Chapter 379
Ever since the Beasts Pirates failed to attack Wano a few years ago, "Drought" Jack was severely injured by Karl, and "Beasts" Kaido was also left with the most serious scars, Kaido and Karl have completely ended their relationship. Down the hatred.

In the past few years, if Kaido hadn't focused his energy on how to capture the Wano country and obtain the "coordinate history text" guarded by the Kozuki family, the Hundred Beasts Pirates would have Carter's territory has been attacked.

Even so, in order to deal with the war that may break out between the two sides at any time, the Hundred Beasts Pirates have collected a lot of information about the "Ghost Pirates".

Intelligence shows that within the organization called "Callet", there are robots that are more powerful than "pacifists", people with devil fruit abilities that can be steeled, and many new rifles and cannons...

For Karl himself, the Beast Pirates have already learned that he can use some kind of ghost power to make himself escape into nothingness and be immune to attacks like a natural devil fruit ability user.

But they don't know that the ability of Kaija of Karl's afterimage is not "elementalization", but to truly make himself temporarily out of the space of this world, wandering in a different dimension, and what remains in the current world is just a blur projection.

"Ghost Shadow Flash" is a kind of swordsmanship that uses space leap to launch an attack instantly.

When Karl was besieged by the three guards of the castle tower, he immediately used "Ghost Flash".

Not only did he use the ability of "nullification" to successfully avoid the attack like a huge wave, but he even crossed the wall of the original stone of the historical text that could not be cut off in an instant, and successfully "flashed" into the interior of the castle tower!
All of a sudden, the "historical text rough stone" wall that originally blocked Karl from the castle tower became his strongest shield!
"Oops! The building inside the castle tower is not made of the original stone of the historical text, and it cannot withstand the destruction of a great swordsman. We must find that Karl immediately, immediately, now!"

The samurai Miyamoto, the head of the three guards, immediately gave orders to his two companions and the mixed soldiers, and everyone began to flood into the castle tower like a tide.

Miyamoto looked at the frost and wind disaster on the high place: "On the roof, you two stop watching the show, hurry up and help me catch that pirate!"

"Stinky boy, who do you think you are talking to?"

Frozen disaster has a hideous face, with bulging veins on his forehead, and he is not at all friendly to the friendly army.

But soon his expression relaxed again: "But we really can't watch anymore, Quinn, let's take action!"

Inside the castle tower, Karl was dazzled by the labyrinth-like layout inside.

"The knowledgeable domineering can't detect Luo's existence, so there's no need for me to keep a low profile!"

Carl turned his palm into a knife, spun his figure 360 ​​degrees on the spot, and waved a wind-cutting storm like a tornado with his bare hands!

No Blade Flow·Tornado!

The destructive power of the Mingyan Sword is too strong, and Karl is afraid that the damage will be too serious, causing the castle tower to collapse.

In the end, before Luo could be rescued, he was stoned to death, and that would be a great joy.

The chopping wind slashed by Karl with his bare hands swept across the inside of the castle tower, and the tornado rising from the ground ravaged the floor, partitions, and stairs in the room, and the originally simple and beautiful room was suddenly in a mess.

But with the disappearance of the tornado, not only did the room not return to calm, but a gray mist floated out of thin air.

"A monster again?"

For some reason, Karl's knowledgeable domineering could not feel the existence of the enemy in the gray mist.

But in front of the perception ability of Psychic Mage Primon, any means of camouflage can't hide.

The Underworld Sword was condensed in Karl's hand, perhaps because he felt the breath of death from the Underworld Sword, the enemies in the gray mist were sluggish for a moment.


But Karl seized the opportunity and threw the Underworld Sword with his backhand.

The dark purple Underworld Flame Sword cuts through the gray fog, and stabs the enemies in the dense fog like lightning.

There was a muffled sound of "Boom", and the enemy was brought into the wall by the Mingyan sword, and was directly stared to death there!
The thicker and thicker fog slowly dissipated, and Karl finally saw the figure of the "monster" clearly.

The monster has a plump and enchanting figure, and is wearing a special kimono that is sexy and revealing. If you only look at the head, it will easily make your blood boil.

But the strange thing is that the "beauty" has only one eye!
It's not that one eye is blind in both eyes, but above the bridge of the nose, there is really only one eye!

"What the hell is this..."

He looked towards the stairs, but found that the wood there seemed to have been corroded, and it had changed from bright furniture to rotten wood.

The unknown creature gave Carl a natural shudder, but that was about it.

Soon, Carl followed Luo's life card to a hall with the same decoration and layout as the previous room.

Lan feet!

Karl raised his leg and kicked out a vacuum chopping wave, and the only two remaining warriors in the room were chopped off by Karl.

In a box fixed on the floor on the table in the center of the hall, Karl found the life card that originally belonged to Luo!

"Is it really just a trap?"

The life card is a kind of paper made from one's hair or nails through special means, which can be changed according to one's health status. The more seriously injured the person is, the smaller the life card will be.

In addition, the torn life cards will attract each other, but unfortunately, the life cards will not be attracted by the living person.

As soon as Karl's voice fell, a substantial door immediately blocked the entrance.

Almost at the same time, countless holes appeared on the walls and ceiling of the room. Iron arrows, bullets, and shells poured towards Karl like a torrential rain, and countless spiked spears appeared on the ground. !
Even if there is an army here, it will be threaded into a string in an instant. This is the horror of the castle tower, because the tower itself is a war machine!

Karl stepped on the ground, and the ability of "Saya of Ice Crystal" was activated. The trap that was originally like a "slaughterhouse" instantly became a "popsicle factory", all of which were frozen into ice crystals, and even flickered in sharp places With a sparkling cold light!


Ice means hard, but at the same time it means crisp.

Karl thrust the Underworld Sword into the floor under his feet, and the power of ghosts and gods erupted like a torrent, and the whole trap turned into a broken iceberg in a short moment, and there was a "rumbling" sound.

"over there!"

The five cadres who were looking for Karl in the castle tower noticed the situation on the trap side at the same time. Except for the wind disaster, the other four all rushed over.

The wind disaster suddenly changed its course: "My ability is not suitable for fighting inside the castle tower, I will take that surgeon out of here!"

Freezing disaster nodded without any objection, and continued to join the army searching for Karl.

But "Ninja" Hanzo was the first cadre to find Karl.

However, he was well aware of the gap in strength between himself and a "four emperors", so he did not show up rashly, but secretly used various ninjutsu to harass Karl's actions.

Just as Hanzo was about to escape into the shadows again, an invisible energy fluctuation that was difficult to discern with the naked eye hit instantly, like a sharp sword piercing into the brain, making Hanzo's figure unstable, and he instantly emerged from the shadows. fall out.

Hanzo's eyes were darkened, his tinnitus was dizzy.

In the short moment when he lost control over his body, Karl seized the opportunity, raised the Mingyan sword high above his head with both hands, and slashed it down without hesitation!
One-shot-Ghost Slash!

There was a sound as if the cloth was being torn, and a line of blood appeared on Hanzo's body from his left shoulder to his right abdomen. Most of his body was cut off by Karl's sword, and all kinds of indescribable things scattered all over the floor!
Karl was not interested in admiring this bloody and curious scene, his figure disappeared into nothingness, and after a second of blurring, he had already appeared on the other side of the original stone wall of the historical text.

"Lord Hanzo!"

When the samurai Miyamoto and other soldiers arrived at the scene of the crime, Hanzo's blood had already stained a large area of ​​the floor!

"Damn guy, how dare you kill Hanzo, you go and capture that pirate named Luo and use him as our meat shield. After I capture Karl, I will use their blood to pay homage to Hanzo's heroic soul!"

But at the same time, Carl's knowledgeable arrogance caught a figure who was moving away from the "life card trap".

That aura is very strong, it doesn't look like a fleeing soldier, it is very likely to be a cadre of Wano Country or the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

"Could it be that they intend to transfer the place where the hostages are held?"

Carl already had a faint guess in his heart.

Although it may not be accurate, but compared to looking around like a headless chicken, following the breath should increase the chance of finding Luo by a little bit.

In the cell of the castle tower, Luo had already heard the chaos outside.

He was not afraid at all, because he knew that he had saved his own life by his best efforts, and delayed the enemy a lot of time.

His captain, the leader of Callett, would surely come to his rescue.

He just needs to leave the rest to Karl now.

Do the best of what you should do, and leave what you can't do to your partners who can do it. Luo has a clear conscience.

The door of the cell was opened, and a sexy and enchanting woman walked in.

"Handsome little brother, your captain is here to rescue you, you are very lucky!"

Feng Disaster ordered his subordinates to undo the iron chains tied to Luo's body, and looked at Luo with a playful expression: "However, I can't bear you to leave here. Lord Kaido can't bear your ability even more.

follow me! "

Although Feng Huan is just a woman, her strength is enough to make countless men daunting.

She walked to the outer railing of the Tianshou Pavilion, wrapped the chain around Luo's body a few times, and then pulled the end of the chain and lifted it upwards.

Luo, who was nearly two meters tall, was carried up into the sky by this woman who had transformed into a big bird.


The sound of the air being stepped on exploded.

Not long after the wind disaster left, on the next floor of the railing, a black figure stepped on the air, chasing the wind disaster in midair like a cannonball.

The wind disaster's knowledgeable domineering perception range is not very large, and she just paid too much attention to the kidnapped surgeon. She didn't notice Karl who was chasing him until the sonic boom sounded below.

"The sky is my home field!"

Even though she was facing a Four Emperors, even a ghost, even though Feng disaster's eyes were solemn, and the playful color had long since disappeared from her face, she did not back down a bit.

The wings on both sides flickered, and the ability of the Phantom Beast Devil Fruit caused the wind disaster to only vibrate the wings twice, and an unstoppable gust of wind was already blowing in the sky!
Had it been above ground, Carl might have been able to ride against the wind.

But this is the sky, and Carl, who only relied on the "moon step" to stay in the air, had no solid point of support, and was blown to the ground by the strong wind of the wind disaster.

"Disaster Double Tornado!"

The wings of the wind disaster shook again, and in the huge courtyard, two tornadoes, like black dragons sailing out of the sea, formed out of thin air, and with a destructive momentum, they rolled towards Karl, who was unsteady under his feet.

No matter if it is natural, superhuman, or phantom beast, once it evolves into a "disaster" level of power, there are very few strong people in the world who can stop it.

When the Mingyan sword slashed, the gust of wind swirled around the blade, and Karl swung his sword, splitting the catastrophic gust of wind in half!
But the other two tornadoes were getting closer and closer to Carl.

Luo, who was dragged by the wind disaster in mid-air, suddenly froze.

He stepped on the moon and instantly lifted himself to a position higher than the wind disaster, followed by the vacuum chopping wave that fell from the sky.

Lan feet!

"You may have forgotten that after a long period of time, the power taken away by Hai Loushi will be fully recovered by the devil fruit user!"

The unexpected wind disaster was caught off guard by Luo Lan's feet.

She had just resumed her defensive posture in the chaos, but her back was chilling because she had exposed her back to another enemy, and the breath of death had come behind her.

Amidst the wailing sound of the wind disaster, Karl, who came behind the wind disaster, grabbed her wings and yelled, tearing off the wings alive!

The wind disaster fell towards the bottom, Carl threw away the wind disaster wings, and grinned: "The trunk of an elephant must still be a nose, so what part of the human body are the wings of a big bird?"

"Mr Carl!"

Luo and Karl landed on the roof of the castle tower on moon steps.

Carl cut off the iron chains on Luo's body, and looked at the Hailoushi handcuffs in his hands.

"Damn pirates, even if you find death, you will never find the key to the handcuffs!"

The wind disaster on the ground roared hysterically.

Carl sneered: "It's not just the key that can unlock the lock!"

Every cadre in Callett has already learned the skill of using wire to open the handcuffs.

Karl's method is even more simple and violent.

He stretched out a finger, and black flames danced at the fingertip.

Hailoushi handcuffs, whose hardness is second only to the original stone of the historical text, were easily burned by the black flame like cotton thread!
(Thanks to [It’s really hard to think of a name] [36 cups of tea] for the 500 starting coins rewarded! =^_^=)

(End of this chapter)

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