Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 86 Rescue

Chapter 86 Rescue

Early in the morning, Ibrahimovic was dazzled by the sunlight outside the curtains, and couldn't help stretching himself.

Turning his head to lick his own hair, he found that his left leg was bald.

Ah, my hair is gone.

In a trance, Ibrahimovic thought of this heartbreaking fact.

But different from usual, the heavy weight on the neck tells it that this wave of hair loss is actually not bad.


Ibrahimovic turned his head, but there was no figure of the vicious boy on the bed.

But pricking up his ears to listen carefully, Eevee could hear the breathy shout coming from Heduo.

is the direction of the dojo.

What time is it?
Ibrahimovic jumped out of bed, the effect of the wound medicine is still very good, before going to bed last night, it didn't hurt, and it was completely healed this morning.

The stubby forelimbs opened the screen. In Ibrahimovic's opinion, this is much more convenient than the door. To open the door, you need to jump up, but the screen does not.

He had to talk to Heiduo about the Super Evolution Stone, or would his slick fur be blind for nothing?

Sooner or later there will be such things as money.

Ibrahimovic stepped out the door, but a dark figure blocked the door.


There is a tray beside Moon Ibrahimovic, and on the tray is Ibrahimovic's breakfast today.

"It's you, thank you." Ibrahimovic rubbed against Moon Ibrahimovic to show his friendliness. Every time he got up late, this guy was always at the door serving breakfast.

It's just a little skinny.

Ibrahimovic finished his breakfast in a hurry, and under Moon Ibrahimovic's disappointed eyes, he perfectly ignored the "trap" in the breakfast, and ran towards the dojo with cheerful steps.


Heiduo took two steps back and sat down on the ground.

In front of you is the raised right hand of the sharp-tooth land shark and its playful expression.

"It hurts...you are so strong!"

Heiduo rubbed his buttocks, and propped up his body with the wooden knife.

Except for rest days, Heiduo's sword has been trained to perfection, and it is difficult for Heiduo to let go of the wooden sword under ordinary shocks.

On weekdays, it was Yujian who fed Heiduo, but for some reason, Yujian disappeared early in the morning, even with the three guys Ma Yula, Wu Yatou and Hei Lujia.

Then the "person" who was recruited became the Dragon King Scorpion, this powerful meat tank.

But halfway through the feeding, Fangtooth Shark stepped forward to discuss with Dragon King Scorpion to let Dragon King Scorpion teach it the method of feeding moves.

Dragon King Scorpion agreed, and the result was the current scene.

In fact, according to Heiduo's thinking, Heizhao must have a deep understanding of Yu Zhiliu's swordsmanship, but Dragon King Xie obviously doesn't think so.

After it taught the sharp-toothed land shark a few feeding tricks and small routines, it stood aside and watched, occasionally mentioning a few sharp-toothed land sharks, but not many.

Heduo is noncommittal about this, he really needs more experience in fighting, whether it is against humans or against elves.

Fangtooth Shark is not as professional as Dragon King Scorpion, but it is not bad.


Ibrahimovic's voice came from the corridor outside the dojo.

"...stop for a while, rest and rest."

Heiduo took the white towel from the electric shock monster, and wiped the sweat dripping down his chin.

Guess what happened, otherwise this guy would usually come over without saying a word or just stay in the bedroom all morning.

Ibrahimovic walked into the dojo, glanced at Heiduo who was slightly out of breath, and the four advisors said, "Why didn't you see Mr. Yujian?"

"Maybe I went out." Hei Duo explained, "Did you have something to do with him?"

It should have something to do with yesterday's explosion, um... I don't know if Hangping woke up, but he is not angry now.

If that kind of thing happened to him, he would be pissed off.

"It's okay, what can I do." Ibrahimovic smiled and approached Heiduo, "Heiduo, Brother Hei~"

The tired voice made Hei Duo take two steps back involuntarily, "Why, just say what you have to say, don't beat around the bush."

Every time Ibrahimovic speaks in this tone, he always makes some unreasonable demands.

Ibrahimovic didn't care about Heiduo's viper-like demeanor, and pulled out the egg-sized evolutionary stone from under his "scarf".

"Learn about Giant Pincer Mantis? Find out about Gundam? You don't have any powerful steel elves in your team! Find out about Bullet Fist!"

It turned out to be the case.

Heiduo relaxed, and said flatly: "I remember I told you yesterday, right? We can't afford so many elves now."

The super giant pincer mantis is very tempting, but the dry wallet and its complicated cultivation method are also important factors to temporarily dissuade Heiduo.

For now, the only elves who can reassure Heduo are Big Needle Bee and Arbor.The former training method originated from Abi, and Heiduo didn't need to worry about the details; the latter training method was as early as the Rockets period, and Heiduo knew a lot about it.

These two can be put aside.

Then there is the Sharptooth Land Shark. Heiduo found less information about dragon-attribute elves in the library, so he can only follow the ground-attribute ones first.

Finally, a pixie that caused Heduo the most headaches.

The electric shock monster that has not yet evolved at level [-], other electric shock monsters have evolved at level [-], and can become an electric shock monster at level [-], it is still the same.

According to the information that Heiduo consulted from Yu Jian, if it wasn't for the trainer's subjective judgment not to allow the elf to evolve, then it is very likely that the elf itself is unwilling to evolve.

Heiduo didn't understand why the electric shock monster was unwilling, and asked Ibrahimovic to inquire, but got an answer that it didn't know and was very confused.

It's worrying enough.

Having said that, for some unknown reason, after Heiduo's four elves were upgraded to level [-], their moves were stuck at level [-] and could not be improved by attribute points.

This is very worrying for Hei Duo, if he really can't continue to improve, isn't he missing a big advantage?

The ensuing problems made Heido feel depressed.

Yu Jian happened to see this, that's why he urged Heiduo to go out to play yesterday.

"There will always be money. If you think about the lack of money and money all day long, the money will not fly to you." Ibrahimovic said in a persuasive way: "You also know that the cultivation of elves is slow and the process is complicated. Start training one day earlier and form combat power one day earlier. Are you right?"

There are some truths, the sooner they are cultivated, the faster their combat power will be formed.

"You said so much, what about the giant pincer mantis? It's not a Chinese cabbage, waiting to be caught by you." Heiduo glanced at Ibrahimovic.

It's a hype, but they don't know that wild giant pincer mantises are extremely rare, and most trainers who own giant pincer mantises start training from flying mantises.

Coupled with the fact that the special evolution method of "communication evolution" is unknown, the evolution of flying mantises generally depends on luck.

The record in the league is often when two good trainers interact with each other, a friendly exchange of flying mantises leads to its evolution.

full of unknown factors.

In this era when most of the elves' knowledge was covered up by the upper-class families, and some people didn't even know that the big rock snake could evolve into a big steel snake, the elf like the giant pincer mantis could be called a rare elf in the eyes of civilian trainers.

It is obvious that Flying Mantis is an elf who is nothing more than a commoner.

Even if Hei Duo has the evolutionary stone of the giant pincer mantis, it is still difficult to find a giant pincer mantis without relying on the black market.

But what Heiduo didn't expect was that Ibrahimovic showed a confident expression.

"I know a place where there are giant pincer mantises in the wild!"

Hei Duo was taken aback, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood it.

There are still wild Geng ghosts in the world. There is a thorn dragon king in the dragon's lair, and there are groups of wild steel snakes on Iron Island. Could it be that they would not exist without communication and evolution?
"You mean the place where you stayed? Do you remember where it was?" Heiduo expressed doubts about Ibrahimovic's memory.

Ibrahimovic said triumphantly: "Of course! That place is a natural park! I remember it clearly! Because there are always some people running over to hold some weird competitions, all of which are elves with the bug-catching attribute. When I thought about it, this must be the bug-catching competition!"

I can't see it, but I can guess.

Heiduo nodded, in this way, it would be a pity not to bring the Giant Pincer Mantis home.After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Well, next month. It happens that we are free next month, so let's go to the natural park."

If you're lucky, and you run into a bug-hunting convention, it's good to join in the fun.

Seeing that Heiduo gave in and made a promise, Ibrahimovic knew that he could no longer use words to change Heiduo's decision.

Next month... two weeks?Not too far.

Ibrahimovic was very excited when he thought about the giant pincer mantis that he was about to get.When it can't become a trainer to capture elves by itself, watching Heduo catch elves one by one seems like it has caught them.

Heiduo's shoulders and the top of his head are also the best audience seats, hello from the first perspective!
This kind of elf can be selected according to its wishes just like playing a game, not to mention how cool it is.

I believe that every casual (salted fish) player will not miss it.

After discussing the matter, Ibrahimovic was satisfied, and sat on the sidelines to watch Heiduo practice his sword. It is the only elf under Heiduo who does not need to fight, so it is only level [-] so far.

It's been half a month since I've been stuck at level [-].


The west exit of the underground passage in Manjin City.

An engineering team is clearing the underground passage of the landslide and rescuing the refugees trapped in it.

Fuji Jun wore a yellow hard hat, and used his headlights and searchlights in his hand to see the road clearly.

Beside him is a huge humanoid triceratops with gray skin, like a thick rock armor.

"Did you find anything? Ironclad Tyrannosaurus (Drillhorn Rhinoceros)?"

Fuji Jun didn't look back, and asked in a low voice, sometimes underground, the perception of ground-type elves is far more sensitive than that of humans or other elves.

The armored tyrannosaurus let out a low growl, indicating that he hadn't noticed it.

It stands to reason that civil servants like Teng Jun should stay on the ground and wait quietly for the construction team and rescue team to rescue everyone.But the actual situation is that most of the construction workers sent by the group are saving the lower black market, and they are unwilling to separate their hands to rescue the amusement park and underground shopping mall.

——They didn't dare to go last night, for fear that Du would not leave.

(End of this chapter)

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