Chapter 390

"Hey, Zefa, don't always look sad, the mechanical arm can be reinstalled if it breaks, as long as people are alive, it is already the best result!"

Garp and Zefa, who failed to capture Carl, are returning to the Navy headquarters on the "Pirate Guerrilla" warship.

Seeing that his old friend was depressed, Garp grinned and comforted Zefa.

And this sentence is indeed right in Zefa's heart.

After experiencing that nightmare five years ago, he is already satisfied to see all his subordinates alive and kicking.

Many navy soldiers fainted because of the huge aura exuded by Karl, and Ain and Binzi's noses were also bloodshot.

But in the final analysis, this is just the aftermath of the momentum, not Carl's direct "psychic shock", so it's not a big deal.

This time, Zefa was the one who was injured the most, followed by Garp.

After returning to the Navy headquarters, Garp and Zefa went directly to Sengoku's office after simply dressing up.

After listening to the detailed description of the two, Zhan Guo looked incredulous: "You mean, with the joint efforts of the two of you, you didn't catch the pirate, but you were beat up like this by him instead?"

"Sengoku, don't be angry."

While digging his nostrils with his little finger in a disfigured manner, Garp explained: "When the Golden Lion came to the Navy headquarters to make a big fuss, if it wasn't because he insisted on rescuing Roger and fighting us desperately, neither of us would have been able to catch him." Stop him."

Warring States gave Karp a blank look, and then asked, "Where's Karl? Is he injured?"

Zefa replied in a low voice: "Although I am very reluctant to admit it, the fact is that the pirate Karl retreated completely. Except for the collision with us, we did not succeed in attacking him."

Zhan Guo narrowed his eyes, and then said to Garp: "I'm not angry, I just think this matter is very serious, very serious!"

He even repeated a sentence long-windedly to express his point of view.

"Look at his abilities.

Strength increase, void dodge, spiritual attack, frost power, defense reduction ghost, black flame, and a sea king that can be summoned at any time.

The key is that these are not devil fruit abilities, he is not afraid of Hailoushi and the sea.

No wonder he can grow from an unknown little pirate to a pirate emperor who can face the two of you alone at such a fast speed. "

According to the experience of Garp, Zefa and Karl in the battle and the intelligence collected by the navy before that, Sengoku's brows became more and more serious.

More abilities means that it is difficult to defend.

If the pirate is pushed into a hurry, he will go to the Navy headquarters to summon a sea king, who can bear it?

But it's impossible to think of a way to attack that pirate. If this trend continues, no one can say whether he will get other more powerful ghost powers.

"Ice, fire, darkness, even the abilities of the current three generals can only restrain each other with him. No one dares to say that they can stabilize him."

Sengoku paced back and forth in the office, and finally looked at Garp and Zefa: "So the key point of the crusade against the Ghost Pirates is to be able to control the 'Ghost' Karl, but how can we arrange to ensure that he is controlled?"

Garp gave a suggestion: "How about Carlo who ate the fluttering fruit and Gion who specializes in swordsmanship?"

"Gion may be able to, but Carlo is definitely not.

What he eats is only fluttering fruit instead of gravitational fruit, and he cannot directly control gravity.

Against Karl's words, it won't play any role. "

Although he said so, the reason why Warring States didn't choose Carlo was actually because he didn't feel at ease with Carlo who had no background.

But he couldn't tell Garp and Zefa, for fear that they would accidentally slip up or have other ideas.

This Admiral of the Navy is really not good.

Zefa nodded: "I think it's okay. When the time comes, Gion, Garp and I will definitely be able to take down Karl as quickly as possible."

Garp poured cold water on Zefa: "But next time we can meet Karl who is alone?"

Sengoku analyzed slowly: "The Ghost Pirates have many powerful characters besides Karl.

Trafalgar Law who ate the fruit of the operation, Gravity Fruit ability user, Yixiao the blind swordsman, 'Flame Cat' Cirno, 'Iron Man' Daz Boniss, the battle robot General Franky, and six more Warriors of the Giants...

To deal with these people, there must be two admirals and many lieutenant generals. Obviously, it is impossible for the Navy headquarters to send so many people out. "

Zefa asked: "Is there nothing from the government? What about the people from Cipher Pol?"

"Recently, the scope of the Revolutionary Army's activities has expanded again. Even Shi Jiaji and Gion have suffered losses at the hands of Drago, oh, that's the storm they encountered in the New World.

The crow that Shi Jiaji saw coincided with the ability of the commander of the Revolutionary Army 'Northern Army'. Duo LaGe really found a group of terrific criminals! "

Having said that, Sengoku increased the volume of the words "Dorag" and "criminal". He looked at Karp, but found that Karp was staring at him with a "none of my business" expression.


Sengoku sighed: "If you want to defeat the Ghost Pirates, you must rely on the power of Shichibukai under the king."

Garp gave Zhan Guo a heart attack again: "But those guys won't listen to our orders at all, right?"


Sengoku did not refute Garp.

Leaving aside the fact that Shichibukai under the king is actually a force belonging to the world government rather than the navy.

Just talking about the bad temper of Qi Wuhai, it is impossible to play any role at all.

Sand crocodile, eagle eye, empress, sea man, tyrant, blood demon.

Among the six, Jinbei and Daxiong are more obedient, but it would be idiotic to order them to fight against the Four Pirates.

After all, it is for their own benefit that they agreed to become Qi Wuhai. If you let people deal with the Four Emperors, they will naturally not be happy.

Even the compulsory recruitment by the world government is useless. At most, they can only be called to protect the Navy headquarters, and it is impossible to lead them to take the initiative to attack the Four Emperors.

Otherwise, the Navy would have brought the Qiwuhai to push the Sihuangping one by one. After all, the Qiwuhais are all talents.

After a long time, the Warring States broke the silence: "But even if you can get the support of one person, it is worth trying."

"Who?" Garp asked subconsciously.

Zefa remembered the information that Ain reported to him before, and he asked back: "Charlotte Smoothie?"


Deep Sea Prison, Advance City. ①
This is Level 6, infinite hell.

"Xiaohe, long time no see, and I haven't seen you coming here to visit us recently!"

"Hey, He, who are you married to now? Karp or Sengoku?"

There are many crazy prisoners here, and most of them are vicious pirates of the older generation.

Life imprisonment.

Although it is not the highest penalty established by the world government, most criminals can only end up with this sentence.

The world government uses this to show the benevolence of their rule.

Otherwise, what's the use of keeping "World Destroyer" Bundy Waldo, "Evil King" Abaro Pizarro, "Giant Battleship" San Juan Dire Wolf...and so many big pirates?

There is too much food in Jinjin City. Do you need the prisoners to help consume some if you can't finish it?

The death penalty is a rare service that only the One Piece and the blood of the One Piece, or the scholars of O'Hara, can "enjoy".

Because compared to those criminals who commit murder and arson, these people threaten the world government.

Wearing a navy justice coat, Chief of Staff Crane completely ignored the molesting words in the surrounding cells.

She walked to a quiet cell and looked at the prisoner inside.

The man was bound tightly by four iron chains, and lay on the ground forming a Chinese character for "big".

He was originally a man who never let his back touch the ground. Even when he slept, he leaned his back against the wall or simply slept standing up.

Charlotte Katakuri, once the leader of the "Four Generals" of the "BIGMOM" pirate group, is now a prisoner in the promotion city.

All of this is thanks to Karl.

"Katakuri, I'm here today to tell you good news."

Katakuri seemed to be asleep and didn't reply at all.

"You're lucky, it won't be long before you will be released from here."

Katakuri opened his eyes, but he still didn't speak.

Crane wasn't angry either. Since Katakuri didn't want to talk to her, she simply talked to herself: "Your sister Charlotte Smoothie has already agreed to the invitation of Shichibukai, the king of the government..."

"What about the price?"

Hearing his sister, Katakuri finally couldn't keep deep.

"She will help us fight against the Ghost Pirates. If we win, you will be released from here."


Katakuri was angry: "I, Katakuri, died here. I can't leave this deep sea prison for the rest of my life, and I don't need to rely on my sister to work for the world government to save me!"

After Katakuri's emotions were vented and he calmed down again, Tsuru said lightly: "I didn't come here to ask for your opinion.

I just want to remind you that when you get out of here, it's best not to embarrass the Navy and the government by doing something stupid.

Otherwise, we will arrest you again and end up with a dishonest result, which will be very embarrassing for us. "

"BIGMOM" is dead, and without the woman who was born as a monster, the remnant forces of the Charlotte family will not be able to make too much trouble.

In order to eliminate the uncontrollable big pirate "Ghost God" Karl, the world government is willing to make this kind of compromise.

As for the civilians who were looted by the pirates...

In Wu Laoxing's view, the people of the world are of course serving the interests of the world government, and if necessary, let them make some sacrifices. Doesn't this just reflect the value of their existence?

In order to win over Jinpei and appease Murloc Island, the World Government allowed the "Dragon Pirates" to go to the East China Sea to stir up trouble, even though they ruled more than 20 villages in the East China Sea for 8 years, even though they had sunk several warships and even fought back Killed Commodore Bryn Brin, 77th Naval Branch.

It is impossible for a Colonel Mouse of the 16th Branch to cover up all the crimes of the Dragon Pirates.

Not all the soldiers in the 77th branch were sent out, but Aaron killed all of them. There was not even a brigadier general who went out to seek the thief and did not return, and no one reported to the higher authorities.

How did the soldiers of the 77th branch know that all of this was deliberate inaction by the "above".

"Hehe, has the navy under the leadership of that guy, Sora, fallen to this level?"

A discordant laughter suddenly sounded from a cell not far away.

Just hearing his voice, even Crane felt a faint chill.

But after all, Crane is also a person who sits in the position of the chief of staff of the Navy Headquarters, and his strength and psychological quality are beyond doubt.

"Lonely Ryder, you are wrong. Now the admiral of the navy is not Sora-senpai, but Sengoku-senpai. Sora-senpai is now the commander-in-chief of the entire army of the World Government."

"Warring States? No wonder it's like this. Letting a weak guy be the marshal, I wouldn't be surprised by such a result."

In the eyes of those strong people who have absolute strength and don't like to use their brains, people who always like to use tricks are equated with "weakness".

"Lonely Red" Baloric Redfield, the only pirate who has ever defeated "Steel Bone" Sora, was once the most powerful man in the world. ②
After defeating Sora, Garp picked up his head because of exhaustion and sent him to the deep sea prison.

In other cells, due to the different personalities of the prisoners, some are quiet and some are rioting.

But no cell around that cell dared to make a noise, because no one dared to disturb "Lonely Ryder."

Of course, this also had something to do with the fact that the subordinates that Blackbeard would win over in the future were not locked up with Redfield.

"Where is Garp? That kid who can fight is now an admiral, right?"

"You are wrong again, Garp is only a lieutenant general so far."


Redfield was silent for a moment, then laughed.

"Interesting, really interesting. I have been imprisoned here for so many years. I never thought that the outside world would evolve like this. It's beyond my expectation!"

Redfield has been imprisoned in this deep sea prison for decades, and the outside world is completely unfamiliar to him.

As soon as the topic changed, Laidfield talked about Carl again: "It's just a brat, but he wants the Navy to go to war like this. That kid from Sengoku is really useless."

Crane's speech was still unhurried, almost devoid of any emotion: "The brat you mentioned once had a fight with Whitebeard, and as for the result of the fight, it was the same as Senior Kong and you."

"That's what happened to Whitebeard."

Redfield smiled lightly: "But I am really more and more interested in that kid."

"I really want to go out and see what kind of kid that is!"

Note ①: Pushing the city, Impel Down, also translated as Impel Down (transliteration), the second name is the same as the translation of BIGMOM into BIGMOM.

② Lonely Red's bat fruit was eaten after Dingshang Zhan escaped from the prison, so he has always relied on physical skills.

(End of this chapter)

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