This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 375 Momonosuke's last good time

Chapter 375 Momonosuke's last good time
In March of 1517 in the lunar calendar, the Great Route New World, Wano Country.

In a city named "Kuri", in a luxurious residence, a graceful woman in a kimono is kicking Cuju in the yard with a little boy in a bun.


The little boy, who seemed to be only two or three years old, kicked the Cuju at his feet, and fell to the ground with a "boom" squatting.

Seeing the little boy wiping his tears and crying loudly, the woman in the kimono hurriedly ran to the little boy's side and squatted down, asking in fear, "Young master, are you not injured?"

"Whoa, whoa..."

The little boy's crying became softer. He looked at the woman, opened his hands, and made a "hug" gesture:

"Kiss, hug, hold high!"

"Okay, okay, as long as you are not injured, young master, it will be fine."

The woman in the kimono held the little boy in her arms.

The little boy buried his head between the woman's peaks, rubbed his face against the woman's big breasts, wiped all his tears and nose on the woman's kimono.

Even inadvertently, he showed a smile that was more wretched than "Yellow Ape" Polusalino.

It looks as if a trick has succeeded.

But the woman didn't react at all, he just thought it was a three-year-old child acting like a baby to an adult after falling down.

"What happened here?"

"Mrs. Dianji, you are here."

The woman in kimono wanted to put down the little boy in her arms to salute to his wife, but the little boy was entangled tightly like an octopus, and there was nothing she could do.

"Momonosuke, you're being mischievous again."

The beautiful woman named Yodohime scolded Momanosuke.

"No, how could I be naughty? I just fell down just now. Don't blame me, my lord!"

Momanosuke "struggled with reason", Yodohime just showed a doting smile in the end.

Yodohime, the wife of Kozuki Oden, the Daimyo of Kuri Castle in Wano Country.

Momonosuke's full name is Kozuki Momonosuke, the son of Kozuki Oden and Yodohime.

Just three years old this year.

"My lord, when will my lord father come back?"

After wiping the kimono on the maid's chest until she got snot and tears, Momonosuke finally jumped off the maid.

It didn't look like it was injured just now.

"Calculate the time, he should be back by this time."

Dianji Liu frowned slightly.

Oden is usually a man of one word and one word, even if it is a promise in life, he has never broken his promise.

"Maybe it's because the discussion with the other daimyos has broken down again.

Sigh... Ever since Sakamoto Ryoma-sama passed away, this Wano country has really become more and more chaotic..."

"Mrs. Dianji!"

Suddenly, in the courtyard where there were only three people left, a man's voice actually sounded.

Momanosuke and the maid were taken aback.

Dian Ji, who seemed weak and weak, seemed very calm.

Because she had already judged the identity of the person by the sound alone.

But her eyebrows frowned even more, because this person shouldn't have appeared in front of the young Momanosuke and Yodohime.

The light in front of Yodohime suddenly distorted like the high-temperature air in a crater, and then a man dressed in black and wearing ninja protective gear appeared.

"Ah... Sarutobi Sasuke-sama!" ①
The maid was startled by the sudden appearance of the ninja, and hurriedly stepped back and bowed to salute.

Sarutobi Sasuke is the retainer of the Kozuki family and the leader of the ninja club.

"Sasuke, what happened?"

Sarutobi Sasuke ignored the maid at all, he hurriedly said to Yodohime:
"Several other daimyos colluded with the Four Emperors' Hundred Beasts' Kaido, and now Lord Oden has been captured by them...

... It's too late to explain the details, Kinemon Kanjuro is on his way here on horseback.

Raizo will take you and the young master to Honnoji Temple, where they will pick you up and leave Wano! "

Dian Ji was anxious: "What about you? What should Mi Tian Gong do?"

"Please don't say any more, this subordinate will block the enemies coming here, please take the young master away immediately!"

Seeing Sasuke Sarutobi's dignified expression and Momanosuke who was stunned, Yodohime's lower lip was even bitten with blood.

"Okay, I'll take Momanosuke away! You must be more careful."

Yodohime tore off her clumsy kimono, picked up Momanosuke, and left the house through the back door with Raizo who arrived later.

Sasuke Sarutobi bowed deeply in the direction Yodohime and Momanosuke left.

He knew that this might be the last time he would salute the master's family in his life.

Looking back at the maid who was also frightened, Sasuke Sarutobi's eyes froze: "Ninjutsu: Hold Body Technique!"

The maid opened her small mouth in surprise, and Sasuke Sasuke Sarutobi somehow stopped her in place.

"In order to delay Mrs. Yoshihime, you can only rely on you to pretend to be Mrs. Yoshihime to attract the attention of the Beast Pirates and those traitors!"


Karl naturally knew nothing about what happened in Wano Country.

At this time, Carl was holding a "World Economic News" in his hand. After scanning some of the more important official news, he saw such a headline in the corner of the newspaper.

"A strange story: a pirate pretends to be dead and eats a king's meal in the food city of the "Paradise" on the great route"

Curious, Carl continued to read the details.

Soon he discovered that the person involved turned out to be a rather "familiar" name in his memory-the head of the "Spades" pirate group, Portgas D. Ace.

"...The beautiful Second Lieutenant Iska of the Navy Headquarters is currently hunting down Portgas D. Ace with all his strength.

Stay tuned for follow-up reports. "

"Ace is out to sea..."

Carl put down the newspaper in his hand, and looked at the distant sea, recalling the remaining memories of the "God's perspective" mode in his mind.

"...Looks like it won't be long before that fellow Luffy will go to sea."

It's not that Karl had never fantasized about "crossing" before. He thought that after crossing, he might directly smash on the Luffy ship and become Luffy's companion.

Or simply form a pirate group by yourself and become Luffy's competitor.

As a result, he accidentally crossed over to become an uncle's generation.

"My little butterfly's wings have been flapping for nine years, and it should have had a lot of impact on this world.

I don't know if the fate of the kid Ace will continue to follow the original history. "

Ace is a character that Karl has never directly affected in the "important role in the original book", and he doesn't know whether Ace's fate will change.

As for "Son of the Plane" Luffy... His fate has been changed as early as the first year when Carl wins over Robin.

Later, Karl came into contact with Chopper, Franky, and Brook of the original Straw Hat Pirates.

Especially Robin and Franky, who are now indispensable talents for Callett.

If this can be poached by Straw Hat Luffy, Karl feels that he can simply find a piece of tofu and kill him.

Regarding Ace, Karl will give continuous attention, but will never take the initiative to interfere with Ace's journey.

Because he is now very interested in knowing whether the changes caused by his little butterfly can indirectly affect Ace's fate.

Sometimes being a pure spectator is actually quite interesting.

"Karl, the fighters of Elbaf are all here, and it's time for you to prepare to show them your strength."

Carl, who was squinting slightly, was brought back to reality by Cirno's soft voice.

"Thanks a lot."

Karl nodded to Cirno, and walked to Elbaf's martial arts arena together with Cirno.

After finding Dr. Yuejian's mechanical island, Karl has recently contacted the kingdom of giants named "Elbaf".

Elbaf is recognized as the most powerful country in the world.

Because there are countless powerful warriors of the giant race here.

BIGMOM even once claimed that if she had the support of Elbaf, she would have eliminated Red Hair, Kaido and even White Beard long ago.

However, since he came into contact with the two giants in the "little garden" in the first half of the great voyage, Karl is very clear that there is no top powerhouse above this sea in this race.

The giants are just averagely stronger.

The warriors of the giant clan have at least the level of a rear admiral of the navy headquarters, which is equal to or slightly higher than that of ordinary lieutenant generals of the navy headquarters.

When dozens and hundreds of lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters are dispatched together, this is definitely a frightening and trembling force.

And when it comes to strength, we have to mention the most orthodox human blood.

The strength span of orthodox humans has always been inconceivable and cannot be explained by common sense.

There are people who can fall from the second floor of the stairs and fall to death, and there are strong men who can't be beaten by the "world's strongest man" Whitebeard combined with the ability of the shaking fruit.

Even in the world of Dragon Ball, there is a winner in life who fights against the five scum, and who is able to fight back and forth with Super Saiyan Blue.

However, Karl did not come to Elbaf to find "General Kallett".

As long as they can find a few strong men with the strength of "Lieutenant General", with the character of the giants who are forthright, adore the strong, and know how to reciprocate, they can definitely bring Carret a force that cannot be underestimated and is reliable.

"Oh, Hayerdin, this friend is the pirate you mentioned who killed Lingling? I didn't expect him to be so small! Can he really kill Lingling?"

A giant with a black beard like a hedgehog, wearing a helmet of horns on his head, and as round as a bear, pointed at the little one on the ground and asked Helding beside him.

His name is "Statham", and his weapon is a giant heavy hammer. It is not difficult to kill a King of the Sea with one hammer.

The giant called "Heilding" is armed with two pairs of special gloves, and has metal rings to protect his two forearms, and a shield on his right arm.

Helding is the giant who punched the [-]-ton monster Mahabas into the sky in Dressrosa in the original book.

As for whether Mahabath boasted "[-] million volts" like a certain god, Karl didn't know.

"Wow, so you were the one who defeated Lingling? You look so cute!"

A slender figure with long golden wavy hair, a large cloak on the back, a tight miniskirt, and only a pair of black and white striped stockings on the left leg. The sweet-looking giantess squatted in front of Karl and praised Karl One sentence.

It is said that girls like "little animals".

It's the first time that Carl has been described as "cute" when he grows up so big.

"You look cute too."

Karl smiled back at the giantess.

To be honest, this giantess has a high score in terms of body and appearance.

It is her height, which is not accessible to ordinary humans.

I don't know how the murlocs who mixed with the giants and gave birth to the offspring of fish giants played.

"Gerz, you are so close to that human, do you want to challenge that guy first?"

Statham yelled at the giantess named "Gelz" from afar.

"No, no, no, I won't challenge him, he even defeated Lingling, how can I be his opponent!"

Galz was one of BIGMOM's playmates when she was a child. At that time, she was chased by BIGMOM every day.

Although 60 years have passed, for the giants who are generally over 300 years old, Gertz is actually just like a young girl in her 20s.

At one point, Galtz often recalled the horror of being dominated by that human freak.

BIGMOM's parents are ordinary humans, but the five-year-old BIGMOM has the same height as a giant child.

Combined with her natural strength and steel skin, she can kill a bear with a single punch.

Much better than Garp, who was driving with Tigers on June [-]th at the same age.

But those giant warriors who had no contact with BIGMOM in their childhood thought otherwise.

They believe that the great hero "Waterbeard" Yorulu died because of Lingling's attack entirely because of his age and mistakes.

They couldn't listen to the legends of the adults in the village at all.

Otherwise, why would Lingling insist on marrying Prince Loki to gain the power of Elbaf?
"Okay, I'll come!"

Statham laughed and invited Karl to a duel.

"Human brat, I will give you three tricks first!"

"Then you must not regret it!"

Carl raised his head and smiled, his fists were domineering in the armed color, reflecting a glossy ink like ink in the sun.

Ghost Step · Shave!

Carl jumped up, his body bounced high like a missile.

Stunned by Karl's incredible speed, Statham instinctively swung the heavy hammer in his hand to prepare for defense.

But it is already late.

Carl punched Statham in the face.

The tens of meters tall giant seemed to have been swung on the face by his own heavy hammer, and fell down without even making a wail, stirring up dust all over the sky.

Karl looked at the giants watching from a distance, grinned and said, "Next!"


Note ①:

Sarutobi Sasuke: The prototype of the character is the head of the "Japanese Sanada Ten Warriors", not the Sarutobi Sasuke in Naruto.

Yodohime: The prototype of the character is the mother of "Toyotomi Hideyori" in the Warring States period of Japan.

Interested friends can look it up by themselves, so I won’t explain it in detail here~
(Thanks to [Lemon_Sickness] for the reward! =^_^=)

(End of this chapter)

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