This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 369 Fighting through the sky

Chapter 369 Fighting through the sky
"The Whitebeard Pirates made contact with the Ghost Pirates."

"Why? Conflict or cooperation?"

"It is said that it is because the Ghost Pirates captured Whitebeard's son, a guy called a spider."

"One is the white beard who has been sitting on the position of 'the strongest man in the world' for decades, and the other is the one who is in the limelight, and has been promoted from an unknown little pirate to the 'Four Emperors' in just eight years. Dangerous newcomers, every move between them must be closely monitored."

When the five elders of the Holy Land of Maryjoa were worried about the negotiation between Whitebeard and Karl, Karl had already arrived on Whitebeard's Moby Dick, and each of them had a drink.

Carl had a friendly smile on his face. He didn't carry a weapon, but he was just dragging a barrel of wine. This guest who seemed to be a "gift" made everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates feel a kind of Unreasonable fear, except for a few cadres, everyone else involuntarily backed away slowly.

"Could it be that this guy's domineering aura is so strong that it surpasses red hair?"

Marco, who was sitting on the fence, couldn't help but frowned.

You know, even the domineering arrogance of "the most domineering man" red-haired Shanks can't have a substantial impact on Marco, why do I feel afraid of Karl?
"As expected of a man named Ghost God, I have experienced this invisible mental power attack."

Recalling the information about Karl in his mind, Marco finally remembered that Karl has a mental attack ability.

It's a pity that he still guessed wrong. What Karl used this time was neither domineering look nor mental shock, but the "fear halo" that he didn't take the initiative to close!
In fact, besides the white beard, the most relaxed person was not Marco, but Tiki who was hiding behind the crowd!
Seeing Carl who was walking towards him, the white beard sat on his special sofa and raised his eyebrows: "Little brat, we just met, and you just released your domineering arrogance on my boat, you don't treat me at all. Keep it in your eyes!"

"Anyway, this is Whitebeard's pirate group anyway, how can I embarrass myself on the enemy ship?"

Karl threw the wine barrel to the white beard in front of him, and the seven-meter-tall white beard, who looked like a little giant, took the wine barrel in his hand.

"This is the fine wine made by our Carret. Since we met today not to fight but to discuss some issues, how can we not be accompanied by fine wine?"

"What is Carter?"

"Cutler is our name, Ghost Pirates is just a name imposed on us by outsiders!"

In fact, with Karl's current prestige and power, if it weren't for the coalition government called "World Government" in this world, he would have been able to establish an independent country long ago.

Any normal person from the earth would not wish to bear the title of "thief" all the time.

He is not an aborigine who has been influenced by this world since he was a child, and he does not think that "pirate" is an honorable profession.


White Beard muttered something, then casually opened the wine barrel in his hand, showing a hint of surprise: "Good wine!"

After all, he took a few sips of wine for himself, almost drank half of the barrel of wine in one breath, still a little unsatisfied: "Ku la la la la la... good wine!
For the sake of these wines, let me hear what you want to say! "

After ruling Totland, Carrett is full of professional gourmets. Carl can now say without humility that, except for the special wines of the Holy Land Marie Gioia and some out-of-print collection wines, there will never be any other wines in the world. There is no wine that can surpass Cutler.

Carl, who was less than two meters tall, sat cross-legged on the floor opposite the white beard, looking so small.

But besides White Beard, no one present dared to underestimate the "little man" in front of White Beard.

Carl looked up into the white beard's eyes, and said slowly: "I did capture Skuyad, but it was all because Skuyad robbed our Carter's cargo ship first.

Of course I can release Skuyad, but shouldn't your Whitebeard Pirates pay for the losses that Skuyad caused us? "

"Kala la la la la..."

Whitebeard smiled.

Whitebeard's sons laughed.

Carl also smiled slightly, but looked out of place.

Whitebeard said mockingly: "Isn't the job of a pirate just to plunder? What's more, Skuad is robbing you who are also pirates, and not civilians. What's wrong with him?"

"I don't care if Scuyad is right or wrong, but he failed to snatch our goods and was caught by us. He will have to pay the corresponding price!"

Karl did not flinch from Whitebeard's aura at all: "If you think he did the right thing, then you Whitebeard Pirates should offer a price sufficient to redeem Skuad; if you think he did the wrong thing, then you You can also choose to kill relatives righteously, and we Carret will naturally let the past go!"

"Kala la la la la..."

Whitebeard drank himself a few more sips of wine, but then showed a fierce expression to Carl: "Of course Skuyard did nothing wrong, because he was sent by me at all!"

As a father, Whitebeard has almost achieved the ultimate.

No matter what mistakes his children made, Whitebeard will take the responsibility on himself, and let outsiders shift the blame from his children and point at himself.

From the perspective of the Whitebeard Pirates, having such a father who can solve all problems is really a blessing.

Unfortunately Carl is not his son.

Hearing what Whitebeard said, Carl was not angry, but said slowly, "So lying is also right?"

What Carl was referring to was, of course, the fact that Whitebeard took the responsibility for Scuyard on himself.

"You little brat who can only runny nose is really good at talking!"

Whitebeard raised his head and drank all the wine in the barrel, then threw the barrel on the deck with a bang.

"If you want to tell me what to do, wait until 100 years later!"

After all, he actually raised the naginata in his hand and slashed at Karl in front of him.

"You are doting, your son will kill you sooner or later!"

Karl stretched out his right hand to volley, and a purple energy long knife was instantly generated from his hand.

"There's nothing to worry about, I'm a white beard!"

The naginata collided with the Mingyan sword, and even the big ship Moby Dick under their feet shook violently.

The domineering collision caused the green wind mixed with lightning to instantly form a tornado, and the sea suddenly became choppy, and even the clouds were blown off, as if the sky had been cut!

"Mr Carl!"

As Carl gets farther and farther away from Whitebeard's Moby Dick on the Shark, an old acquaintance jumps on Carl's boat.

"Jinbei, what's the matter?"

Karl has roughly guessed Jinbei's intentions.

In fact, Karl originally intended to make friends with Jinbei.

Murloc karate, murloc jujitsu, and murloc soldiers were originally part of Karl's plan.

It's a pity that Carl was framed by Hody Jones when he was in Murloc Island and forced out of Kazan Syndrome, fell into a runaway state, and chopped hundreds of Murlocs and Mermaid soldiers.

Although murlocs are a race that worships the strong, and even though Jinbe can be said to be the most reasonable person, this kind of estrangement cannot be erased just by erasing it.

As a result, the relationship between Carl and Jinbe is neither good nor bad.

Jinbe looked worried: "Mr. Carl, you and Dad...can't conflicts be avoided between you and Lord Whitebeard?"

Carl smiled: "You have also seen the situation just now. If Whitebeard is as reasonable as you are, wouldn't everything be easy to say?"

Jinbe opened his mouth, but did not speak. He struggled for a moment, finally took a deep breath, and said his suggestion: "Mr. Carl, the other party is the Whitebeard Pirates! Can't you take a step back this time?" ?"

"Jinbe, have you forgotten what I said to you when we met for the second time?"

Jinbe is a rare man with both wisdom and courage in the murlocs. He quickly recalled what Karl had said to him in Carnival City.

"The reason why you murlocs are always bullied by other races is not because you are small in number, nor is it because of pure racial discrimination, nor is it because of your looks, it's all because you are too weak!"

"Can one step back really open up the sea and the sky? After taking one step back, there will be two steps back, three steps back... until there is no way to go back.

There are more than one or two pirates like Scuyad in the Whitebeard Grand Fleet, right? "

Jinbe didn't refute what Carl said.

In the Whitebeard fleet, except for the people on the Moby Dick, no one can guarantee what kind of style the other pirates are.

Seeing that Jinbe was still a little hesitant, Karl stopped talking to him about the big reasons, and he directly issued the order to evict the guest: "Olga, see off the guest!"


On the pirate ship of the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is obviously much more relaxed than the heavy atmosphere on the Shark.

The third team leader "Diamond" Jozi's face was filled with disbelief: "It's been so many years, except for that unbeatable 'beast' Kaido, I really haven't seen anyone who dares to single out Dad."

The fourth team leader, Saqi, looked relaxed: "Young people, they are all young and vigorous. That Carl is younger than us, and he also defeated BIGMOM. Of course, he will not easily give in to Dad, just like you back then." Same, didn't you join the Whitebeard Pirates after you failed to challenge Dad?

Maybe it won't be long before we will have another brother. "

"Diamond" Qiaozi blushed, and the man who looked the most manly was actually shy: "Don't mention what happened back then..."

Unlike Jozi and Sach, who are not under pressure, the first captain "Phoenix" Marko once fought with Karl. He doesn't know how strong Karl is now, but he knows that Karl's weird black flame is extremely terrifying.

Whitebeard poured himself a bowl of wine and grinned: "Black flame? Armed domineering color should be able to defend against it?"

Marco was worried. He never thought that his father would lose, but he was worried that his father would be injured: "Although the armed domineering can be defended, the effect is not very good, and the armed domineering that resists the black flame consumes a lot .”

"It's really troublesome...then just keep him away!"

In the kitchen of the Moby Dick, Tiki walked up to a beautiful chef with a friendly smile on his face: "Monica, is the cherry pie ready? I like to eat the cherries you made the most. Sent!"

The beautiful chef named Monica, with long grass-green wavy hair and a graceful figure, showed a gentle smile: "Wait a minute, it will be ready soon."

If the princess of Dressrosa, "Violet" Violet, is here, then she will definitely recognize the identity of this beautiful chef at a glance—the former Don Quixote family "Red Heart Army" spy, "Snow Maiden" Monet !
As early as when Karl and Carlo jointly removed Virgo from the G5 branch of the navy, Monet had never revealed his identity.

Even after Luo defeated Doflamingo, Karl never saw the loyal spy who existed in his impression.

If the plot of the original novel develops, Monet should have waited until the Don Quixote family established a laboratory for Caesar Courant in Punk Hazard on "Ice and Fire Island", and kept serving Caesar as secretary in order to monitor Caesar.

And now Monet has joined the Whitebeard Pirates with her cleverness and wit after the downfall of Doflamingo, and has become the daughter of "the strongest man in the world" Whitebeard Edward Newgate.

Tiki took a cherry and chewed it in his mouth. Regardless of his influence in front of the beautiful woman, he chewed and said without image: "It's only been more than a year since the ghost Karl defeated BIGMOM. It's the time when you are in high spirits, why did Skuad rob the Ghost Pirates... oh no, why did you rob that Carter's cargo ship?"


Monet was making the cherry pie unhurriedly, and asked casually.

Tiki took another cherry and chewed it in his mouth: "Yeah, why?"

"Come on, Senior Tiki, the cherry pie is ready."

Putting the processed cherry pie on a plate, Monet held the plate in both hands and handed it to Tichi, showing a charming smile: "Senior Tiki, do you know something about Scuyad? .”

"Who knows?"

Titch took the cherry pie from Monet's hand, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, his face was full of obsessive expression: "Monica, I knew that the cherry pie you made is the best !
Oh, Brand, your cooking is delicious too, thief hahahahaha..."

Teach left the kitchen laughing with a cherry pie in his hand.

Monet still got busy at his leisure.

Only Brand was at a loss: he could understand every word these two people said, why couldn't they understand at all when they were connected together?

(Thanks to [Lyme Tree in Hometown] [Lemon_Sickness Series] [Everything Read Shuke] for the reward! =^_^=)

(End of this chapter)

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