This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 427 The Death of Smoothie

Chapter 427 The Death of Smoothie

Earth-shattering battles are breaking out everywhere on Cake Island.

Darz Bowness and Charlotte Snuggle.

Trafalgar Law and the Storm Queen.

"Fujitora" smiles and "Beasts" Kaido.

And Karl, who turned into a ghost, is facing the siege of King Freeze, Jack Drought, Charlotte Katakuri and Charlotte Smoothie at the same time.

The pirates brought by the Hundred Beasts Pirates and the soldiers of the Charlotte family could only stare blankly at this scene, they couldn't get their hands in at all.

Especially the Beasts Pirates, who were transformed into half-orcs by Luo as the "givers" and those ordinary animal devil fruit capable users. They thought that this special body could bring them unparalleled power.

But today's battle of this scale has completely shattered their beliefs and made them re-understand their own position. They are just a grasshopper that can be shot to death by the strong in this sea at any time.

Katakuri's temple, who was fighting, was suddenly pierced by someone.

But Katakuri, who has cultivated his domineering aura to the extreme, has already used his "glutinous fruit" feature to shift the vitals of his body, and what the bullet penetrates is nothing more than a glutinous ball.

It wasn't until Katakuri with red eyes looked in the direction of the bullet that a deafening explosion like thunder reached his ears.

Sniper rifles are generally not equipped with silencers, because that will affect the distance and accuracy of sniping.

Supersonic sniper bullets reach the target's location before the sound reaches the target's ears, so there is no need to install a silencer at all.

And generally speaking, because the distance is too far, the explosion when the sniper rifle bullets are ejected will dissipate halfway.

Only the sound produced by Franky's special over-the-horizon sniper rifle can travel so far.

It is conceivable that if the person using this sniper rifle is not Cirno but an ordinary person, even if he wears earplugs, the eardrum will probably be shocked to bleed out.

"Smoogee, go and kill the sniper who killed Daifuku, leave it to us!"

"I understand!"

Smoothie broke away from the fight with Carl, and the distance of several kilometers did not take long for her.

In fact, the reason why Katakuri ordered Smoothie to find the sniper was a little selfish-he didn't want his sister to be hurt in the battle with Carl.

"Katakuri, you really have confidence in yourself. With the three of you alone, do you think you can kill me?"

Karl who turned into a ghost god was much taller than Katakuri, and the lightsaber in his hand kept swinging and falling, hitting Katakuri back and forth in embarrassment.

"'Ghost' Karl, stop looking down on people, you bastard!"

It seems that King and Jack, who were ignored by Karl, were also ignited by Karl. These two "animals · ancient species · saber-toothed tiger" and "zoology · ancient species · mammoth" ability users launched a crazy attack on Karl.

Not only do they wield the weapons in their hands, even their teeth are their sharp weapons to kill the enemy!

The tacit cooperation between the two finally forced Karl to face it seriously, and Katakuri barely got a chance to breathe.

Smoothie soon finds Cirno, who is trying to escape.

Even without the giantization of the fruit ability, in front of Smoothie who is nearly five meters tall, Cirno, who is only a little over 1.7 meters tall, looks so small and powerless.

"Lanjiao Civet!"

Two cat-shaped cyan-blue vacuum chopping waves flew towards Charlotte Smoothie, but they were easily chopped into spots of light by the sword hero lady with a single sword strike.

"It was you, the damned woman, who killed my brother. I must kill you today and use the juice you squeezed to pay homage to my brother Dafu!"

Smoothie slashed at Cirno with a sword, but unexpectedly, the latter flew into the sky on moon steps.

"Moon step? Damn guy"

The BIGMOM Pirates have many pirates who are proficient in moon steps, but it is a pity that none of the "Sweet Four Stars" practice moon steps because they don't know if they don't like this move that originated from the navy.

But that doesn't mean Smoothie has nothing to do with enemies in the air.


Sword energy erupted one after another from the four-meter-long pointed sword.

Qi Lunuo is like a bird being chased by a hunter, and can only use the advantage of the moon step to keep fleeing in mid-air.

"Can't you still release fire? Why don't you use it to burn me?!"

Ignoring Smoothie's provocation, Cirno took out two revolvers from his pockets and shot them at Smoothie on the ground at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye.

Cirno shot so fast that even Smoothie could barely avoid half of the bullets, and the remaining half was resisted with armed domineering.

But Cirno was not discouraged, and there were dozens of revolvers hanging between the layers of her windbreaker, and the dense bullets sprinkled on Smoothie on the ground like rain.

It's a pity that the vacuum chop kicked by Lan's kick was chopped by Smoothie, and the bullets of the revolver were easily blocked by Smoothie's armed domineering.

Even though Smoothie couldn't kill Cirno in the air, she could definitely exhaust Cirno to death in the sky.

As time went by, Smoothie no longer dodged the bullets of the revolver in vain, she simply protected her whole body with armed domineering aura, accelerated the speed of swinging the long sword, and the bright sword aura became more and more dense, making her People are dazzled.

Because Smoothie knows very well that if you just dodge blindly, no matter how dexterous the swift is, there will always be a moment when it will be hit.

The hammer strikes the tail of the bullet, and the gunpowder pushes the bullet out of the barrel.

Smoothie's eyes widened suddenly, the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, his legs softened and he knelt down involuntarily.

There was even a trace of fear in Smoothie's tired tone: "This is Hailou Stone?"

Hailou Shishi overcomes devil fruit ability users.

The moment it touches the skin of the ability user, it will instantly take away the ability and all the physical strength of the ability user. Even if the ability user can recover part of the physical strength after a period of time, it is still not as good as the peak state.

Karl taught Jesus Bu the single-action revolver's continuous firing skills, and of course he also taught Cirno later.

Two gunshots joined together seemed to be a single gunshot.

The first Hailou stone bullet touched Smoothie's skin and was bounced off by her armed arrogance, but at the same time took away her strength, followed by the second Hailou stone bullet that shot into Smoothie body, causing her to fall to her knees in embarrassment.

"Karl is not stupid, how could he let a sniper who has no self-defense power to attack Wan Guo with him?"

Smoothie saw a door suddenly appear in the air, and a sniper rifle was thrown out of the door out of thin air.

The domineering sniper bullet covered in armed color pierced Smoothie's forehead, and then shot out from the back of her head.

Smoothie is much luckier than his brother Dafu.

At least, she made a fool of herself.

(End of this chapter)

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