Dismantling the blind box from Douluo

Chapter 54 N Pit Tang 3.Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !Ask for collection! ! !

Chapter 54 N Pit Tang San.Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !Ask for collection! ! !

Other than Qu Qian, seeing that Chao Tianxiang had left, they also breathed a sigh of relief, and then spontaneously surrounded Oscar to protect him.

Qu Qian also sat at the side, thinking about things boredly, and suddenly thought that Tang San hadn't reached level [-] yet, and this time it was Tang San and Meng Yiran fighting for spirit power, and then broke through to level [-].

Then he said to Tang San: "Little San, come on, you've been at level 29 for a long time, give me a breakthrough today."

"Uh, Brother Qian, this doesn't mean that breaking through can break through." Tang San replied speechlessly.

"It's okay, come here, I'll help you." Qu Qian said to Tang San with a smile.

But when Tang San saw Qu Qian's smile, he immediately became vigilant. Tang San had suffered a lot in Qu Qian's hands these years.

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Come here quickly, I can still harm you, it won't be good if I disturb Oscar to absorb the spirit ring later. Don't worry, my method is guaranteed to work." Qu Qian turned to Tang San Slowly induced.

Tang San thought: "Brother Qian really didn't harm me, since he said he can advance me to level [-], then it should be possible."

"Okay, Brother Qian, I'm here." Tang San still couldn't resist the temptation to upgrade, and walked towards Qu Qian.

But when Tang San got close to the range of five meters from Qu Qian, he suddenly felt a huge pressure on him, he didn't check for a while, and directly knelt down on one knee.

It turned out that Qu Qian transformed his own source energy into concentrated soul power, and then used the coercion generated by the concentrated soul power to press on Tang San.

"Little San, release your soul power to resist this coercion. I will slowly increase this pressure. If you can't bear it or get hurt, just wait to be blessed." Qu Qian knelt down on one knee Tang San said.

Tang San's eyes were red when he heard that, a group of people around were looking at Tang San, if he was blessed by Qu Qian, he would lose all face.

"I'm so stupid, really. I only knew that Brother Qian would let me advance, but I didn't know that Brother Qian smiled. There must be nothing good." Tang Xianglin's Wife Three couldn't help thinking this way.

So Tang San desperately exported his soul power to resist Qu Qian's coercion.

"You can't get hurt, you must resist, upgrade quickly!" Tang San roared in his heart.

After a while, there was a surge of spirit power on Tang San's body, and Qu Qian also withdrew his coercion at this time.

Tang San felt that Qu Qian had regained his coercion, and immediately sat down cross-legged, began to hit the [-]th level and began to recover the soul power he had just consumed.

Although it hadn't been long, Tang San's spirit power consumption was still terrifying, and he was almost drained.

Half an hour later, Oscar was the first to finish absorbing the spirit ring and came back to life.

Oscar stood up, with three soul rings dancing on his body, two yellow and one purple.

"Congratulations, little Ao." Zao Wou-ki said to Oscar when he saw that Oscar had successfully absorbed the spirit ring.

"Haha, Xiao Ao, you are the second among us to break through level [-], congratulations, come on, quickly let us see what your third soul ability is." Dai Mubai also said to Oscar .

Oscar originally had an excited face, but after hearing Dai Mubai's request, the excitement on his face turned into embarrassment, and then said to Dai Mubai: "Why don't we forget it, let's talk about it when we go back to the academy."

Ma Hongjun said angrily: "Xiao Ao, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that we will laugh at you? The soul curse of your third soul ability will not be more wretched than the first two, right? Brothers also do a lot for you Less effort, quickly let us see the results."

Oscar nodded helplessly, "But, let's say, you must not laugh after listening to my soul curse."

Everyone nodded at the same time, but there was already a bit of a smile on their faces.

Oscar raised his right hand and finally chanted his third soul spell, "I have a mushroom sausage."

Hearing his words, almost everyone burst out laughing at the same time, except for Tang San who was still practicing and Qu Qian who knew Oscar's third soul ability a long time ago, even Zhao Wuji laughed out loud.

Oscar stared at everyone with wide eyes, "Didn't we agree not to laugh?"

As soon as this remark came out, it had the opposite effect, and everyone laughed even harder.

"Wow, you guys... I'll give Qu Qian and Tang San my mushroom sausage then, if you want to eat, you have to ask me." Oscar said loudly.

Then Oscar tilted his head, and said in a weird voice: "I~ Oscar, let me tell you, the function of my third soul skill, Mushroom Sausage, is to fly."

The laughing people were shocked when they heard this, especially Ning Rongrong, as an auxiliary soul master, she knew better how rare soul masters can assist flying, and even if there were, it would be at least the sixth soul Skilled.

Ning Rongrong felt very sad and lost, and couldn't help thinking of what Qu Qian had said to her.

"It turns out that I'm really the worst one." Ning Rongrong smiled on the surface, but she thought so in her heart.

It's just that the smile is bitter.

At this time Qu Qian came to Ning Rongrong's side, patted Ning Rongrong's dog's head, and whispered in her ear: "Rongrong, let go of your arrogance as the young lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and try to run forward, you will find I am great, not the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School."

After finishing speaking, Qu Qian walked to the side, leaving behind Ning Rongrong who bowed his head in thought.


"Ahem, listen to me first, my third spirit ability is to fly for 1 minute." Seeing everyone's astonishment, Oscar felt secretly refreshed, and then explained.

"Damn—" Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun couldn't help cursing.

Dai Mubai said angrily: "Xiao Ao, are you getting skin tight and planning to ask my brothers to loosen your skin? You are panting so much after talking."

Oscar chuckled, and said, "Boss Dai, are you threatening me? What happened to flying for 1 minute? That is also a rare skill."

Dai Mubai twitched his lips, and said: "It's a rare skill. What's the use of flying for 1 minute? If you encounter a wider river or cliff, you can't fly over it."

The smugness that flashed in Oscar's peach blossom eyes seemed to become more obvious, and then he said, "Is that really the case? What if the one-minute flight is at the speed of a cockscombed snake?"

"What?" Now Dai Mubai was surprised again, "Eating your mushroom sausage can fly at the speed of a cockscomb snake for 1 minute? How is this possible?"

Oscar said proudly: "What's impossible? My third spirit ring is from the cockscomb snake, and the spirit ability is naturally related to it. My feelings are not wrong. I want to eat my mushroom sausage in the future , you have to beg me carefully."

The others were surprised again. They didn't take it seriously when they heard Oscar said that they could only fly for one minute, but then they were surprised again.

The speed of the cockscomb snake is very fast, 1 minute is enough to fly more than 2000 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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