Chapter 177 Retaliation
"What's so serious?" Ye Feng asked lightly.

Da Fei sighed, and said in a worried tone: "The Governor's Mansion has just issued the news that Operation Thunder will be launched. To put it bluntly, it is to severely crack down on the behavior of collecting protection fees in major entertainment and leisure places. Isn't this breaking our bottom sect?" Is it your lifeblood? The sect forces in Hwaseong are so chaotic now, if those feasting places were really not watched by us, they would have turned into a mess long ago!"

Ye Feng cleared his throat, frowned and said, "What does what you said have anything to do with Xue Meigui?"

"I've just received news that the Song family has bribed the high-level people in the Governor's Mansion and jointly promulgated this plan. Those who can't beat us will use this method to cut off our rations!"

Ye Feng nodded, and thoughtfully said: "Answer me honestly, besides receiving protection fees, do you have anything else to do?"

Da Fei coughed violently, and quickly denied: "How dare I, Brother Ye! The current business alone is more than enough to support the ax gang. We will not do those illegal things!"

"But if someone intentionally engages in illegal activities on our site, we won't be able to find out for a while..."

Ye Feng nodded and said lightly: "I see, send a few more people to patrol the venue these days, be vigilant and don't let those people get caught!"

As soon as the two of them finished talking, several drug dealers were caught in the Ax Gang's yard, and the patrols were as if they had known the news in advance to catch them all.

This matter flew like ants on a hot pot, and they wandered around the Ax Gang building in a panic.

"Stop spinning, it makes me dizzy! Sit down and discuss it!" Ye Feng strode into the door of the Ax Gang, and patted Dafei on the shoulder.

Seeing Ye Feng's figure, Da Fei let out a long sigh, frowned tightly, and said impatiently: "Brother Ye, you are finally off work, today their group of patrols found several guys selling fans in our venue, I suspect that the group of the Song family sent us here on purpose! Brother Ye, you know that all the venues of the Ax Gang are currently strictly following your requirements, and they dare not do any illegal business!"

"Tonight's patrol will go to our Xingyue Restaurant, which is the most profitable place for the entire Axe Gang. It can be called our lifeblood. If we really screw up that group of people, our sect will be in trouble for the past few months. The capital chain is about to break!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng closed his eyes, rubbed his forehead, and said lightly: "Don't worry, I'll go over to see it myself tonight!"

Hearing this, Da Fei drooped his face and almost knelt down to Ye Feng, pulled Ye Feng's arm and howled again and again: "Brother Ye! The lifeblood of the Ax Gang is entrusted to you!"

The time passed by every minute and every second, after sunset.

Xingyue Hotel, one of the best high-end places in Huacheng, has multiple functions such as bar, restaurant, massage parlor and hotel.

The venue is very large, and there are endless streams of guests every day, and there are many factors that are difficult to control!

As night fell, three police cars with flashing red and blue lights stopped in front of the Xingyue Hotel, and a fat and greasy body staggered out of the car, followed by five or six people in straight uniforms, Police officer with a gun.

The owner of Xingyue Hotel stood at the door with a worried face. When he saw Inspector Lu get off the car, he went forward with lowered eyebrows, bowed respectfully, and said tremblingly: "Inspector Lu Rare visitor, rare visitor, really long time no see."

The owner of Xingyue Hotel is Wang Jinjun, who was born in a black society. He has met many high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the business field.

Superintendent Lu cleared his throat, and said in a low tone, "I am not here today as a guest. We are responding to the Governor's Mansion's call for Operation Thunder to come and inspect. I hope Boss Wang will cooperate with us!"

When Wang Jinjun heard this, a few beads of sweat slid down his forehead, and he nodded flatteringly and said, "It's rare that Superintendent Lu came to guide the work in person, and I will definitely cooperate with all my strength! But I have known Superintendent Lu for so many years, what kind of person am I?" You know it best!"

Hearing this, Inspector Lu waved his hands vigilantly, and said with a gloomy face, "Don't befriend me! Someone reported illegal transactions in your place, and I need to go in and check!"

Hearing this, Wang Jinjun's back shivered, and he frowned in surprise: "How could that be? Police Inspector Lu, this is clearly a false accusation. I have visited you regularly over the years. Do you know if there is such a thing?" !"

Wang Jinjun was obviously implying that Superintendent Lu accepted bribes, but Superintendent Lu's face was indifferent, and he glanced at Wang Jinjun coldly: "You will only know if you read it. You don't count!"

After finishing speaking, Inspector Lu waved his hands expressionlessly, and said in a harsh tone, "Go in!"

Wang Jinjun turned his head from side to side anxiously with a big face, watching the groups of people swarming into the restaurant in panic, and stuttered at a loss: "This... how can you, Inspector Lu..."

Superintendent Lu sneered: "I am also acting impartially. If there is no situation above, I will not wrong the good people!"

Wang Jinjun's face turned blue and white with anger, his chest was full of anger but he couldn't suppress it tightly, he gritted his teeth fiercely, and clenched his fists tightly.

At this moment, a figure wearing a flowered shirt walked out of the hotel, walked towards the two of them, and looked at Inspector Lu with a smile on his face: "It turns out that he is really Inspector Lu, I never thought we would meet in this kind of place!"

Inspector Lu frowned in surprise: "Young Master Meng? What a coincidence!"

Meng Kun pointed to Xingyue Restaurant with a smile: "I had a big meal here with my friends just now!"

After finishing speaking, Meng Kun looked at the police car in front of him with a half-smile, slapped his forehead and said, "Hey! I suddenly remembered that your patrol room has recently taken action to rectify this kind of place. As far as I know, Boss Wang seems to be Pay protection fees to others!"

Wang Jinjun's face turned pale, he waved his hands again and again and said, "Young Master Meng is joking, we are operating in a serious manner, and we have never handed over such things!"

As soon as the words fell, a figure swaggered over from a distance, and said in a low voice, "I thought I was fooled, but Police Inspector Lu and Young Master Meng got together today!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Inspector Lu and Meng Kun seemed to have the nightmares of the past before their eyes, they couldn't help shaking their bodies, and turned their heads away in shock.

"Ye Feng? What are you doing here?" Meng Kun said with dissatisfaction on his fat face.

Before Ye Feng could answer, Superintendent Lu warned Ye Feng in a cold voice with black lines all over his head: "The patrol room is working, please stay away!"

Ye Feng sneered: "The director is joking, I'm here for dinner, and I won't hinder your work!"

Superintendent Lu naturally didn't buy it, with resentment in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll say it again, don't hinder the patrol work!"

(End of this chapter)

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