This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 81 The Power of Saya

Chapter 81 The Power of Saya

For 18 years, the Navy has no new generals.

That's because wanting to become an admiral requires not only countless military achievements, but also absolute strength.

The navy has been waiting for new naval stars such as red dogs, blue pheasants, and yellow monkeys.

Every admiral, regardless of whether he has the devil fruit ability or not, has already cultivated his physical skills to the peak of his body.

Even Akakenu and Aokiji, who are natural-type devil fruit abilities, have never fallen behind in the practice of Taijutsu.

Only the shining fruit has almost no weaknesses, so the yellow ape will slack off the practice of physical skills a little bit.

But despite this, Huang Yuan can still crush most of the vice admirals with physical skills alone!

It's a pity that Karl's natal attribute happens to be a dark element.The shining fruit of the yellow monkey... has an opponent!

When Kuzan stepped out, the ice floe shattered, and the force of the impact remained undiminished. Even the sea water under the ice floe seemed to tremble.

I saw that Kuzan shot out like a sharp arrow, and instantly bounced towards Karl in mid-air. His speed had already surpassed that of a cannonball!

The distance of hundreds of meters is only an instant under Kuzan's ejection.

Karl stepped on the air, and suddenly flew to the position of the naval warship not far away.

He didn't come here this time to fight Kuzan desperately.

Karl has only traveled for more than half a year, and his strength is far from enough to fight head-on with the few monster-level powerhouses like Aokiji.


Unexpectedly, the opponent didn't play cards according to the routine, and Kuzan, who had already rushed to Carl's position, couldn't help but let out a low shout.

Although Kuzan's speed is almost as fast as the extreme, Carl's Ghost Shadow Step is not completely defenseless.

In the short moment when Kuzan ejected to Karl's original position, Karl also flew hundreds of meters away in one "moon step".

"Ah? How did they come here?" Lieutenant General He on the warship saw Carl and Kuzan in mid-air rushing towards his warship as if "Sai Fei", and a hint of surprise flashed between his brows.

"Lieutenant General He, shall we attack?" Of course, the female adjutant next to him also noticed the two people who were getting closer, and immediately asked Lieutenant General He for his opinion.

"No, don't worry. But you all go back first, and give them this deck." Lieutenant General He's eyes revealed the depth of wisdom. She seemed to have guessed the future and predicted what might happen next. Condition.


A group of female sea soldiers took orders and retreated one after another.


"Frozen Time Capsule!"

Karl landed on the warship, before finishing a sentence.

Kuzan followed closely, stretched out his hand and popped a capsule-like air-conditioning projectile at Carl.

After the air-conditioning projectile touched Karl's back, it instantly spread to the surroundings like a dissolving capsule.

Endless cold air enveloped Karl in the middle, freezing Karl into a human-shaped ice lump in a blink of an eye.

Frozen Karl exudes a biting cold air, reflecting colorful brilliance under the sunlight, like a finely crafted ice crystal artwork.

"It's done!"

Aokiji slowly straightened up and stretched leisurely.

"Senior Crane, I'll leave the rest to you, I'll go to sleep first!"

"Kuzan, when did you become so diligent, a lazy child?" Lieutenant General He nodded in satisfaction and made a joke by the way.

"Isn't this for General Warring States and Senior Crane? I think General Warring States seems to care about this pirate very much, as if he wants to eat people."

"Lieutenant General Kuzan is so handsome!"

"You actually got rid of that pirate with one move, it seems that that pirate is nothing more than that!"

"Don't talk nonsense, that pirate is already very powerful if he can defeat Doflamingo, but Lieutenant General Kuzan is even more powerful!"

"Lieutenant General Kuzan, can you give me an autograph?"

"I want me too!"

"Ah la la la la..." Surrounded by a group of female sailors with little stars in their eyes, Kuzan kept scratching the back of his head, a little at a loss, like a shy child.

"Oh, these kids..." Lieutenant General He saw everything and shook his head helplessly.


Suddenly there was a slight crisp sound.


Lieutenant General Crane and Kuzan captured these details immediately, and looked at Karl who was frozen into an ice sculpture almost at the same time.


The other female sailors were not aware of it, and followed the eyes of the two lieutenant generals.

I saw that there seemed to be an imperceptible tiny crack on the body of the shadow knife Karl, and then there was no process of change, only a "crash", the ice crystals on the pirate's body were instantly shattered, and the "shadow knife" Karl stood intact. in front of the crowd.

"Ah ah ah..."

The female sailors were taken aback and screamed in disbelief.

Lieutenant General He and Kuzan's expressions were serious, ready to deal with the possible battle that might happen next.

"Hehe, is this the sincerity of your navy? I think no one will dare to cooperate with your navy in the future."

Accompanied by a sneer, it was Karl's calm and calm voice, without the slightest tremor.

Lieutenant General Crane and Kuzan both noticed Karl's condition.

His complexion was rosy, his breathing was steady, and his body stood up straight, as if he hadn't been affected in the slightest by the "frozen time capsule" that was enough to freeze an ordinary lieutenant general to death.

Karl has the ghostly power of "Saya of Frost" in his body. If he is frozen to death like this, wouldn't it make other ghostly hosts laugh out loud?

It's just that Karl has not yet fully developed the power of "Saya of Frost". If it reaches the later stage, Karl can even be directly immune to the freezing effect, ignoring any ice attribute attacks.

At that time, if Kuzan still wants to hurt Karl, he may have to use his condensed ice weapon for physical attacks.

"You... well, you do have a trick. But I won't give you any more chances!"

Kuzan was also surprised by Carl's performance, but he quickly regained his composure and was ready to attack Carl again.

"Forget it, Kuzan!"

Unexpectedly, Lieutenant General He actually spoke out to stop Kuzan's plan at this time.

"Senior Crane?!"

"Let me talk to this 'Shadow Knife' Karl!"

Through the simple battle between Kuzan and the pirate in front of him, Lieutenant General He has a better understanding of Karl's strength.

At this time, the navy's power was in a downturn. At Lieutenant General He's age, she no longer had blood in her heart. What she valued was gain and loss, and seeking more benefits for the navy.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep then!"

I am just a support person for this mission. Now that Senior He has already spoken, Kuzan will not insist anymore.

Glancing at Carl disconsolately, Kuzan walked slowly to the aft deck to bask in the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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