Chapter 53

"All of you, let's kill this pirate together!" Diamanti resisted the severe pain in his hand, but still had the strength to roar at the sailors on board.

"Put down the weapons in your hands, and I will spare your lives!" This time, Karl was uncharacteristically "benevolent", and lost the interest in attacking the remaining pirates.

A group of ordinary pirates looked at each other, at a loss.

On one side is the Don Quixote family hanging above their heads like the sword of Damoris, and on the other side is Karl, the crazy pirate of the West Sea who can take their lives at any time.

If given the choice, they would rather jump into the sea and flee for their lives.But now, they couldn't even see the shadow of an island, and the icy sea water would definitely freeze them to death on the way.

"You guys better not have any crooked thoughts about running away!"

Some pirates were already eager to try. After hearing what Karl said, they felt a thump in their hearts, sweating coldly behind their backs, worried that their small actions would be discovered by the enemy.

But following Karl's gaze, the pirates finally found out what the other party was referring to. It turned out that Karl the shadow knife was not talking about himself, but Lord Mahabasi!

Mahabas, who had seen Karl's strength, had already anointed the soles of his feet with oil. He used the ability of pressing tons of fruits to reduce his weight to the lightest. His obese body flew slowly into the sky like a balloon, trying to escape. This dangerous place.

"Hahahahahaha, you are dead! When Dover hears the news, he will come and tear you to pieces!" Not only was Diamanti not angry when he found that Bais had abandoned him, but he understood it in an instant. come over.

The piercing pain in his hand made him grin his teeth, but he wanted to put on a smile, and the flesh on his face was constantly twisting on Diamanti's face, which looked even scary.

"It's so easy!"

Karl looked at Mahabas who was slowly floating in the sky, and couldn't help but complain.He searched the deck for a long time but couldn't find the folding stool, and finally he had to find a wine bottle.

Karl accelerates vigorously under his feet, and every step makes a loud "boom" on the deck. After chasing to the side of the boat, the wine bottle in Karl's hand is thrown suddenly, drawing a brilliant arc under the sunlight in the sky Go straight to Mahabas.

Mahabas is just floating, not flying like Lafayette, so he's slow,

"Watch out behind you, Bais!"

Mahabas vaguely heard Lord Diamanti calling him. He wanted to look back, but his sight was blocked by his fat body.

Helpless, he had no choice but to turn around slowly in mid-air, only to see a shiny thing flying towards him.Caught off guard, Mahabais was hit on the bridge of the nose by a wine bottle thrown by Karl.A spray of blood burst out of his whole body in mid-air, and his fat face was cut by broken glass.

Just like that, Mahabas was knocked unconscious by Karl's bottle, and fell into the sea with a plop.

"Hiss..." Karl observed the general situation of Mahabas, and he couldn't help rubbing his nose, even he himself couldn't imagine the sour feeling.

"You bastard, you actually killed Bais!" Diamanti grabbed his wrist and yelled at Carl.

He once tried to pull out the Hailoushi short knife by himself, but Hailoushi's strength and severe pain deprived him of most of the strength in his body. In addition, the Hailoushi short knife was inserted deeper into the deck, Diaman Tee was helpless.

"It's obviously your fault. If you don't call him, can he turn back? If he doesn't turn back, I might not be able to knock him down." Karl didn't care about Diamanti's accusation.

He turned his gaze to the other pirates again, and the latter dropped their weapons one after another, hoping to save their lives.

Just kidding?This lunatic even dared to kill the cadres. Isn't his own life like an ant in his eyes?
"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!" Senor had gradually regained consciousness, and he punched Karl unsteadily.

"If you want to sneak attack, don't talk nonsense." Karl easily avoided the attack of Senior's absence. He slashed the back of the opponent's neck with a knife, and Senior fainted again.

"Hey, are there any Hailoushi handcuffs?" Karl squatted beside Diamanti and asked with a smile.

"No." Diamanti's answer was crisp and decisive.

"You have to think about it, if there are no Hailoushi handcuffs, I can only pin you to this deck." Carl narrowed his eyes and smiled more "friendly".

"You lunatic..." Diamanti gritted his teeth with hatred, but he was helpless, "What are you still doing? Go get it for him!"

The pirates on the ship got orders and ran into the cabin in a panic.


When Karl was fighting on the pirate ship, he used the "Ghost Slashing Moon" move against Rao G. At that time, he didn't think much about it. Now after the battle was resolved, he noticed that the main mast of the sailing ship was actually cut off by himself. .

It is difficult for a sailboat without a mainmast to travel too far. Carl had no choice but to order these pirates to use artificial power to manipulate the oars that sailboats rarely use, and sailed with difficulty to the nearest Pineapple Island. The island where Carl first met Dominic.

On this island, since all the Baileys earned by the pirates in the past, there are naturally small ship repair yards.

Karl wants to kidnap Diamanti and Senor as hostages and earn some benefits from Doflamingo, so he needs to repair the pirate ship first, and then return to Luce with the two of them The base camp on Te Island.

Luo just kidnapped an ordinary cadre of the Doflamingo family, and he can make Doflamingo go through a lot of trouble. Karl believes that Diamanti, the highest cadre, will definitely squeeze out of Doflamingo. more value.

"Hey, where is Doflamingo now?" Sitting on the sofa in the captain's cabin, Carl tasted the dessert on the table, and talked with Diamanti and Senor by the way.

At this time, the latter was not only handcuffed by Hailoushi, but also tied up by Karl with wire.

"He's not here now." Diamanti closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, his face full of disdain.He didn't lie, and he didn't feel the need to lie.

"Where did he go?"

"North Sea."

"Beihai?" Karl couldn't help but frown slightly.

It has been a while since I came to this world. Karl can't remember the specific time of some major events in history. He doesn't even know which year Luffy went to sea.

"What did he go to Beihai for?"

"I do not know."

"Hehe, one West Sea is not enough? At the same time, he even went to Beihai to make troubles. This is quite in line with his nature, he is insatiable."

(End of this chapter)

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