This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 332 The Battle of Two Women

Chapter 332 The Battle of Two Women

The pirate "Emperor" Boa Hancock is the emperor of a country named "Nine Snakes" living on the island of "Amazon Lily" in the windless belt, and is also the captain of the "Nine Snake Pirates".

In addition to the "Empress", Boa Hancock also has the title of "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World".

Karl, who was walking on the road, really couldn't understand what a woman must look like to be called "the most beautiful woman in the world"?
You know, the standard of "beauty" is different for different people.

Maybe the beauty in the eyes of passerby A is just average in the eyes of passerby B, and in the eyes of passerby C, it is more likely that she will be directly labeled as an "ugly girl".

It is only in fantasy novels that there is nonsense, and labels such as "a 90-year-old monk can't control it" and "even the rock seems to be moved by it" are added to a certain female character.

The result is that when filming a TV series, I couldn't find a suitable actor, and even the painter couldn't draw it.

When Karl watched the anime in his previous life, he didn’t think that Boa Hancock was as beautiful as the rumors said. After eating the “slippery fruit”, Alrita was not inferior to Hanku in terms of temperament, figure and appearance. Ke—Although Hancock is a natural beauty, Alrita has plastic surgery.

I don't know if this live-action version of Boa Hancock will bring me any surprises.

After leaving the new world and returning to the paradise, with Gran Tezolo's leaflets spread throughout the sea, the Nine Snake Pirates who returned to Amazon Lily also received invitation tickets from the Golden City. Came to the Golden City with her Nine Snake Pirates.

The pirate ships of the Nine Snake Pirates rely on two giant "snakes" to drag them. Not only can they pass through the "windless belt", but even the sea kings there will be afraid of such giant snakes. A pirate ship that attacks the Kuja Pirates.

The moment the flag of the Nine Snake Pirates appeared in the Golden City, the eyes of countless male compatriots began to twinkle with stars.

Pirates are a profession with few women and full of male hormones. Many pirates may not know the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates, but they will definitely recognize the pirate flag of the Nine Snake Pirates - surrounded by a skull With nine little snakes.

Because that is the pirate group where the "world's most beautiful woman" belongs, and it is also a pirate group composed entirely of women!

When Boa Hancock walked from the pirate ship to the golden ground of the Golden City, countless male pirates had already surrounded the port, and even many women wanted to see this "world's most beautiful woman" out of curiosity. "The style.

There are even those who are not afraid of death whistled and yelled obscene and vulgar words at this king Shichibukai.

"Irreverent guys..."

The proud Hancock naturally couldn't stand those fiery gazes and vulgar words. After a burst of "infatuated sweet wind", the port became quiet, and all those men and women with fiery eyes were attacked indiscriminately by Hancock. Underneath it was petrified into stone statues.

The statue is lifelike, and the movements and expressions still maintain the appearance of the last second. Even the most exquisite sculptors cannot achieve such fineness.

Tezuolo, who heard about the accident at the port, rushed over quickly. He didn't know how Tezuolo touched the empress' glass heart before he said a word, but it turned out that he didn't agree with each other. Even Taizuolo Zolo and Baccarat were also turned into statues by her "obsession with Ganfeng".

Hancock's ability is quite incomprehensible. Even the phone bug will be fascinated by her beauty, and then be petrified.

Hancock's beauty is a bit unrealistic... because her beauty has crossed species.

At this time, the port of the Golden City has become a sea of ​​flames. Cirno uses her flame ability to intercept Hancock and others at the port, preventing them from returning to the pirate ship.

Out of curiosity, Hancock wanted to come to the Golden City to relax, but as soon as she arrived at the port, she encountered something unbearable.

Perhaps in the face of men's blazing eyes, ordinary women will think it is an honor, because it proves their charm, but Hancock was once a slave of the Tianlong people, and this special experience made her unable to bear the men at all. gaze.

After turning most of the people into stone statues, Hancock said "boring" and prepared to leave.

But how could Cirno allow them to leave so simply, otherwise, those people who were turned into stone statues by Hancock would never have the chance to be turned back.

The sweet fruit is not a taboo fruit. The devil fruit illustrated book does not deliberately omit the description about the sweet fruit. Naturally, Cirno knows that Hancock can transform those who have been turned into statues back.

"You little girl is really annoying, why do you want to protect those disgusting men? Aijia doesn't like women like you very much!"

As the emperor of Nine Snakes, Hancock usually calls herself "Aijia", but when she meets someone she cares about, she will call herself "Concubine".

Qi Lunuo didn't back down at all: "They just glanced at you, and didn't even approach you, but you directly turned them all into stone statues.

It's fine if you just want to teach them a lesson, but don't you think it's too much if you just walk away like this?

If there were no Tezolo and Bacala in the Golden City, wouldn't it be the same as a subjugated country?

And among the people you attacked, there were also women and children! "

"My God, what do these things have to do with the concubine? Are you blaming the concubine?"

Suddenly, Hancock made a pitiful expression, like a little woman who was acting like a baby.

"But no matter what the concubine does, she will be forgiven, right? Because the concubine is so beautiful!"

In fact, Hancock is not narcissistic or artificial, but is using her "sweet fruit" ability.

How could a slave who escaped from the holy land of Mariejoa and an empress who could take Luffy to the deep sea prison be a stupid woman?

Although the 21-year-old Hancock does not have the charm of a mature woman in the future, he has a youthful and beautiful demeanor.

Seeing this scene, whether it was the female pirates of the Nine Snake Pirates or the staff and tourists who were quietly observing the situation further away, their eyes all turned into heart shapes, and they even drooled unconsciously: "beautiful "It's so's so beautiful!"

Only Cirno was not affected by Hancock, she frowned and said angrily: "Boa Hancock, stop showing off your devil fruit ability, okay?"

Hancock was taken aback, she had no idea that the red-haired little girl would ignore her charm.

When she used "Infatuation with Ganfeng" before, the red-haired girl was not turned into a statue by her. At first Hancock thought it was just that she accidentally missed the target. Now it seems that the other party can really ignore his charm ?
Standing in front of Cirno, Hancock pointed at Cirno with his white fingers, pinched his waist with his left hand, and tilted his head back, showing a move that was more difficult than Tang Bohu's pointing at Hua Wu in Qiuxiang. The peak of her chest pointed straight to the sky, and her smooth black hair like a waterfall even fell to the ground—this was her signature arrogant gesture.

"You rude woman, if you dare to be disrespectful to Aijia again, I will be rude to you!"

Cirno opened her mouth wide in surprise as she watched the rumored empress make such a difficult move in front of her. After hearing Hancock's words, she also came back to her senses and shouted in disbelief. : "Come on, who is afraid of whom?!"

Hancock is graceful and sweet-looking, but she is definitely not a vase.

If you only look at pure physical skills and armed domineering, Hancock has at least the level of a lieutenant general in the Navy headquarters.

If coupled with her devil fruit ability, the existence below the strength of the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters would not be able to take her random kick.

While kicking the enemy, Hancock can instantly petrify the part of the opponent kicked by her, not only creatures with lust, even swords, shells, stones...all objects can be killed by Hancock petrochemical.

Even pacifists capable of slinging Pirate Supernovas can be knocked to pieces with a random kick from Hancock.

Coupled with the fact that Hancock is proficient in the domineering color, armed color, and knowledge color, Crocodile may not be able to beat her in a one-on-one match.

The only thing that can defend against Hancock's petrified attack is an armed domineering force stronger than her.

However, Hancock's "obsession with sweet wind" can directly ignore the armed domineering and petrify the enemy.

However, being obsessed with Ganfeng is not unsolvable. The attacked person can stab himself with a knife or divert his attention in other ways. As long as he enters the sage mode, Hancock's obsession with Ganfeng will be invalid.

"Aromatic Feet!"

Seeing Cirno's reluctance, Hancock had had enough of playing around with this little girl, but kicked Cirno mercilessly.

Cirno is only 16 years old now. According to the standard of a 17-year-old adult in this world, she is still just an underage girl. She doesn't have the armed domineering power to challenge Han Cook head-on.

However, Cirno has an advantage over Hancock in terms of speed and knowledgeable arrogance. After hearing the meow of "meow", Hancock found that the red-haired girl in front of him suddenly disappeared.

"So fast!"

Hancock's two younger sisters were taken aback by Cirno's speed.

Although they had exactly the same experience as Hancock, and were also fed devil fruits by the Celestial Dragons, the strength of these two people is not enough. Even after another ten years, the combined combat effectiveness of the two of them will not even be able to reach The level of the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

It can be said that the entire Nine Snake Pirates are supported by Hancock alone.

When Hancock was 18 years old, she was offered a reward of 8000 million Baileys for the first time when she set up a pirate group to go to sea. In fact, she can be regarded as a fighting genius.

"Where to run?"

Hancock, who is proficient in knowledge and domineering, quickly caught Cirno's figure. She turned around and made an expression of blowing a kiss with her right hand.

Soon, in front of her, a pink heart was instantly formed. Hancock's right hand was shaped like a pistol, and he pointed at Cirno, and the heart flew in Cirno's direction like a bullet.

"Kiss the gun!"

The bullet hit the ground, making a sound like a heavy hammer hitting the ground.

Hancock's kiss gun will not explode, but it is very powerful like Sky Island's shock shell, and it will not be bounced off by rubber!

However, this trick will not petrify the enemy.

Cirno, in the form of catwoman, did not lose the wind at all. With her superb speed, she continuously avoided Hancock's kiss gun, and swung her sharp claws at Hancock who was not far away.


The slender legs of the two kept hitting each other, and Cirno's every foot was just right, just avoiding Hancock's feet and hitting her calves, avoiding the "fragrant feet" that shook Hancock hard. ".

Cirno has the advantages of reaction speed and knowledgeable arrogance, while Hancock has the advantages of armed arrogance and fighting speed.

After avoiding Hancock's kick once again, Cirno waved his left hand forward, and a wall of fire almost wrapped Hancock in the middle!

"Damn woman!"

Hancock gracefully somersaulted backwards, avoiding Cirno's flames like a dance.

Her left hand lightly touched her lips, forming a huge pink heart, and then she pulled it back like a bow and arrow. Countless pink crossbow arrows shot towards Qi Lunuo not far away like dense raindrops!
"Captive Arrow!"

This move is Hancock's large-scale attack skill. No matter whether the opponent is tempted by her or not, dead or alive, as long as it is not protected by a sufficiently powerful armed domineering, it will be petrified in an instant.

"Brother Yixiao, if I accidentally get petrified by that woman later, remember to ask her to transform me back!"

"What the hell are you doing?" Yixiao asked inexplicably, and then felt that Karl disappeared in place beside him.

Like an afterimage, Karl appeared in front of Cirno in an instant while stepping on ghost steps.

Wrapped in jet-black armed domineering, Carl faced Hancock's "Captive Arrow" without dodging or evading!
ding ding ding ding...

Just like ordinary crossbow arrows shooting on the steel plate, Hancock's captive arrows made from sweet fruits couldn't leave a wound on Carl's body, let alone turn Carl into a stone statue!

Carl breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved: "It seems that my guess is correct, the armed domineering can really resist the attack of the sweet fruit!"

Cirno, who had recovered her girlish form, poked her head out from behind Carl and looked at Hancock who looked surprised in the distance, then looked up at Carl who was standing in front of her, and said with a smile: "Hey... That woman's 'obsession with Gan Feng' is actually a mental attack, even I can sense her weird mental fluctuations, you don't have to be afraid of her at all!"

"Spiritual attack? Then I am completely relieved, no wonder you were not petrified by her!"

Psychic Devil Fruits are very rare, and there are no purely psychic Devil Fruits.

Currently known only is the "Washing Fruit" of the Chief of Staff of the Navy, which can temporarily wash away the evil in people's hearts; Extremely negative and loses fighting spirit.

I don't know if Lafayette, who was killed by Carl, can hypnotize others because his devil fruit has the ability of the spiritual system. Anyway, the hypnotic ability of Cirno's Wraith Cat must be the spiritual system.

And the last known devil fruit spiritual attack move is Boa Hancock's "Sweet Fruit"'s "Sweet Fruit"'s "Infatuation with Sweet Wind"!

(End of this chapter)

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