Chapter 387


Zefa led the "Pirate Guerrillas" to blow up Callett's factory on Grandy Island in a relaxed and happy manner.

Warring States couldn't feel the slightest joy because of this incident.

Although that pirate is not a bloodthirsty and murderous executioner as described by the world government in the media, but for those who provoke him, he really has to kill.

The navy is strong, very strong.

There are now at least six "general level" powerhouses alone.

For those pirate forces known as the "Four Emperors", at best, only the captain has the combat effectiveness of a "general level".

But even so, the navy still has no way to uproot the power of the pirates.

It's not that the navy is corrupt and doesn't want to hunt down pirates, but that they really have nothing to do.

Just like the United States on Earth, it was once the only hegemonic country in the world, but even at that time, it still did not annex other countries.

If the navy takes the initiative to attack one of the four emperors, they will not only face one pirate group of the four emperors, but most likely all the pirates in the new world!

If it weren't for Cutler doing something that the world government can no longer tolerate, they would definitely not want to attack Carter.

From Wulaoxing’s point of view, wouldn’t it be good for you “Ghost God” Karl to be your fourth emperor, like a white beard, and float comfortably on the sea every day?Why do you have to study combat robots and steamships?
Although a bounty of 20 billion Baileys has been set for you, how can there be a fool to stare at the head of a Four Emperors?

For the bounties of the "big pirates", there are actually only two functions. One is to show the threat level of this pirate, and the other is to facilitate the calculation of meritorious service within the navy.

With a bounty of more than 2 million Baileys on the big pirates, the navy rarely encounters a few who are caught to claim the bounty in a year.

But in Carl's view, this is not just a matter of his own personal safety.

If Callett and the Navy are just like the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War, they are just two opposing forces.

But the world government behind the navy represents the world's right to speak.

Why do you say that I am a thief and I must be a thief?

Although he could spend his life safely and securely by guarding his own one-acre three-point land like the other four emperors, but in that case, he would still be just a "thief" until his death.

After all, history is written by the victors.

If the revolutionary army successfully overthrows the Tianlongren, the Dragonren will no longer be a "world aristocrat" that day, and it is very likely that they will be labeled "the world's most vicious criminal group".

Sengoku, who heard that Zefa blew up the Callett factory, called in a hurry: "Zefa, where are you now? How long will it take to return to the Navy headquarters?"

Zefa, who had already left the senior management of the Navy Headquarters, looked puzzled: "What's the matter? I just left Grandi Island now, and I am going to find the next factory of those pirates."

"Stop, terminate that plan immediately! You must return to the Navy headquarters as quickly as possible!"

Warring States was taken aback by Zefa's words. Now the world government is just preparing to deal with Kalet. At this critical moment, Zefa must not be allowed to cause other troubles.

Zefa grinned, with a hint of disdain in his tone: "Hey, Sengoku, you are actually afraid of mere pirates."

Not knowing whether he was irritated by Zefa or simply anxious, Zhan Guo actually scolded Zefa: "So what if I'm afraid? Don't talk nonsense to me now, get out of here!"

But only when talking to Garp and Zefa, Sengoku will show this way.

Zefa's voice was as relaxed as ever: "Old friend, have you been an admiral for so many years, have you even worn out the vigor you had when you were the chief soldier?"

"Zefa, don't use the aggressive method to provoke me, it's useless."

The voice of the Warring States Period also made a 180-degree turn and became stable: "It doesn't matter if you are not afraid of death, if you die, then I will feel relaxed.

But shouldn't you be thinking about the soldiers who follow you?Do you still want the tragedy of five years ago to happen again? "

The phone worm in Zhan Guo's hand suddenly made a strange and ferocious expression, which was the chain reaction when the phone worm on the opposite side was pinched by Zefa.

Seeing that Zefa stopped talking, he should have acquiesced to his order, so Zhan Guo continued: "Okay, I will let Karp and Sakaski pick you up together, and keep in touch at any time. There is going to be a big move."

"A big move by the government? Could it be that "that" has been successfully developed? "

Zefa who put down the phone bug muttered to himself.

Although he no longer serves at the top of the navy, Zefa also knows some research on the world government.

The robotic arm on his right hand was only installed by scientists from the World Government this year, and just after he got the robotic arm, he gave it to the Four Emperors "Ghost Pirates" to cause a big explosion first.

The former admiral of the Navy headquarters and later the naval recruit instructor "Black Arm" Zefa encountered a surprise attack by "Edward Weible" when he led the trainee naval recruits out for training five years ago.

After being defeated by Zefa, the pirate who cried miserably with rhetoric was finally let go. After eating a devil fruit, he found Zefa again to prepare for revenge.

It's hard to imagine that Weibull, who looks silly, would still tell some lies about "the mother is eighty years old, and the child is eight years old".

Although Weibull, who came to revenge, was still defeated this time, he successfully cut off Zefa's right arm and killed all the trainee navy recruits on the ship except "Ain" and "Binzi".

Before that, Zefa had never killed a pirate, even after his wife and children were killed by revenge pirates, he still maintained the principle of "don't kill".

But fate likes to play tricks on people so much.

No one seeks revenge from Sengoku, Karp, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, but those avengers just found this "unkillable" general.

It really fully confirms the saying "good people are bullied by others, and good horses are ridden by others".

Kindness is not wrong, but if you are too kind, others will think you are weak and you will be bullied.

Although he has already passed the "temper period" when he was stabbed to death and traveled through time, the current Carl is still not a person who can be easily bullied by others.

Carl riding on the back of a dragon, holding a phone bug in his hand, is listening to the intelligence collected by Robin.

"After the 'Pirate Guerrilla' left Grandi Island, they first sailed for a certain distance to our Carter's domain, but it didn't take long before they returned to Grandi Island.

Now the 'Pirate Guerrilla' is on the route between Grandy Island and the Kingdom of Prodence, and within three days, they will arrive at the Kingdom of Prodence. "

"I understand. Now Bowness can take someone to deal with the matter of Grandi Island... Thank you for your hard work."

Carl hung up the phone, he bent down and lay near Odin's neck, and patted Odin lightly: "Now we should work hard to be faster, and when this matter is over, I will personally cook the Neptune special for you." Feast."

"hold head high……"

Odin cheered, and flailed his wings violently. Like an arrow leaving the string, with the sound of howling and breaking wind, he crossed the red earth continent and flew towards the Kingdom of Prodence.

Although the "Pirate Guerrilla" is an independent armed organization, it still belongs to the Navy.

Now Zefa has not been completely disheartened by the navy, and has formed a new armed organization called "NEO Navy".

In "Pirate Guerrilla", Zefa's adjutant is a female navy named "Ain".

Ain's appearance has always looked like a young girl, but no one knows her real age.

Because she is a superhuman "regression fruit" ability user, she can regress any item, including creatures, to its previous state. The longest span of one ability activation is 12 years, which can be superimposed.

But the real effect of this fruit is not as terrible as described.

If the effect of the fruit of retrogression is activated on Whitebeard, Whitebeard's body will become the same as when he was young, but the diseases accumulated on Whitebeard's body for many years cannot be eliminated, that is to say, Whitebeard has no way to truly restore his youthful peak strength.

So the "Regression Fruit" is just a devil fruit that can be tricked in battle after all.

On the "Pirate Guerrilla" warship, Ain, who was wearing a female military uniform and a navy justice coat, looked at the tall man standing at the bow not far away, with a sad color across his brows.

She has been with Zefa a long time ago. Zefa is not only her teacher, but also her benefactor. No matter what choice Zefa makes, she will always follow Teacher Zefa.

But Ain knew very well that although Zefa wearing sunglasses smiled more than before, his heart was actually very painful.

Successive setbacks crushed this man, making the former "Don't Kill" general become the leader of the "Pirate Guerrilla Squad" who now hunts pirates with devil fruit abilities everywhere.

After that pirate attack, Zefa even suffered from severe asthma.

His smile was actually a forced smile, but it was just covering up the pain in his heart.


After staring at Zefa from behind in silence for a long time, Ain finally walked up to Zefa's side.

"Ah, Ain."

Zefa turned around, a trace of fatigue flashed across his face, but was quickly covered up by that evil smile.

Ain carefully reported the information he had just received: "The new Shichibukai has been confirmed, it is Charlotte Smoothie from the former BIGMOM Pirates, a pirate with a reward of 10 billion Baileys .”

After the disbandment of the BIGMOM Pirates, Smoothie did not disappear. Instead, he changed his bad habits of laziness and increased his bounty to 10 billion Baileys within a few years.

After failing to invite "Fire Fist" Ace, the World Government finally succeeded in inviting Charlotte Smoothie to become the seventh king Shichibukai, filling the vacancy of Doflamingo.


The smile on Zefa's face faded a bit, and Ain couldn't see the expression in Zefa's eyes clearly because of the black sunglasses.

"It seems that our efforts are not enough. The government still has to rely on the power of the pirates... Hehe, it's ridiculous. Is this the big move that the Warring States period said? I obviously don't need me for the matter of the king's Qiwuhai to participate."


Ain was very worried about Zefa's mood. She wanted to comfort Zefa a few words, but she didn't know how to speak, because now Zefa couldn't listen to anyone's comfort.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Along with the sound of the alarm, the shouts of soldiers suddenly sounded on the warship of the "Pirate Guerrilla".

"Where is the enemy?"

Ain turned around sharply and looked around the warship. Her dark blue shoulder-length hair swayed gently like the waves of the sea with his movements. This female navy was heroic.

"On top!"

When the soldiers shouted again, Karl jumped off Odin's back and landed firmly on the deck of the warship.

"It's the Four Emperors 'Ghosts' Karl!"

When the pirates reach the status of "Four Emperors", any naval soldier in the headquarters can distinguish their identities at the first sight.

"So fast?"

Zefa stepped forward to stop Ain and other navies. He grinned at Karl: "I thought you would come to me in that iron steamer!"

Karl also smiled back: "If the enemy guesses the specific attack method, can it still be called a surprise attack?"

He didn't release the domineering look, nor did he use the halo of fear.

But at this moment, all the navy on the warship, including Ain and Binz, were all overwhelmed by the powerful aura on Karl.

From the perspective of Ai Yin and other soldiers who had such close contact with the "Four Emperors" for the first time, the power contained in the body of the pirate not far away was like those super-large sea kings in the windless belt. As daunting as the sea!
Why is this happening?

I have clearly seen the generals of the Navy headquarters, and even my teacher used to be a general, but why have I never felt this kind of aura from them?

Could this be the reason why those four big pirates were called "emperors"?
"Don't do anything, back off all of them, this pirate is enough for me alone!"

Zefa, who was naked from the upper body, threw off his navy coat, and his right hand mechanical arm was running at full power, ready to fight to the death.

"Is one person enough?"

Karl condensed the Underworld Sword, pointing the tip of the sword at Zefa: "You should understand the strength gap between us, in fact, you want to protect the soldiers under your hands with your own life!"

"Stop talking nonsense, smash...explode!"

Zefa swung the mechanical arm called "Smashing Prosthetic Limb", like a heavy hammer, and smashed it to Karl who was not far away with a mighty momentum.

Karl stepped on the ground, with him as the center of the circle, within a radius of five meters, a large dark purple mysterious energy gushed out of thin air, like a fountain.

Ghost gas erupts!

(Thanks to [Lyme Tree in Hometown] for the reward =^_^=, and thanks to every friend for the monthly and recommendation tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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