This pirate is not too cold

Chapter 100 That Afro...

Chapter 100 That Afro...

"You kid, how do you talk?!"

Hearing Carl's words, Kulocas's face turned dark at that moment.

For decades, the lighthouse keeper of Twin Point has long regarded Raab as his closest family member.

In Kulocas' view, Raab is his own child, and he will never allow anyone to say a bad word about Rab.

"If you..." The eccentric old man was about to reply to Karl, but he suddenly realized that what the other party said didn't seem to be a bad thing.

And most importantly, what he said about "navigation accidents" is indeed true. Over the years, countless ships have collided with Rab and died at the bottom of the sea. As for the specific number, he has already remembered But come.

Opened his mouth, Kurokas's words finally reached his mouth but turned into a helpless sigh: "Alas...the child Rab has a scar in his heart. As a doctor, I can't even heal the wound in his heart. Well, how can there be any energy to restrain this child's behavior."

"Are you a doctor?"

At this time, Luo, who had been silent all this time, also raised a little interest, and finally jumped off the boat.

"Yeah? Is there any problem?" Kurokas asked curiously, looking up and down at the kid in a cotton cap and exuding a cold aura that no one should enter.

"I'm also a doctor." Luo's small face had a serious expression, "Why is the wound so intractable? Why don't you let me try it."

"Hahahaha... kid, you misunderstood!" Kurokas lost his temper because of Luo's serious look, "I'm talking about 'spiritual trauma', not trauma, you can't heal it of!"

"Spiritual trauma?" Luo frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly recalled something, and a clear color flashed in his eyes.

"Decades ago, an enthusiastic pirate group came down from Upside Down Mountain, Rab, oh, this island whale, it was originally a member of the Rumba pirate group..."

As they get older, old people always like to chat with someone, and Kulocas is no exception.

Although he has told this story countless times, once he meets guys he thinks he can still talk to, he always takes the trouble to tell Raab's story again.

"...In the end, because he was worried about the danger of the great route, Rab was left here by his companions, and I took care of him. But the hateful thing is that those cowardly pirates escaped because of their cowardice. Great routes, abandoning their mates."

"So that's what happened..."

After listening to Rab's story, Luo was slightly startled.Then his expression was suddenly startled, as if he remembered something important.

"Where is Irene? Has it followed?"

"If you wait until you remember Irene, maybe it has been eaten by Rab!"

Cirno's voice came from the beach, Luo's small face was startled, and when he looked back to see that Irene had appeared on the shore, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"So that sea cat belongs to you?"

Kurokas apparently also noticed the sea cat on the shore like a hill.

It's just that Irene's size is about the same as that of a mouse and an elephant compared to Rab's.

"I hope you don't abandon your companions like that timid Rumba Pirates."

"The Rumba Pirates... didn't escape the great route."

At this time, Karl, who had been silent by the side, revealed a piece of news that shocked Kulocas.

But Kulocas's expression quickly calmed down: "Young man, don't make up such lies to comfort me and Rab. I don't care about the old man, but if the boy Rab hears, this only It would just make it sadder."

"You may not believe it, the Rumba Pirates set off from the West Sea, and I just came from the West Sea."

Kulocas looked at Sophia, who also nodded in affirmation: "We are indeed from the West Sea."

Isn't that right?

Kurokas was a little confused for a moment.

The little ghost Shanks is obviously from the West Sea, and he once talked with him about Rab's story, but he didn't know anything.

And the young man in front of him looks obviously younger than Shanks, but why did he hear about the Rumba Pirates?

But although he thought so in his heart, Kurokas didn't ask, but quietly waited for the young man's next words.

"Actually, I don't know much about the Rumba Pirates. I just heard from an old man in the village that the Rumba Pirates had already been wiped out on the Great Route."

Kurokas sighed in his heart.

Let's not say whether this is true or not.

The point is that this is the same as not saying it, and it doesn't help Raab in the slightest.

"However, one of them, a pirate with an afro head and a funny 'yo ho ho ho ho ho ho' smile, did not die, because he ate the fruit of the underworld, and the power of this devil fruit can make the soul of the dead escape from the underworld, Back to the body again."

This time Kurokas finally couldn't keep calm.

Exploding head, yo ho ho ho ho, this is the most impressive feature of the pirate named Brook who likes to play the violin.

This kind of information cannot be fabricated by relying on nonsense alone.

"How do you know this?"

"I said uncle, as for why I know these things, this is my own secret, so I don't need to tell you, do I?"

Hearing this, Kurokas's face darkened again.

But what they said was indeed reasonable, and I had no reason to refute it.

"Then why doesn't he come back for Rab? Doesn't he know that Rab has been waiting for him for decades?"

There was a hint of resentment in Kulocas' tone, and he said he couldn't understand Brook's behavior.

"That funny...cough, that afro, he got lost in the Devil's Triangle, and he has been lost for decades."


This time, even the faces of Luo, Cirno, and Sophia were covered with dense black lines.

Who are these people?
It is really hard for such an owner at the Rab stall.

"Hey, don't make fun of me like that."

"Why should I lie to you? Is it good for me to lie to you?"

"……Ok, I trust you."

Although it is impossible to determine whether what the young man said is true or false, at least he has brought a glimmer of hope to Raab.

The old man hurried to Rab's direction, he wanted to tell Rab the news that his companions did not abandon him.

"Hey, I thought you would use this information as a bargaining chip this time to blackmail that uncle." The light in Luo's eyes flickered for a while, and he casually complained about Carl, but his eyes turned to the old man trembling Trembling back.

"Not everything has to be measured by interests, right? Occasionally do a good thing within one's ability... Isn't it pretty good?"

(End of this chapter)

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