This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 409 The Moon Landing Plan

Chapter 409 The Moon Landing Plan
"So I have to go back to the World Government Research Department and stay with Dr. Vegapunk!"

Big Bear made his request in a rare and serious tone.

As a king, Bear loves his subjects.

As a revolutionary, he valued his companions.

If anyone had to be sacrificed on the road to revolution, Da Xiong hoped that that person would be himself.

A faint laughter suddenly sounded from the conference table.

Everyone followed the sound and saw Karl shaking his head with a chuckle.

Everyone stopped talking.

This Karl who refused to join the Revolutionary Army would always bring them surprises. Judging from his current performance, it was obvious that he must now have a way to persuade Big Bear not to be an undercover agent or to give reasons why Big Bear had to be an undercover agent.

Carl glanced at everyone present, and finally looked at the youngest Saab: "Vegapunk claims to have mastered the technology that is 500 years ahead of the world, do you believe it?"

Sabo was taken aback: "Um, Uncle Xiong will not lie to us, I choose to believe Uncle Xiong in this regard."

"That was not what I meant."

Carl's right hand was casually placed on the table in front of him, and his index finger tapped lightly on the table: "Of course I know that the big bear will not deceive us, and I also believe that Vegapunk has mastered the technology that is 500 years ahead of the world.

But what exactly does one have to do to master a technology that is 500 years ahead of the world?
Did he eat the fruit of IQ?One year of life is equal to ten years of life for others?Or does it mean that he ate the time fruit and can time travel between the future and the present? "

As the leader of the Revolutionary Army and the future chief of staff, Dorag and Sabo are both intellectuals.

They quickly grasped the key information in Carl's sentence: "You mean, Vegapunk didn't invent these technologies by himself, but mastered them through some channel?"

"Although this kind of speculation cannot be absolutely confirmed, the probability of this possibility is as high as 99%."

In many stories, there are often "ancient technologies" that far surpass modern technologies.

According to the normal development of history, technology should have been improving all the time, so why is there any reason why it is getting more and more regressive?
But one case is special.

Taking the modern earth as an example, if the third world war broke out on a global scale and nuclear bombs were used.

Then when the earth is reduced to a piece of wasteland, for the "future people" hundreds of years later, the technology mastered by "modern people" is more advanced "ancient technology".

The super battleship "Pluto" Pluto is such an "ancient technology".

And there is a very high possibility that "Pluto" was born in the "blank 100 years" that the world government tried to cover up.

Karl hasn't collected the full text of the history yet, so he definitely won't be able to find Ralph Drew and the huge ancient kingdom now.

But according to the memory in his mind, he knows that there is a place that is likely to have more advanced technology than the huge ancient kingdom-the moon!
"Mr. Carl, are you joking? How could the moon be an infinite land? How could there be living things there?"

For most people, the moon is just a mysterious celestial body that exists in legends.

When Karl proposed the "moon landing plan", even comrades in the revolutionary army with advanced ideology could not accept it for a while.

"So this is the real purpose of my looking for you this time. Do you think I'm here to chat with you?"

Carl took out a few photos from his pocket, which were photos taken by Franky and Olga using the camera while controlling the "Moon Landing Robot".

The revolutionaries here are passing photos of the moon's surface and the ruins of the moon base to each other. At this time, these bigwigs who can shake the world look like wild men in the valley who have never seen the world for the first time entering a modern human city. There was an expression of shock that could not be concealed.

"Tell me, Mr. Carl, what can we do for you?"

Even Drago, who was extremely deep in the city, became slightly short of breath at this moment.

If there is technology on the moon that surpasses the ground for 500 years, then the overthrow of the Draco is no longer a distant fantasy for the revolutionary army.

"We can talk about the detailed plan in the future. Regarding our first cooperation, I need Big Bear to go to the moon to explore the way first, because he is a modified person, and it is easiest to adapt to an environment different from the ground."

In this world where "explosive power can be obtained by stepping on the ground more than ten times in a row", not all the physical rules of the earth apply.

On the moon in this world, it is not a complete vacuum. In the original book, Enilo can live on the moon without any influence.

But Karl was not sure if Enilo also had any special physique or because of his special nature as a devil fruit ability user, so he needed Big Bear to go to the moon to collect some relevant information.

Gravity parameters, air parameters, land parameters...etc.

In addition, as a "thunder fruit" capable person, Enilo alone can supply the energy needed by the entire lunar base.

With Karl's current strength, he doesn't want to eat the thunderous fruit to add a weakness to himself for nothing.

Therefore, the supply of energy requires Drago to go into battle in person.

"Our scientists have invented wind power generation devices. Mr. Laudolag was the one who provided wind power during the moon landing."

There are two methods of landing on the moon that Karl now masters.

One is to use the "floating air balloon" invented by Dr. Tsukimi, and the other is to use the "Ark Proverbs" obtained in Sky Island.

The "floating air balloon" has almost no consumption, but the speed is slow and the passenger capacity is small.

"Ark Proverbs" can be transformed into a "spaceship", but requires a lot of electricity.

One of the great advantages of devil fruit is that it does not consume much of the ability user itself (except for individual fruits).

Otherwise, with Enilo's physical fitness, powering the entire moon base would have sucked his body dry.

Admiral Aokiji can create an iceberg out of thin air at will, and Drago, whose strength level will not be lower than Aokiji's, is no problem as a super-large humanoid self-propelled wind turbine.

"It's okay, as long as it's something meaningful, I will naturally be obliged."

A strange look appeared on Drago's face.

Why does it sound like he has become a worker for others?
"Then let's make a decision first. Let's discuss the follow-up plan in detail after Big Bear comes back."

Carl turned to look at Big Bear, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Big Bear's small step after landing on the moon is a giant step forward for the entire human civilization!"

"I understand."

For some reason, Big Bear suddenly felt a very strong sense of mission in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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