This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 107 The Five Forces

Chapter 107 Tripartite forces
"Mr. Lucy, what's the matter with you?"

Seeing "Lu Xi" suddenly react abnormally, Morgan frowned slightly, and looked curiously at "Lu Xi" who had been silent all this time.

"It's nothing...cough cough...I accidentally choked on it. Go on, I'm listening."

Carl put the teacup on the table, calmed himself down, and exhaled slowly.

Luo and Qi Lunuo glanced at Carl one after another, showing an expression of "that's it".

Sophia didn't respond.

Although she often handles affairs in the chamber of commerce, all she comes into contact with is related to transactions. As for the management of the forces behind it, his father has always been in charge of it.

But even his father, Simon, has only met ordinary cadres of the Don Quixote family at most, and has no idea that this "JOKER" is the Doflamingo who was defeated by Karl.

So Sophia is even more unclear.

"Everything was fine at first, but for some reason, that JOKER suddenly disappeared, and even the forces under him have escaped from JOKER's control. They either disappeared directly or defected to other families."

Of course, Morgan didn't know that JOKER's real identity was Don Quixote Doflamingo.

As a small force in the first half of the great voyage, the Relig Chamber of Commerce is far from being able to understand even the "little characters" of Bellamy's level, let alone the Don Quixote family that stirs up troubles in the dark world .

His so-called "JOKER's support" is nothing more than JOKER's forces protecting the Ruilig Chamber of Commerce in the name of JOKER.

This is like the Murloc Island owned by "BIGMOM" after the death of Whitebeard in the future.

Although it has been declared to the outside world that this is the power of BIGMOM, but once the Murloc Island encounters any danger, BIGMOM will not bother to take care of them.

But they have to "offer" to BIGMOM on time and provide food for BIGMOM.

Whether it is "BIGMOM" or "JOKER", they are all typical "eat yours, take yours, but don't do things for you".

But even so, relying solely on the title of "BIGMOM" or "JOKER", Fishman Island and the Raylig Chamber of Commerce still deterred many enemies who wanted to make trouble.

Otherwise, their situation will become more difficult.

"Since we lost JOKER's asylum, several chambers of commerce headed by 'Bart Chamber of Commerce' quickly joined forces to target us together."

"But if there are only these chambers of commerce, we can still deal with it. But with the disappearance of Lord Simon and the arrival of the Charlotte family, I can't think of any way to deal with it now."

"By the way, where did my dad go?" Sophia heard Morgan talking about Simon, and there was a worried and dignified look on her pretty face.

"Sorry, Miss Sophia, I forgot to say just now."

Morgan first apologized, but then his eyebrows became more serious: "Lord Simon said a few days ago that he would go to an old friend for help. He said that that person was JOKER's subordinate, and he used to be with that person. It's a cooperative one, so as long as that person is involved, you don't have to worry about everything."

"But Lord Simon hasn't come back since he left, I suspect..."

"Could it be that my father was taken away by that JOKER's men?"

Sophia obviously expected this too, but she couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it.

"Does it need to be said? Is there any important thing to talk about? Then JOKER's men must have defected to the Charlotte family and abandoned you."

Carl had a certain guess in his mind.

Among the cadres of the Don Quixote family, only Diamanti and Senor accompanied Doflamingo and were taken away by Lieutenant General He, while the others were still wandering in the sea.

Maybe they want to rescue JOKER with the help of BIGMOM?
But this possibility should be very small, there must be other reasons.

Carl cleared his throat, and said to Morgan and Sophia who were full of worries: "You don't have to worry about this matter. As long as Simon is not killed by them, I will definitely help you rescue him."

Morgan smiled wryly and did not speak. He really couldn't figure out how confident this "Lucy" was to dare to challenge JOKER and the Charlotte family at the same time.

Sophia was surprised when she heard the words: "Really? If you can save my father, I am willing to pay another [-] million Baileys!"

[-] million Berries, this is not a small amount for the Ruilig Chamber of Commerce.

Although the assets of the entire Ruilig Chamber of Commerce are far more than [-] million Baileys, they are the total assets added together, not the cash that the Sophia family can squander at will.

"Forget it, since I plan to meet the Charlotte family for a while, it's not just for your Bailey... From now on, you, the Rilig Chamber of Commerce, will be covered by me."

Karl intends to develop Carnival City as his first stronghold on the Great Route.

Since it is inconvenient for me to come forward directly, it is better to support and grow the Ruilig Chamber of Commerce.

And Sophia knew the true identity of Karl's Shichibukai, so she couldn't wish for Karl's request, and agreed to Karl's condition without the slightest hesitation.

"Miss Sophia!"

Morgan thought that the eldest lady was confused by outsiders after she disappeared for half a year, and he couldn't understand Sophia's plan at all.

"Morgan, my dad is not here now. I have the final say on everything here. I have already made a decision, so don't say anything else."

A confident and serious look appeared on Sophia's face. The temperament she displayed at that moment was not like a rich lady at all, but a shopping mall elite.

Unlike Miss Kaya, who was emptied by Captain Crowe, Sophia has the absolute right to speak in the chamber of commerce.

"This...well..." Morgan sighed helplessly.

He has no choice.

Since Sophia had her own ideas, he simply stopped insisting and let the young lady arrange it at will. Anyway, if the chamber of commerce continues like this, it will be doomed. It is better to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Regarding Sophia's performance, Carl nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Morgan: "About that Bart Chamber of Commerce, have they taken any more important actions recently?"

"It is said that in order to welcome the arrival of Lord Charlotte, they have united several chambers of commerce to prepare a carnival welcome party. Other chambers of commerce and some 'big shots' here will participate... Only our Raylig chamber of commerce will not Invited."

"Carnival? This is a bit interesting... It seems that we can have a good carnival with them."

There was a smirk on Carl's face, and a bold idea had slowly formed in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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