This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 19 Daz Bowness

Chapter 19 Daz Bowness

A few days later, Karl came to the country of flowers in the West Sea on a merchant ship of York. In this different world, Karl found a strong sense of familiarity for the first time.

The Kingdom of Flowers has the ancient charm of China. The corners of the pavilions, the layout of the buildings, the statues of tigers, and the girls wearing high-forked cheongsams showing slender legs can be seen everywhere on the street. These scenery are all in Karl A thought formed in his mind-the Qing Dynasty did not die?
After coming to the country of flowers, York naturally has a lot of things to deal with.When Carl was bored, he had to wander around this strange yet familiar country alone.

The Country of Flowers is a country of martial arts. Walking on the street, Karl can see countless martial arts gyms and weapon shops. Apprentices in martial arts gyms come in and out, wearing training uniforms that seem a bit nondescript to Karl. It's so hot on the eyes.

As one of the member countries of the world government, and at the same time a war power, the streets of Flower Kingdom are full of stalls, people come and go, bustling and lively.

Sometimes Karl can see some big living people being thrown out without mercy in a certain tavern. After inquiring, he found out that most of these people who were thrown out were rioting pirates. In this country where everyone is martial Here, the king's army is not needed to deal with these petty thieves, and the tavern guys can beat them to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy.

Um?Is there something to watch?

Suddenly there was a sound of beating gongs and drums. Karl looked around and saw that the citizens who had been wandering around rushed towards the direction of the sound like students who heard the bell and rushed to the cafeteria.

"Look, take a look, I'm the owner of the 'One Sword Martial Arts Gym', come to us today, set up a ring, and want to compete with all the masters, don't lose Bailey, and win Reward. This kind of pie in the sky doesn't happen every day, don't miss it when you pass by!"

Seeing the impassioned look of the man in the ring beating the gong, Carl really found a sense of hometown.This kind of martial arts competition in the street is probably only popular among ancient Chinese people.

"One Sword Martial Art Museum? What's the name, I've never heard of it!" A man in the crowd shouted loudly.

"Of course you haven't heard of it, because our martial arts gym has not yet opened. Let me open your eyes here today. After everyone has a certain understanding of us, we will be able to open the gym to recruit students!"

"Then what you said, 'No Pele if you lose, and rewards if you win' is true or not?" Another woman in the crowd raised a question.

"Of course it's true, we 'One Sword Martial Arts' never lie!"

"I come!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a tall and mighty man jumped onto the ring from the crowd.

"Is this friend not carrying a weapon?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hit early and win money!"

The tall man let out a loud shout, and rushed towards the owner of the hall with all his strength.

Seeing that the figures on the field were almost split apart at the touch of a finger, a figure flew upside down and crashed into a stall, causing the goods to shatter all over the place.

"You pay with me!" The stall owner grabbed the man by the collar.

After seeing the embarrassment of the tall man, everyone laughed and ignored him.

The owner of Yidao Martial Arts just chuckled and stopped paying attention to the defeated general.When a conflict breaks out between the two parties and damages someone else's belongings, the loser is usually the one who loses money. This has long been an unwritten rule, and now he only needs to pay attention to the challengers who will come later.

Next came a few more confident challengers, but no matter whether it was bare-handed or fighting with weapons, these challengers were all thrown out of the arena by the host with a few tricks, and the audience watched a few games in vain fun.

"Is there anyone else who wants to continue the challenge?"

Carl squeezed in the crowd and shook his head helplessly. He really has no interest in this kind of monkey-playing game anymore.Just as he was about to turn around and leave, a young man with dark skin, a shiny head and dressed as a monk jumped onto the ring.

"I come!"

The man's voice was calm and powerful, and although his eyes were small, they revealed an aura that should not be underestimated.

"It's interesting." I always felt that this monk seemed a little familiar. While staring at the man up and down, Carl recalled the "plot character" in his memory.

The master of the martial arts hall had already changed his expression slightly when the monk came to power, and he paid more attention to it.After the two saluted each other, the owner of the hall preemptively swept the monk's legs with one kick.

The monk didn't move at all, but the host's right leg was hurt by the monk. It felt as if he kicked not a person, but an iron plate!
Devil fruit ability?
The owner of the hall trembled slightly, took his own steel knife and slashed at the monk's neck.He didn't want to hack this monk to death, he just wanted to scare him.But unexpectedly, not only did the monk not flinch, but he stretched out his huge palm and grabbed the steel knife of the owner!

Not only was the palm of the monk's hand not bleeding from the steel knife, but there was a crisp "ding" sound when he grabbed the steel knife, as if two steel knives had collided.

The curator drew back the steel saber, the swordsmanship was dazzling, but the monk stood still, like an iron man, the curator couldn't hurt him a single bit!
"Hey, why didn't that monk fight back?"

"Maybe all real masters look like this."

"Really? Why do I feel that he seems to be pretending to be aggressive?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you."

Amidst the murmurs of the audience below, the monk finally started to fight back.He raised his steel-like right leg, and kicked the master of the martial arts gym away with just one kick.

The master of the martial arts hall suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, the blood spilled into the sky, life and death were uncertain!

Amidst the trembling of the martial arts disciples, the monk grabbed the prizes on the table, jumped off the ring, and walked away in the passageway that everyone gave way to.

"Mr.1, Daz Bowness!" Looking at the monk's back, Carl rubbed his chin, a little doubt in his heart, "Isn't he a bounty killer? Why did he go to the country of flowers to fight?" coming?"

Full of doubts, Carl quietly followed Bowness for a long distance, but he found helplessly that this guy was just eating and drinking, with a complete mentality of traveling around the mountains and waters, and he didn't look like he was performing a mission at all.

"Standing behind others and watching others fish, am I too boring?" The original curiosity has gradually dissipated, and Carl sighed, not intending to continue to follow Bowness.

"Where have I been?" Looking around, Carl found himself far away from the busy city and came to a bamboo forest.He only remembered that he came to a forest just now, but he didn't notice that it was actually a bamboo forest!
Carl, who was looking for the return route, accidentally caught a glimpse of a naive panda staring at him in the bamboo forest beside him. It opened its mouth wide and held a few bamboo leaves in its mouth, as if it was surprised when it saw itself forgot to chew.

Carl, who had successfully attracted the attention of the giant panda, carefully approached the giant panda, and this panda seemed to be more spiritual than the pandas on the earth. As Carl approached, it stood up slowly.

"Come on, baby, let me touch..."

Carl slowly stretched his right hand to the panda's furry forehead, and the panda also poked its head out slowly.But just a second before they were about to make contact, the panda suddenly waved its furry palm, and a big ear scraper was drawn towards Carl's cheek!
"Damn it, crazy cat?!"

(End of this chapter)

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