the attention of the whole world. There are two big things.

One is "Tom Studio's sea train 'Jet Tom' was completed and successfully crossed the sea, opening up the route between the 'Seven Water Capital' Water Seven Islands and the World Government Judiciary Island".

Another big event is that "Kage Knife" Karl, who was born in the West Sea and had an original bounty of 8100 million Baileys, defeated Don Quixote Doflamingo from "Ten Yasha" and became the new King Shichibukai".

On the seemingly calm sea, there are actually undercurrents surging, and the big pirates are secretly implementing their own plans, trying to stir up earth-shattering storms and waves on this sea.

Xihai, the capital of the country of flowers, the streets are crowded with people, brightly lit and bustling.

Before this year, this country has been shrouded in the cloud of war. Although there are some small frictions in the corners, it is not enough to cause too much impact on the country of flowers, but the war on the border is like smog. Always shrouded in the hearts of the people, lingering.

But this year is different. His lord the king actually made friends with a "king's Shichibukai" appointed by the world government, and this Mr. Carl really lived up to expectations, and he completely wiped out those arms dealers who continuously provided weapons for the enemy country.

And not only that, Mr. Carl even publicly announced that from now on, the Kingdom of Flowers will be his friend, and any pirates who dare to make trouble here are challenging him, and he will definitely personally destroy those illegal ones that endanger the people. only.

Just like Crocodile in Alabasta, "Shadow Knife" Karl has clearly become a hero in the hearts of the people of the Kingdom of Flowers.

"Wow, mom, look, this sea beast is so big! But why does its body seem to be cut open?"

On the celebration square in the Land of Flowers, a little girl pointed at the corpse of a small sea king in the middle of the square, blinked her big eyes, and asked curiously.

"Little girl, you don't know yet, do you? Mr. Carl caught this Neptune himself."

Before the little girl's mother could speak, a man nearby took the initiative to come over.

"I saw it all with my own eyes. At that time, a fishing boat wanted to go out to sea, but unexpectedly a sea beast swam from a distance. My God, this sea beast was bigger than a small cargo ship. The situation at that time was too dangerous. Already!"

"What's next?" The little girl asked nervously after being attracted by the story of the strange Shushu.

If it weren't for the fact that the dead sea beast not far away was indeed like a hill, the little girl would definitely think that this uncle was talking nonsense.

"Later...Mr. Carl happened to pass by the port at that time and discovered the abnormal situation on the sea. Guess what? Mr. Carl jumped into the sea without hesitation, and even stepped on the sea to catch up with the fishing boat. Then he killed the sea beast with one blow!"

"The people at the port were dumbfounded at the time. If Mr. Carl hadn't taken the initiative to remind everyone to come back to eat meat, maybe the sea king meat would have been wasted!"

"Really? Mr. Carl is so powerful!"

After the little girl listened to the man's narration, there seemed to be little golden stars shining in her eyes. Even the little girl's mother covered her little mouth in surprise.

The man was so pleased with the reaction of the little girl and her mother that he was telling the story for the eighth time.But whenever he meets someone who doesn't know what happened, he will tell it to his heart's content. He likes the feeling of being paid attention to when telling a story.

At this time, Karl was in the palace of the Kingdom of Flowers, having a drink with the King of the Kingdom of Flowers.

"Mr. Carl, I was always wondering why you didn't accept the invitation from the Nine Treasures Navy of the Kingdom of Flowers? Looking at it now, it turns out that you have even bigger goals!"

The King of the Kingdom of Flowers sat at the head, and Karl sat at the VIP position. Surrounding the royal table were York and other princes and ministers.

"My king, you are too proud. Even if I didn't set up the Nine Treasures Navy, everyone can still cooperate happily. This does not hinder our status as friends at all!"

Karl was telling the truth, he had no intention of stealing the country.

If Karl wants to challenge the authority of the world government and completely erase his identity as a pirate, then stealing the country is not the best solution.

Stealing the country means developing one's own power steadily and steadily.

For Karl, it is not difficult to steal a country, but with the expansion of his power, Karl does not have enough manpower to defend his territory.

The best solution should be to draw the already existing kingdoms into their own camp like the revolutionary army led by Dorag, and finally respond to everyone and attack the world government together.

There have never been real friends or enemies between countries, only permanent interests.

"Hahahaha... Mr. Carl is right, come on, let's drink to everyone's friendship..."

The King of the Kingdom of Flowers took the lead in raising his wine glass, and all the ministers stood up to respond, and Karl also drank the wine in the glass with a smile.

The banquets in the palace still go on for a long time.

Karl got up and left halfway, bidding farewell to the noisy royal banquet.

He stepped on moon steps and flew towards the direction of the bamboo forest where Kung Fu Panda was.

Kung Fu Panda, Robin, Cirno, Boniss, Luo, and Pafis, who hasn't done anything so far, are all waiting there.

There was a wild open-air barbecue meeting there.

That was the New Year's banquet that really belonged to Karl.




——Volume [-], finished!

(We will go to the great route next, so please look forward to it! ^_^)

(End of this chapter)

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