This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 415 I'm Not Interested In Garbage

Chapter 415 I'm Not Interested In Garbage
"Anyone come to see me?"

Carl was also taken aback.

He really didn't expect that someone would come here to visit him under such circumstances.

And I am the number one criminal of the world government at the moment, who has the ability to come here to see me?
"Hello, Mr. Carl, I'm Vegapunk from the World Government's Research Department. This is my first meeting. Please take care of me."

Wearing a white coat, Vegapunk walked to Karl's cell with a friendly smile on his face under the protection of the special bodyguards assigned to him by the World Government.

Magellan wisely went to other places for a stroll, and at the same time, he also wanted to put pressure on the big pirates here and prevent them from making trouble suddenly.

The big pirates here are most afraid of Magellan, the "poison man".

After being poisoned by Magellan, it will give people a feeling that is more uncomfortable than death.

But they couldn't die, because the jailer would use the antidote to revive them later.

This is simply suffering.

No matter how arrogant a pirate was, he will become extremely honest after being tossed a few times by Magellan.

And the bodyguards following Vegapunk would not bother with these pirates.

His mission is to protect and monitor Vegapunk.


Carl looked at the man who called himself "Vegapunk", with a hint of mockery at the corner of his mouth. He shook the chain on his body and rattled: "Do you think I can take care of you now?"

"Ah, you don't need to move, you just need to say a few words to me, that's the greatest care for me."

Vegapunk sat down on the ground, keeping his sight at the same height as Karl.

Seeing Vegapunk so low-key, Karl was a little surprised: "Okay, you can ask."

"I want to know, how did your steamship pass through the calm zone safely? Is it also using the sea stone technology?"

"What is the principle of your torpedo that can automatically attack the target?"

"And this bullet..."

Vegapunk took out a bullet from his jacket pocket, which was the special bullet that Cirno used to shoot Rozwald the Celestial Dragon.

"...I have never seen the metal of this kind of bullet, so is this also your Carret's technology?"

There are many techniques, not that Vegapunk doesn't know it, but that he never thought about it.

Even if it only needs a few words from Carl, he can follow the instructions and finally overcome these technologies.

Carl sneered: "Do you think I might tell you this information? Is Dr. Vegapunk with a super IQ also an idiot with a zero EQ?"

"Ah, I thought your words were good when you were about to die."

Vegapunk put the bullet back into his jacket pocket.

"But I have a way to save your life. I wonder if you are interested?"

A trace of expectation flashed in Carl's eyes: "Let's listen."

"It's no secret that the Pacifist is based on Batholomi Kuma, the Shichibukai of the King, combined with the laser power of Admiral Polusalino of the Navy Headquarters. I think you should know?"

Carl frowned slightly: "So you want me to accept your transformation and become a second-form pacifist, right?"

"so smart!"

Vegapunk's eyes sparkled: "Although this is a bit inhumane, it's better than losing your life, right?
I promise you, Mr. Carl, if you take my advice.I, Vegapunk, guarantee with the personality of a scientist, you can definitely survive. "

"Your personality?"

"That's right, my personality!"

"Hahahaha, you're so ridiculous, how much is your personality worth? The world government cares about your personality? You were arrested by the world government yourself, so don't treat yourself like an onion."

The bodyguard behind Vegapunk had subtle anger in his eyes.

Vegapunk didn't speak, but stood up and patted the dust on himself, then turned and left: "Let's go."

The bodyguard was a little confused: "Is this going away? You don't want to ask any more questions?"

Vegapunk wanted to add Carl to the bloodline factor luxury package, not only because of his obsession with scientific research, but also because of the promotion of the world government.

Bloodlines that can communicate with ghosts and gods... Why doesn't the world government want to get this power?

"Obviously, this is not a person who is afraid of death, and there is no need to pester him any further."

Magellan escorted Vegapunk out of Propel City.

Infinite Hell soon resumed its noise like a vegetable market.

"This kid is interesting, my wife likes it!"

"Katerina, how old are you? He's just a young man. Do you have the nerve to say that you like him?"

"Evil government king, shut up your stinky mouth, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart?"

"Secret Moon Hunter" Katerina quarreled with "Evil Government King" Abaro, and other voices in the prison also came and went.

"The little devil is doing well, this is how he looks like a man!"

"I think he's a fool. He finally got a chance to get out of here, but he refused. Isn't it good to live?"


In the infinite hell on the sixth floor of the deep-sea prison, there are no clocks, no sunrise and sunset. Karl barely calculates the loss of time based on the time of the jailer's activities.

"My injury has fully healed, and it should be the seventh day now?"

Some of the tired big pirates were snoring like thunder, and some were talking as if no one was there.


The sudden sound of steel hitting the floor woke up all the criminals in Infinite Hell.

Even criminals who are not very domineering because they are all big pirates, their instincts are very sensitive to troubles.

The nihilization of "Keja of Remnant Shadow" allowed Karl to get rid of the chains on his body without any effort.

If it weren't for the fact that it was impossible to escape facing eight enemies at the same time, otherwise the mere birdcage would not be able to stop Karl at all.

In fact, Karl can get rid of the chains without relying on the power of ghosts and gods.

One of the skills of "Return of Life" combined with "Paper Painting" is to change its own shape, but it is not as convenient as nihilization. ①
There is never a lack of abilities that belong to the BUG level in a certain aspect in this world, but there is a lack of brains that are good at using them flexibly.

The bright sword light flashed past, and Karl used the Mingyan sword to cut off Laidfield's cage and chains.

"How did he get out?"

"Whatever, hey! Brother Karl, let us out too!"

"Asshole, if you don't let me out, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

"Mr. Carl, if you let me out, I will follow you in the future!"

All kinds of calls for help came and went, but Carl's next words poured over everyone's heads like a basin of ice water: "I'm only interested in the real strong."

"As for you trash who recognize your master casually, you should stay in this big prison forever!"

Note ①: You can refer to the ability of CP9 alto no owl (Chababa): paper painting. Ooze.

(End of this chapter)

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