Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 887 Gem reprint chapter, the end

Chapter 887 Gem reprint, the end
Things went pretty well.

Heiduo didn't even need to go to the door one by one, Teng Jun had already connected the people who should be contacted.

Thinking about it this way, Teng Jun is also an old tool man, and Hei Duo will look for him every time he has something to do.

This is the case when there are people in the court who are easy to handle.

As for the negotiation between the two parties, due to Hei Duo's preparations made in advance by the people of Meteor, as well as the deliberate reconciliation of related forces such as the Devon Company, it went on smoothly.

Fangyuan Association chose to let Dawu, Mi Keli, and Naqi come forward. One or two of the directors of these associations are more capable of fishing than Heiduo, as if they were not in charge of affairs.

Of course, it goes without saying that Devon Company, President Zvoki probably wanted to reconcile with the Meteor People for a long time. In the original book, he put aside his prejudices and the dignity of a middle-aged person, and sincerely prayed for the forgiveness of the other side.

Of course, the other side did not accept it at that time.

After all, the other side there is really dead.

Originally thought to be a tough family, the Belrich family was unexpectedly very talkative, and sent a couple.

When Hei Duo asked, as expected, these two were the parents of the heroine of Zhenzuan, Miss Platinum.

Her mother is the central figure in the plan to capture Raykonza, the Emerald Orb, the prop they want to use to manipulate Raykonzai, was artificially created by the research team headed by her.

What surprised Heiduo the most was that neither Teng Jun nor Yu Jian came to this negotiation.

These two handed over the decision-making power of the City Capital Association to him.

good thing.

Definitely a great thing.

To save Heiduo the headache of how to deal with the relationship with the City Capital Association.


The negotiation was held in the main building of the Fang Yuan Fairy Association in Suijing City.

The venue for the decision-making meeting was borrowed.

Not many people came from either side.

The Meteor People came over a dozen, some of whom Heiduo didn't know, but most of them were old people.

The elder is not there.

It is estimated that I left everything to this side and Auster.

The troublemaker on the other side was also there, glaring at everyone except Meteor People, making Mikri, Naqi and the others a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry about her, just pretend you can't see her."

Heiduo waved his hands at several people.

The people are seated.

Because it is a negotiation to resolve conflicts, it is mainly about issues such as compensation and apologies.

Meteor Village, or the other side of the victim needs compensation.

Under the disaster of Rayquaza's capture plan, she lost one of her hands and one of her feet, wasted six years, and her super anklet returned to the hands of the other side, but all the keystones were lost.

Heiduo has a keystone that once belonged to this shore in his hand.

The most important thing is that in the past six years, the people of Meteor have completely lost the trace of Lie Kongzao, and there is no way to find Liekongzao on the other side. Who knows if the Dragon God has turned his face and refused to recognize anyone?

Compared with the personal loss on this side, the latter point is the most serious.

After all, it is impossible for there to be a second side in Meteor.

Why was this shore chosen by Rayquaza?

On the one hand, it is her perseverance and perseverance, on the other hand, this girl has special talents.

In short, it is not easy.

In case this shore is defeated by Lie Kong, how can the Meteor People find a second this shore?

That's why the people of Meteor in the original book choose to wait for death silently and stop doing any unnecessary things.

They put all their chips on Raykongzuo.

the other side.

The Fangyuan Fairy Association should also be compensated.

After the region was hit by a disaster, they were responsible for the aftermath, including compensation for the victims, spending a lot of money and resources, as well as resources donated by other regions.

Of course, this is a matter of course. There is no insurance company in this world. The association has the power to manage the area, so it is natural to assume the obligation to compensate the victims.

And the Fangyuan Association is also partly responsible for the escape of the two ultra-ancient beasts.

But it is definitely impossible not to hold the other bank accountable, even if subjectively the other bank does not want to see this kind of thing.

But objectively, the occurrence of disaster is a fact——

So far.

It is important to assign responsibility to the other side, and it is also something that must be done for both parties to pay their own compensation.


In the final analysis, the two sides are willing to sit down and have a good talk.

It's not about compensation.

——"The Millennium Prophecy of Super Giant Meteorites".

This is the main purpose of these people sitting down to discuss, and it is also Heiduo's confidence.

Although he knew that the meteorite hitting the earth would probably not happen, but Meteor Village didn't know.

They don't know about the Fang Yuan Association.

Especially the people of Meteor, why are they so happy when they come back from this shore?
On the one hand, it has something to do with this shore being their family.

On the other hand, this planet does not need to be destroyed, they can survive, can they not be happy?

Otherwise, Heiduo wouldn't have the opportunity to go to the other Meteor People's homes to grab a meal, and it would be nice not to be chased away.


Negotiations have, of course, turned into planet-saving conferences.

Everyone present is willing to work hard in one direction, rather than drag each other's hind legs.


The Devon Company and the Belrich Family gave Heduo a surprise.

He originally thought that these parties who symbolized the pinnacle of human technology would not believe such nonsense as prophecy.

Just like the 2012 in the previous life, the Mayan prophecy.

But in fact, Heiduo found that he was still habitually using the eyes of his previous life to look at the people in the Pokémon world.

What do the people of the two worlds have in common?

They are all in human form.

Most technological and cultural artifacts have something in common.

But the two are really completely different.

Whether it is the formation of social forms, or the two things that have been arguing for a long time in previous lives, materialism and idealism.

In other words, the three views of people in the Pokémon world are completely different from those of people in previous lives.

Perhaps because they originated from the real world, some of their thinking patterns are the same as people in previous lives.

But the Three Views will change with the changes of the times, the growth environment, and the social environment.


Myths were illusory and elusive things in the previous life, but here, they are reality that actually happened.

Meteor Village's historical records of the land of Yoshien are also detailed beyond anyone's imagination.

After exchanging information with each other and reaching information sharing.

Devon and other outside parties and Meteor Village, led by Yukishi, officially became a cooperative relationship.

The two sides help each other and work hard to save this planet.

Dismiss the meeting peacefully.

And when Heiduo saw this bank and said that he didn't need any compensation, he only hoped that the other party could help him complete the mission of smashing the meteorite.

He knew that this suffering girl had made her own choice.

Maybe not fair enough.

But it's the best option right now.

Maid of the Dragon God, Inheritor of Bonds, People of Meteors, Teacher of Jiayuan City—— This shore, once again chose to be the savior of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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