This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 392 I Will Cut Their Heads Off With My Hands

Chapter 392 I Will Cut Their Heads Off With My Hands

(It’s a pit, the automatic update is not updated...)
Not just Ace, there are more than 40 pirate groups under Whitebeard, including adventurers with a higher bottom line, and pirate groups that purely burn, kill, and loot.

After all, the Whitebeard Grand Fleet is just a pirate group, not a military organization like Carret, so Whitebeard will not demand his subordinates with strict discipline like Carl, and he is even a solid backing for those pirates to do whatever they want.

No one can hurt Whitebeard's companions.

Just because Whitebeard has good and bad under his banner, but Whitebeard treats them equally and protects them, so the song "Whitebeard is the devil" is not entirely groundless.

In the original book, when Ace was chasing Blackbeard, he ate the overlord meal in the Bucky Pirates, but Bucky didn't even dare to fart.

It doesn't matter that Bucky and his gang are just a bunch of pirates.

But similar or even more serious things, who can guarantee that they have not happened to civilians?


"Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work."

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Kong Ming, nicknamed "Zhi Duo Xing", hung up the phone in his hand.

Charlotte Smoothie has become a King Shichibukai, and began to cooperate with the World Government to deal with the Ghost Pirates.

Their plan to cause conflicts between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Ghost Pirates was naturally also discussed with the Navy.

It was Charlotte Dafu who spoke to Kong Ming just now.

The current strength of Ace is not too strong, and Daifuku's strength is not low. After a battle broke out with Ace, Daifuku has led his men to retreat from Whitebeard's territory.

"It seems that these pirates are still useful."

Holding a lupine fan, Lieutenant General Kong Ming walked out of his office and looked towards the distant sea.

"But if I can, I really don't want to cooperate with scum like pirates... Kate, did Gan Tong call back?"

Kate is Lieutenant General Kong Ming's adjutant, and Gan Tong is Kong Ming's most capable general, with the rank of Colonel of the Navy Headquarters. He is brave and resourceful, and he is also an excellent sniper.

"Report to Lieutenant General, Colonel Gan Tong, he hasn't..."

"Blu blu blu..."

Before the adjutant finished speaking, the phone bug he was carrying rang out.

The adjutant did not answer, but directly handed the phone bug to the lieutenant general.

After a few brief conversations, a smile finally appeared on Kong Ming's slightly unhappy face because of cooperating with the pirates.

"Even if you don't rely on strong force, the navy can also defeat the pirates. Because the biggest difference between humans and animals is that humans have wisdom!"

Kong Ming is a brave and decisive, intelligent, and a vice admiral with a strong sense of justice.

But just a little narcissistic.

"This time's action... is called 'anti-indirect strategy'!"


"Huh? Why was our factory on Grandy Island bombed again?"

On New World Cake Island, Carl frowned when he heard Pafis report the situation.

Could it be that the geomantic omen of your new factory is not good?Why are there always people who have trouble with the Grandi factory?
"Have you found out who did it?"

Paffis also had a solemn expression on his face: "Not yet, but Miss Robin is sending people to investigate."

"Could it be an agent of Cipher Pol?"

Carl had a guess in his mind.

Although Carlo and Tezolo are supporting the Navy Headquarters and the World Government respectively, they are not omnipotent.

This time they only collected information that the navy was preparing to attack Carter, but they didn't know the specific plan.

Because the purpose of the navy was to cause conflicts between the Whitebeard Pirates and Carter, not simply to send agents to blow up a factory in Cutler's area, so Robin found out the culprit of the disturbance in Grandy that evening.

"The pirate group under Whitebeard? Is this unlikely?"

When Carl first heard Robin report, he actually refused.

The duel between Karl and Whitebeard because of the "Great Eddy Spider" Skuad is still vivid in my memory.

It wasn't just Karl who felt that hearty battle seemed like yesterday.

Even many places in the New World are still discussing that battle with relish, and the voices arguing about the strength of "White Beard" and "Ghosts and Gods" often arise in bars and other places, and sometimes even cause conflicts between the two sides. fighting.

Karl already has fans in the New World.

As long as the members of the Whitebeard Pirates are not brain-dead, how could they suddenly attack Cutler's factory on Grandy Island for no reason?

Could it be that Whitebeard's sons are too confident in Whitebeard's strength, thinking that he will never lose any battle, even if his physical condition is getting worse than before?

Through Robin's investigation, Carl has learned.

Although Whitebeard hasn't lived on the hanging bottle yet, he has started to take medicine since the last battle with Carl.

Whitebeard's strength is declining, while Karl's is rising.

Although White Beard would not show his weakness in front of anyone, his heart was definitely like a mirror, and he knew that if there was a fight between him and Karl, it would be impossible to win in nine out of ten.

How could he connive at his subordinates to provoke Cutler?
Or is it that White Beard dotes on his son to such an extent that he doesn't even need reason?

There are tricks, there are definitely tricks in it.

"No, I have to ask Whitebeard what's going on, Robin, go and connect Whitebeard to me!"

The thoughtful Robin smiled at Carl: "I've prepared it a long time ago, should I call Whitebeard now?"

"It's now!"

The phone bug only called twice before being connected by the other party.

"Hi, I'm Carl."

"Oh, it's Mr. Carl, hello, hello!"

On the other side of the phone bug is an enthusiastic and rough male voice.

Carl thought about it for a long time but couldn't remember whose voice it was, so he asked a random name: "Joz?"

The person on the opposite side laughed, not only didn't care at all, but became more enthusiastic: "I'm Teach, Marshall D. Teach, but it's normal for a big man like you, Mr. Carl, not to remember a small role like me. ah."

Marshall D. Teach, the future Blackbeard, was a character Carl had his eye on all the time.

But now Tiki is not Blackbeard, he is not even the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Karl has no chance to communicate with him, and naturally he does not remember his voice.

"Oh, it turned out to be Tiki, I have some impression of you, you are a very strong person."

Tikki paused.

He didn't know if Karl was just making a joke with him, or if he saw his hidden strength.

But there was no flaw in his tone: "It's okay, I'm quite strong, Mr. Carl, your memory is quite accurate!
By the way, Mr. Carl, you are looking for my father, right? "


"Please wait a moment... Dad, Dad, it's 'Ghost' Carl's call!"

The voice on the phone bug gradually became quieter, and it didn't take long before Tiqi's voice sounded again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Carl, Dad said he didn't want to answer the phone, and he said that if you have anything to do, please call me." Come and meet him yourself..."

"Hey, 'Ghost' Karl, is that you?!"

The voice of a young man suddenly changed from the phone bug.

Carl had an impression of this voice. The two had just met not long ago: "Portgas D. Ace?"

Ace, who is polite to everyone, yelled at Karl directly at this moment: "You bastard, why did you send someone to our territory of the Whitebeard Pirates to rob supplies, you have to..."


The answer to Ace was the voice called when the phone bug hung up.

Ace was stunned for a long time, and almost crushed the phone bug in his hand.

Tiki grinned at Ace with a big mouth missing a few teeth: "Captain Ace, don't be angry, the Ghost Pirates are a bunch of lunatics, and their boss 'Ghost' Carl is not a good guy.

It was their fault that they attacked our territory first, but now they have the face to reason with Dad, he even hung up on your phone, he is a damn bastard! "

The young and vigorous Ace is like a stubborn little wild horse. It is useless to reason with him, and he must be smoothed.

But Blackbeard didn't say these words to Ace to comfort Ace, he was purely adding fuel to the fire, lest the world would not be chaotic.

Hearing that someone was fighting against him, Ace felt better: "Tichi, you understand better, unlike that guy Marco, who is too weak.

This era is called Whitebeard, what have we to be afraid of? "

"Yes, this era is called Whitebeard!"

Tiqi showed a sunny smile. Even though he was ugly, this smile was still very heart-warming.

But he still has half a word in his heart: "The next era will be called Blackbeard!"


Carl, who hung up Ace's phone, looked at Robin and Pavis in the office.

"In that case, let me give him a face and have a good communication with him."

"Then when do you plan to leave?"

The current Robin no longer said anything similar to "will he be in danger".

After joining the Kara family for so many years, she already has absolute confidence in Kara's strength.

Since Carl dared to take the initiative to find Whitebeard, he would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

"I'll go find the Whitebeard Pirates tomorrow morning, and you'll find Boniss, Luo, and Yixiao in a while. Although there must be other reasons, the Whitebeard Pirates are not easy to talk to. , a big battle may break out!"

Carl looked at the not-so-red sunset sky outside the window, and his eyes gradually became firm.

"Our life is getting better and better, so some people can't stand it anymore!"

The next day, Carl, who had already made arrangements, stood on the bow of the "Shark" and sailed at full speed to the location of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Grundy factory has been completely shut down.

Before the truth is found out, there is no point in rebuilding the factory. Maybe someone will blow it up again.

Moreover, the two consecutive terrorist attacks have also made the workers fearful. Except for those who are really short of money and are not afraid of death, I am afraid that no one will want to work in the Grandi factory in the short term.

Someone always comes to brush, who can stand it?

Unhindered all the way.

The "Shark" was originally a large ship of excellent quality. Since it was transformed into a steel warship by Frankie, the outstanding shape of the "Shark" has long been deeply imprinted in the minds of most pirates in the New World. among.

If you don't consider the people on board, although the "Shark" is not the biggest ship, maybe not the best ship, but it is definitely the ship with the strongest combat capability in the New World!
Compared with the "Shark", the naval ships with only a few cannons can be regarded as "armed transport ships" at best.

"Shark" is the real battleship!

Leaving aside the extremely destructive main guns and torpedoes of the Shark, the large-caliber heavy machine gun installed on the Shark alone can smash most pirates into sieves.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates know that Karl on the "Shark" is here to talk to Whitebeard, so naturally they will not stop him.

When the other pirates saw the "Shark", they fled far away, and they didn't even dare to get close.

When Carl boarded the deck of the Whitebeard Pirates "Moby Dick" and saw Whitebeard, the original smile on Whitebeard's face disappeared.

"Carl, I thought you would bring me a kind of fine wine that would surprise me this time. Fine wine is the romance of a man!"

Carl smiled at Whitebeard, and just like entering his own house, he casually sat cross-legged on the deck opposite Whitebeard.

"Of course there is good wine. When we figure out what's going on here, I'll treat you to a full drink!"

Whitebeard leaned on his huge sofa, looking down condescendingly at Carl, who was sitting on the ground and couldn't even reach his knees: "Then tell me, why did you send someone to the site protected by Whitebeard to grab things? "

Carl looked at the white beard with bright eyes: "If I say that those people were not sent by me, but someone deliberately wanted to provoke conflicts between us, would you believe it?"

After a brief silence, Whitebeard suddenly laughed loudly: "I believe it!"

An imperceptible unnaturalness flashed across Tiqi's face.

Ace showed an extremely shocked expression: "Daddy?"

White Beard stretched out his right hand to Ace: "Don't talk yet."

Then he looked at Carl again: "Although I believe you, will my children who were beaten believe you? Even if they will believe it, will those who are sheltered by the white beard believe it?

No, they won't believe it, they will only think that Whitebeard is getting old and weak! "

"White Beard" is not just a nickname in the hearts of many people, but a symbol of invincibility and a great totem!

Beauty has been like a famous general since ancient times, and the world is not allowed to see gray hair.

Whitebeard didn't intend to be a hero, but in the hearts of many people, he has already been a hero.

What's more, the "Four Emperors" not only mean that they rule the world like emperors, but that they really control the fate of many people.

But heroes are not so easy to be.

Karl fully understood Whitebeard's thoughts, so he said lightly: "Give me some time, I can find the real culprits who attacked the Whitebeard Pirates, and I can personally cut off their heads in front of you. "


Whitebeard was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Karl to say such a thing.

But Karl's subsequent words made him realize that things were far from that simple.

"But your white beard's pirate group has indeed attacked our Carter's territory, so what should you do to express it?"

(Thank you for the 200 rewards from [All Flowers Drunk Three Thousand]! Thanks to a friend who is unwilling to disclose the screen name for the 500 rewards! =^_^=)

(End of this chapter)

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