Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 882 Girl, the road has gone astray

Chapter 882 Girl, the road has gone astray

Eat and drink well.

With half a sweet potato in his mouth, Heido went to the central lake with Lie Bite Lu Shark.

He never thought that the central lake was already tightly surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside. With his height, he couldn't see anything.

And the crowd was so noisy that he couldn't hear anything clearly.

A good physique does not mean that he has the ability to automatically filter.

In desperation, Heiduo had no choice but to stand on the shoulder of Lie Bite Lu Shark again.

Seeing this, the eyes of a few children who couldn't squeeze in were on the side, and they shouted at Heiduo: "Brother Heiduo! Take me one and take me one!"

"Don't bring it, think of a way!"

"Ah! Brother Heiduo eats alone!"

"Bite me!" Heiduo cast a contemptuous glance at the children, and the blade of the fiercely biting Lu shark under him trembled slightly, and immediately pushed aside the children who were premeditated.

"Bang! Cheapskate!"


The little brats had nothing to do with Heiduo, they could only shout out as if venting, while making other plans.

And Heiduo, who bit Lu Shark's shoulder fiercely and gnawed sweet potatoes with one hand, also discovered something interesting.


center of the crowd.

Bi An crouched down and hugged Bi An, and the two sisters wept bitterly.

The depth of the relationship between the two sisters can no longer be described simply in words, otherwise the other side would not have been so sad that she lost her voice.

Later, the other side will not decide to shoulder the burden of the sister.

Beside them, a Sonic Dragon was also crying very sadly, and its huge bat wings enveloped the two of them.

Sonic Dragon is an elf from this shore, but was left by this shore to the other shore before, because she could not continue to take care of Sonic Dragon because she devoted herself to serving Raykonza, and Raykonza would not allow other elves to live in its territory.

At the feet of the other side, a goo niu hugs the leg of the other side nervously.

The elder, Oster and his wife stood a little to the side, their faces half full of emotion and half happy.

But these people are not within Heduo's sight.

What he was staring at were two groups of people.

A group of people are covered in red, wearing extremely tight clothes, wearing hoods and shawls, with a pattern of a volcano-shaped arch bridge on their chests, and two small horns beside their heads.

The other group wore cool, blue-and-white striped T-shirts on their upper bodies, mostly shorts and short skirts on their lower bodies, black turbans on their heads, and a skull-like logo between their eyebrows.

The Meteor People with closed information may not be able to recognize them for a while, but in the outside world, everyone in Fangyuan can call them by name.

——Team Fire Rock!Marine Team (Water Fleet)!
"Hey, you are so brave, you dare to show your face."

Hei Duo stuffed half of his mouth with sweet potatoes, thinking whether to arrest these people.

After thinking about it for two seconds, he gave up for the time being. Anyway, if he can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple.

Attacking them now would easily cause an attack from the other side, and indirectly arouse the common hatred of the people of Meteor.

When the elders and Auster questioned the other side——

"Master Heiduo, please come here."

One sentence directly interrupted Heiduo's thoughts.

Hei Duo came back to his senses, and suddenly saw a group of people looking at him, including members of the Huoyan team and the Ocean team.

"Call me?"

He pointed to himself.

The person who called him in the center of the crowd—the elder nodded, "Yes, please come this way."

Heiduo was noncommittal, slid down and sat on the dorsal fin of the biting land shark.

The latter followed the passage where the crowd separated, and came to the front in a few steps. Heiduo, who was on his back, also took this opportunity to stand on the ground and endure the baptism of everyone's eyes.

Including the other side.

The little girl frowned, with an expression that she knew but forgot where she met her.

Seeing that Heiduo had already stepped forward, the elder opened his mouth.

"The other side, let me ask you—"

"Wait, wait a minute, confront me here?"

Heiduo raised his hand to interrupt, and scanned the surroundings.

It is estimated that in the entire Meteor Realm, all the active ones are here.

Planning to execute in public?

He glanced at Oster, the bearded man turned his eyes away, but at some point, a golden human-shaped fox appeared beside him.

Whoa!The lie detectors are out!
The mother on the other side looked completely ignorant.

"Ah! You're that trainer from the city—what confrontation?"

The other shore belatedly realized that something was wrong. The eyes of the villagers and elders around here were a little...unfriendly?
Heiduo and the elder looked at each other and knew that she had made up her mind.

"You continue."

The elder went on.

And the other bank squatting in front of this bank, the expression also changed from confusion at the beginning, to anger, and then to silence.

But her silence doesn't mean the elder is silent.

This old man, who had always been relatively kind, rarely spoke harshly.

"Do you know what you're doing! The other side!"

"……I know!"

The other bank stood up and said loudly: "Of course I know what I'm doing! I want to find Lord Dragon God! I want to fulfill that prophecy! I want to save the world for the other bank!"

This girl really didn't lie.

Although she has been targeting Devon, she has not forgotten what her mission is.

In the re-engraving of gemstones, she thought that Devon's dimensional transmission device would send the meteorite to a living planet that would not be attacked by the meteorite, so she shot down the rocket.

Because she thinks only Rayquaza can save the world.

Let's not mention why she is so sure that the dimensional teleportation is to teleport to a planet with life, not other places, so plan ahead, if you are not afraid of [-], just in case, there is nothing wrong.

But the guy's last sentence "It is definitely the people of the meteor that destroy the meteorite" sounds particularly problematic.

Honestly, not only is it bad, it's kind of stupid.

But Hei Duo didn't want to talk to her for the time being, and found out that she had already blew herself up.

Now is the time to net.

"Hello, everyone from Team Fire Rock and Team Ocean."

Heiduo smiled and waved at those people, God knows why the other side brought these people here.

But it happened to be convenient for him to catch.

At this time, the new cadres of the two teams have already taken office.

Originally there were three cadres in the first team, but now there are only two left.

Huoyan team is a fat man, a purple-haired loli.

The Ocean Team is a muscular guy, a black-skinned sister with particularly long hair and highlights.

They inherited the names of the previous cadres.

Among them, the purple-haired loli was the most famous in her previous life. Even if Heiduo hadn't played games much, she had seen her notebook.


In the game is a beautiful genius girl who seems to have the ability of premonition?
It seems that there are also sick and delicate attributes.

It is completely different from the black-haired sister named Huoyan in the gem chapter.

The people from the two villain organizations didn't know what Heiduo meant, but they could understand the maliciousness in his smile.

Immediately, someone wanted to take out the poke ball from his pocket.

It's a pity that Heiduo was already prepared.

"Spiritual strength."

Heido snapped his fingers.

A blue light instantly enveloped all the team members.

And the source is in a house in the distance, Xanadu who has completed the super evolution at some point!

(End of this chapter)

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