Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 885 We Did Nothing

Chapter 885 We Did Nothing
Generally speaking, this kind of ambiguity is either for mystification or for disgusting people.

This shore happened to be disgusted, and he frowned and remained silent.

Hei Duo turned his head and smiled, "Just kidding, I don't do such boring things. If I plan to do that, I won't come here alone."

If you really want to fish for the other side, wouldn't it be good to use Deoxys directly?
All that is needed is a token of the other side, any used personal item will do.

This shore doesn't know, so the maid of the Dragon God naturally doesn't know, there is a kind of life in this world with a terrifying ability to see and see, which can make anyone invisible.

"Don't worry, I just want to solve your problems." Heiduo patted Lie Bite Lu Sha lying beside him.

The latter wagged its tail slightly, like a happy puppy.

The Meteor Village, like the Dragon's Den, is a paradise for giant dragons. No matter in terms of environment or atmosphere, it is the most suitable place for giant dragons to grow up. If you stay here, you can't help but feel happy.

envirnmental factor.

In particular, there are also many round land sharks, sharp tooth land sharks and biting land sharks belonging to the people of the meteor. The number is not many, but there are indeed.

It's rare to see the same race, biting Lu Shark is even more joyful.

And behind it.

Having been beaten violently several times, the Tyrannosaurus, who was dragged off by the wings when he was trying to escape with Bi An, squinted his eyes, thinking whether to go to his old friends to catch up.

By the way, discuss how to gank this guy.

"The problem with us..."

The other shore was silent, and to be honest, she only listened to Heiduo's one-sided words. She had no way of imagining the situation of the Meteor People, whether it was as precarious as Heiduo said.

Hei Duo glanced at her, "Please, you have lived outside for six years anyway, you have used computers and so on, and you must have been on trainer forums a lot.

"Isn't it obvious what changes are happening outside and what it looks like in the Meteor? Take a long-term view, the people of Meteor can't continue to live in seclusion for the next millennium."

I always feel that this young lady looks like a fool after returning to Meteor Land.

Six years spent outside?
As good as the dragon's people in Yanmo City, Dragon's Township also holds celebrations all year round to welcome outsiders.

The people of Meteor are particularly xenophobic, only allowing dragon attribute trainers to come in and practice, and now they have simply closed the village.

Hearing the words on the other side, he still didn't speak, but his heart was churning endlessly.

I have been an elementary school teacher for six years, worrying about the test papers and teaching plans every day, not the president of the association for six years, worrying about things that affect the region...

But what Heiduo said was indeed correct.

With the current speed of development of outsiders, the Meteor People will definitely not be able to live in seclusion for the next millennium.

Seeing her deep in thought, Hei Duo shook his head, got up and went back to the room.

Well, it is still the room on the other side.

As for where the other shore will live...it has nothing to do with him.

It was only after knowing that He Duo had entered the room of the other bank, but Hei Duo had already closed the door before she could stop her.


She had no choice but to retract her Erkang hand.



Heiduo went to A Lan's house next door for lunch.

This bank's family must not be working together, the elders are resting, parents and sister are in the temple, and a disabled person on this bank can cook, but he probably has no mood to eat.

Geez, poor family.

However, Heiduo has already said what needs to be said, and has done what needs to be done, and the next thing can only be left to Bian himself.

For him, as long as he doesn't use weapons, it doesn't matter what the outcome is.

After dinner.

Heiduo sat at the dining table and picked his teeth, A Lan's father went to the field, and his mother cleaned up in the kitchen.

Alan walked around the living room a few times, hesitated for a few seconds, came to Heiduo, and wanted to ask something.

"Okay, don't ask, I don't know if I ask." Heiduo waved his hand, "If you have this spare time to worry about other people's affairs, you might as well think about what you should do in the future."

A Lan is older than him, but he is only in his early twenties, why should he stay in the Meteor Land to farm?
It's fine if he wants to, but it's obvious that A Lan himself is also confused.

I don't know what my future will be like, and I don't know if I have the opportunity to go to the outside world.

Don't all the Meteor People want to go outside?

Not really.

Everyone is a different individual, and everyone thinks differently.

For example, Shan Tong, the scruffy man who had to fight Hei Duo under the pressure of his elders, is probably the one among the Meteor People who most hopes to open the closed door.

As a leader of the younger generation, Ah Lan actually has his own set of ideas.

At this time, he is by no means the "men" who only exist in the mouths of comic characters, but a living person.

"I'm leaving. Auntie's cooking is delicious. Remember to cook more tonight." Heiduo stood up and patted A Lan on the shoulder.

The latter nodded in a daze.


Back home on this shore.

There was no one in the hall, and the shore was not there, and the door of the room was closed, making it impossible to know whether she had gone out or returned to the room.

Heiduo didn't care, he opened the door of the room on the other side, and wanted to go in and take a nap.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the door, a person lying on the bed came into his sight.

The former sensed someone coming in, turned his awkward head slightly, but kept his body still, and when he realized that it was Heiduo, his face suddenly darkened.

"It's you!"

"That's right, it's me, so your father will let you go?"

Heiduo wanted to close the door at first, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. He glanced at Bi An's body, and saw that his clothes had been changed into normal ones. There was a strange smell of medicine in the air, probably because of the medicine.

"Where did you take my friends!"

Bi An probably was beaten so badly that he didn't dare to move when he wanted to, so he said angrily, "Hand them over!"

Hei Duo burped, "Did you eat? They probably did. Well, the pork chop rice is still delicious. I ate it once."

The other side, who couldn't understand Heiduo's stalk at all, was even more angry, gritted his teeth and wanted to touch the poke ball on the table far away.

All her other Pokémon were confiscated, only Tyrannosaurus was still resting in the Poké Ball.

Heiduo's eyes were fixed, and the elf ball that was about to be touched by the other side immediately rolled backwards.

"Don't just take out the elf, can you?" He walked over and played with the elf ball in his hand.

And his every move, as well as the frivolous words in his mouth completely angered the other side.

The girl propped herself up with a groan, her eyes were blazing with anger, but immediately fell on the bed with a groan.

The bed was smashed by her with a muffled sound.

"Wow, your father is really ruthless!"

Seeing this, Hei Duo couldn't help sighing.

How much force must be used to beat a person with such a strong physique so that he can't move on the bed, and can't even get up?

The latter stared at him stubbornly, gritted his teeth and said nothing.

Heiduo especially appreciates the way he can't get used to him but can't hit him.

Maybe it was because of the commotion on their side, the door of the next room opened, and Bian slowly pushed the wheelchair to the door.

"What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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