This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 334 Have You Heard of Callett?

Chapter 334 Have You Heard of Callett?
After being turned into a statue by Hancock, Tezolo was carefully moved back to his own resplendent palace.

After Hancock made such a fuss, the Golden City was panicked for a while.

But fortunately, both Mr. Tanaka and Saiku P are good at handling this kind of matter. Thanks to the efforts of the two of them, the matter has not developed to the point of irreversibility.

"Blu blu blu..."

"Hi, I'm Mr. V."

Sitting in Tezolo's original office, Carl connected the phone bug on the desk.

"It's me, Miss. Flower."

On the other side of the phone bug is Nicole Robin who is far away in the West Sea.

"After your reminder, I have raised the alert level of the Kara family. According to our observation, the navy in the West Sea has recently begun to make things difficult for our shipping in business, but please rest assured that most of the navy is still the same, as long as you give enough Without Bailey, they are still willing to turn a blind eye and close one eye if they don't do anything too extreme.

In addition, many pirates of unknown origin have started to trouble us. I don’t know for the time being whether they were ordered by the World Government or threatened by the Charlotte family. Give me a while, and I will definitely be able to investigate. The driving force behind them.

By the way, 'Old Iron' has also received your order, and should have arrived at the great route by now, has he already talked to you? "

Robin told Carl all the information she had learned in one breath.

After a short period of calm, Carl said: "There is no need to investigate the identities of the pirates in the West Sea. Aren't we cooperating with the Kingdom of Flowers now? You can go to York to discuss and hire some naval escorts from the Kingdom of Flowers. Catch the pirates and go to the naval base to receive the bounty according to the bounty amount.

The world government and the Charlotte family can't send any powerful pirates in the West Sea, and the navy of the Kingdom of Flowers is enough to deal with them.They are simply sending us bounties.

As for the secret agents, they are all shot to kill. Don’t worry, CP0 will not be sent to Xihai for the time being. I can provide you with timely information. "

Tezolo and Mr. Tanaka have bribed some officials in the world government long ago, and they can even find out the secret of "pure gold". The transfer of CP0 cannot be hidden from their eyes at all.

Robin's voice soon came from the phone bug: "Well, I will focus on attacking pirates and agents here."

"it is good."

Carl was about to hang up the phone when he suddenly remembered something and added: "The purpose of war is always to destroy the enemy. Don't lose your life because of the gain or loss of territory or money. All of you must put aside the matter of ensuring your own safety." In the first place, you understand?"


"Very well, let's do this first."

Robin hesitated there for a moment, wanted to say something but didn't say it, and finally just responded, waiting for Carl to hang up the phone.

Before Karl could take a break, the phone bug yelled again.

"Mr. Carl, I'm Sophia."


"I saw the 'old iron' you mentioned, and he brought a lot of powerful killers. But what I want to tell you is another thing."

Sophia's voice was a little more hurried than the calm Robin: "I and Lao Tie and the others caught a strange guy. He has dark green hair, a very big head, a very round face, and a body It is also very round, and the mouth is sewn up like a zipper.

He said he was an agent of CP9, and he said everything before we tortured him.So I suspect this guy is lying, we have no choice but to ask Mr. Carl if you have heard of this person's name. "

"What the hell is this..."

Carl was also confused by Sofia's words.

Regarding CP9, Karl now only remembers the three cheetahs, the lone wolf, the giraffe, and a woman full of "sexual harassment", and the specific circumstances have long been forgotten.

"There's a zipper in the mouth..."

Carl scratched his hair while trying to remember, and it took him a long time to remember that there seemed to be such a strange guy in CP9—it was because he kept saying things that he kept slipping his mouth that his mouth was zippered , but this still hasn't changed his bad habit of always leaking, after all, the zipper can be opened at any time.

(This product is "Otona Owl" in CP9)
Carl couldn't help laughing. The world government is also sick. Anyone dares to recruit. The more ordinary the job of an agent, the safer it is. This kind of weirdo who looks like a pile of balls still has a zipper hanging on his mouth. Others will know there is a problem when they see it, right?
No wonder he was caught by Bowness.

"The person you mentioned is indeed CP9. This guy can't keep secrets. You don't need to torture him. You just need to use some language skills. He can reveal all the secrets."

Sophia was stunned: "It's that simple? Isn't this guy an agent of the World Government? He should have endured the unbearable high-intensity training for normal people, right?"

"Well, it's as simple as that. This person is a special case. I won't explain it to you. Just do as I tell you."

"Uh, that's fine."

Sophia blinked, and then asked another question: "What if we catch other agents?"

"Kill, kill them all."

Carl replied without hesitation: "When the agent with the zipper can no longer ask any extra information, this guy will also be killed."

Sophia's spine shivered, and her voice trembled: "Mr. Carl, that's an agent of the world government. Don't you worry about the world government's revenge?"

Karl replied nonchalantly: "It is precisely because they are agents of the world government that they must all be killed!"

If the world government has been adopting this "refueling tactic" and sending agents and soldiers in batches, he can completely erode the power of the world government gradually.

On the contrary, if the army of the world government pushes over, Karl will not have enough strength to resist.

In fact, this world government is really rotten.

After the Straw Hat Pirates successfully rescued Robin and defeated CP9.

Not only did the World Government not send an admiral or CP0 to annihilate or pursue the Straw Hat Pirates, but they also sent people to hunt down and kill the injured CP9. CP9, who was originally loyal to the World Government, could only be reduced to using the ability of animal fruits to perform on the street to raise money for Rob · Lu Qi healed the point.

As for the Demon Slaying Order, it was unintentionally launched by CP9 waste chief Spandam, that is to say, if Spandam hadn't pressed the button of the golden phone bug, the navy wouldn't even go to support Judiciary Island.

It would be illogical if such a government does not eventually perish.

Moreover, with Karl's current strength, if the world government mobilizes the demon-slaying order to target West Haylust Island or the Carnival City of the Great Sea Route, he alone can make the ten warships carrying five vice admirals There is no return, anyway, Karp will not participate in the Demon Slaying Order.

The only ones who can threaten Karl now are naval heroes and admirals!

Sophia gritted her teeth and replied, "Okay, I understand!"

Carnival City is not a member of the world government. She has already bet the future of the Chamber of Commerce on this pirate. Just like her father said, in this troubled world, once you embark on the road of the dark world, you will never be able to return to the world. I can't turn back, I can only go all the way to the end.

Before hanging up the phone, Carl suddenly asked: "By the way, you can ask the old iron, he has mastered the armed color domineering now, right?"

Sophia looked at Bowness, who was not far away, who was silent and just nodded.

"He said he had it."

Carl is relieved.

Four years have passed since he met Bowness, and now Bowness, with his ability to cut fruits quickly and his armed domineering, should be more than enough to beat a pacifist.

In other words, most pirates at the "supernova" level are no longer Bowness's opponents. Of course, there must be some more powerful "supernovas".

(Two years later, Luffy Sauron is no longer a "supernova". The supernova of that session was Bartolomeo, who has the ability to barrier fruit.)
Karl nodded and said, "If you haven't wasted these few years, you should be able to learn armed domineering by now, please ask the old man for advice when you have time."

"Really?" Sophia was delighted, and the phone bug imitated her expression vividly.

"You'll know if you try it yourself?"

Carl didn't bother to explain, he hung up the phone after leaving a sentence of "be careful".


Sophia only heard a "click" from the phone bug, and then closed her eyes.

She muttered softly: "This bastard... actually hung up on me again..."

"I thought I heard you say the boss is an asshole just now?"

Bowness's eyes froze, and he looked at Sophia with a bad expression.

Sophia hurriedly apologized with a smile: "No, no, you heard wrong, this iron brother, the boss said he wants you to teach me how to be aggressive?"

"Brother Tie?"

Bownis scratched his forehead in puzzlement, thinking why he had a strange name for no reason...

When it comes to armed domineering, Carl thinks of Boa Hancock again.

The entire Amazon Lily governed by this empress is not just kidding.

The women there have a special way to practice "armed domineering" and "knowledge-colored domineering".

Originally, they were just some weak women who could not even compare with ordinary navy soldiers, but they could master armed domineering skills proficiently.

Armed color domineering is more popular in Amazon lily than in navy.

The battle uniform of the Vinsmoke family, the Navy's "Navy Six", the Murloc's "Murloc Karate", and Amazon Lily's "Armed Color Domineering".

These four things are useless to Karl himself, but if they can be popularized in Carter, they will create an extremely powerful army.

Among them, the production of the Vinsmoke family's battle suits may be relatively small due to material problems, and the other three have no raw material restrictions at all, and maybe the "Tun Tun Factory" can directly solve the problem of raw materials.

But that's all for later.

Boa Hancock has been given three days of detention by Karl.

Karl thought about it, and it was almost time to find the empress and have a good talk.

After he opened the confinement room where Hancock was held, Carl was surprised to find that Hancock at this time had no previous arrogance and arrogance at all, but was locked in the corner like a wounded kitten trembling.

"Shouldn't it be?"

How could Boa Hancock be such a weak woman?
The moment Hancock squinted and saw the outline of Carl, the woman jumped at Carl as if crazy.

"Damn stinky man! Aijia wants to kill you!"

Hancock, who was deprived of his abilities by Hai Loushi's handcuffs, would not be Carl's opponent. He was easily captured by Carl in just one encounter, and he was thrown on the bed not far away.

"Are you crazy?"

Unexpectedly, Hancock didn't refute this time, but lay down on the bed and started crying.

Carl frowned, recalling the information about Hancock in his mind, wondering if he had made a mistake in any link?

Hancock once had an extremely unwilling experience with the Tianlong people, and he was branded with the "Sky Dragon's Hoof" representing "slave status" on his back.

Her excessive arrogance is more often just to cover up the fear and inferiority in her heart.

At this time, Karl locked her in confinement, and the pictures that had been deliberately forgotten in her mind resurfaced in front of her eyes like a slideshow.

The long-standing grievances and the suppressed emotions in recent years erupted simultaneously at this moment, and Hancock's emotions were out of control.

"Hey, you are the empress, can you stop being so embarrassing?"

"You kill me, even if I die, or if I'm imprisoned by you for a lifetime, I will never disarm those people in the port!" Hancock turned around and glared at Carl, actually making a mortal act. Determined, even the title "Aijia" is no longer used.

Carl hid his face speechlessly, this topic has not started yet, it seems that it is over.

Moving his hands away from his face, Carl put on a sunny smile: "Friend, have you heard of Callett?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Okay, let me change the subject. Excuse me... have you heard of the hoof of the Tianxiang dragon?"

Although he was facing a smiling face, Hancock's heart suddenly jumped, his spine shivered, and even the original sobbing stopped.

Because on her fair back, there was a "Sky Dragon's Hoof" branded on it, which was a mark that she could never erase in her life, and it was also the greatest humiliation in her life!

Hancock tried his best to keep calm, and asked with a pretty face, "Who the hell are you?"

"Very well, it seems that we can talk normally."

Seeing that Hancock finally regained his composure, Carl conjured up an ice chair and sat opposite Hancock. Anyway, with the Frost Saya Bodyguard, he couldn't feel the cold.

"Then, let's talk about Carret's affairs!"

Karl didn't beat the Tianlong people, but the world government took a big blame on him.

Now that the scapegoat can no longer be shaken off, Karl is not angry, so he simply accepts the scapegoat, and plans to use this scapegoat to stir up a hot dish for the World Government!
(End of this chapter)

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