This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 128 You Can't Learn

Chapter 128 You Can't Learn
The person on the other end of the phone is Lieutenant General "Crane" of the Navy Headquarters.

"What a good day today? Lieutenant General He would take the initiative to call me, a pirate?"

Karl didn't pay attention to the edict of the Navy Headquarters at all.

He has now become one of the Shichibukai under the king, as long as he does not do such big things as stealing the country like Crocodile or Doflamingo, even the navy has no right to deprive himself of the Qibukai under the king for ordinary reasons. identity.

The attraction of the identity of Shichibukai to the great pirate is definitely not the "recognition of the world government", but a kind of "freedom" that is outside the ordinary law.

If the navy can find Wang Shichibukai for any trouble, it is estimated that few big pirates will take up this position that neither the navy nor the pirates like to see.

"This time, we already have new reference candidates for the remaining King Qibuhai, so we need to refer to your opinions."

The "you" Lieutenant General Crane said naturally refers to the current four kings Qiwuhai.

"It doesn't matter, no matter who you choose, I have no objection."

It is the practice of the Navy Headquarters that the new king Shichibukai needs to call the current king Shichibukai for a meeting.

However, in the vast majority of cases, there is often almost no King Shichibukai present, so basically these matters are decided by the Navy itself.

Over time, for this kind of routine arrangement, the Navy Headquarters will just find an adjutant to inform the Royal Shichibukai. The attitude of the Navy is basically: whether you like to come or not.

And since General He personally notified Karl this time, there may be some interesting situations in it.

Karl was not in a hurry, because he knew very well that the Navy Headquarters must be more concerned about this matter than himself.

"Carl, let me tell you the truth."

As if Karl's indifferent reaction had been expected long ago, Lieutenant General He on the other side of the phone bug didn't make any fuss anymore.

"This time, one of the candidates for Shichibukai is the Don Quixote Doflamingo who was defeated by you!

In order to solve the hidden dangers that may erupt between you in advance, you'd better come to the Navy Headquarters. If you have anything to say, you can make it clear now. Infighting! "

The situation was as Karl expected, and the navy did have more headaches than himself.

The infighting between the king's Qiwuhai is the last situation that the navy's top management wants to see.

Let's not talk about how to end the series of problems caused by the internal fighting.

If a fierce conflict broke out between the pirates he appointed, wouldn't he slap himself in the face?

The world government can't afford to lose this man.

"Okay, since this is the case, I really have to go see this Doflamingo."

"I hope you can keep your promise."

Carl didn't answer, he cut off the phone directly.

But in Carl's heart, he still couldn't help but sigh: there are people above who are really good at handling things. Even the godson of the Warring States Period was killed, so Flamingo can turn big things into small things.

What secrets does he hold in his hands about the Tianlong people?
How could he force the Tianlong people to release this big pirate even if they slapped themselves in the face?
But this is already Doflamingo's last card, right?

Even if his identity is the "JOKER" in poker, this kind of hole card of the "Wang Zha" level, Tianlongren would not allow him to use it a second time.

"It's kind of interesting... This time it's right to be a tourist. I haven't been to the Navy Headquarters yet."

Carl chuckled, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the sea in the distance.


A week later, Carl bid farewell to the people in the small garden, and used the "ghost walk" to step on the waves alone, and ran all the way to the direction of the Navy headquarters.

Compared with a slow sailing boat, Karl's ability to "float on water" is much faster.

With a permanent record pointer to the Navy headquarters, Carl doesn't have to worry about getting lost.

Practicing while driving like this, Karl soon came to the island of "Marinfordo" where the Navy headquarters is located.

"Look, there is a waterline extending towards us over there."

At the port of the Navy Headquarters, the sailors in charge of sentry saw that unusually obvious white water wave on the distant sea from a distance.

"Is it a Neptune?" Another marine soldier asked casually.

Marine Fodo is very close to "Murloc Island" and "Quiet Belt". Sometimes Sea Kings will suddenly break into the waters near the Navy Headquarters, and the sailors are no longer surprised by this.

"No... no, that's... a human being! He's actually running on the sea!"

"What did you say?"

The sailors nearby who heard the trembling voice started observing with binoculars.

People who can walk on the sea, they have only heard of Lieutenant General Kuzan, but Lieutenant General Kuzan is a person with the ability to freeze fruits, so it is impossible to have any waterline.

Is it an enemy attack?
"what's going on?"

Seeing the panicked sea soldiers at the port, a strong old man with short purple hair stood behind them and reprimanded them displeasedly.

"Look at you, do you still look like a soldier in the headquarters? Why panic?"

"Yes... I'm sorry, Chief Instructor Zefa!"

"Hurry up and act for me!"


The strong old man called "Zefa Chief Instructor" is one of the former generals of the Navy Headquarters and the "black wrist" Zefa who is currently the chief instructor of recruits!
Behind him, there was a tall and slender woman with short blue hair, and a weird man who looked like an island geisha.

The two of them are Zefa's most outstanding students this year, Ain with the ability of "Regressive Fruit" and Binz with the ability of "Fruit Fruit".

It's just that these two people are just training recruits now, so they are all wearing ordinary navy uniforms.

While Zefa was watching, Karl had already crossed the defense lines of the Navy Headquarters, and finally jumped from the sea to the port in front of the Navy Headquarters.

It happened to be near Zefa and the others.

"The King's Shichibukai 'Shadow Sword' Carl..." Zefa recognized the identity of the King's Shichibukai at a glance.

He had been observing Karl's strange steps just now, so he couldn't help asking, "Where did you learn the moon steps?"

"Tsk, it seems that this old gentleman is quite confident in the Navy Type [-]." Karl turned around and said to Zefa with a smile, "But this is not a 'moon step', it's a 'ghost step'."

"Moon steps are not difficult for me to master, but this 'ghost shadow step' can't learn it!"

(End of this chapter)

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