Fairy Noir Fantasy

Chapter 837 Gambling?

Chapter 837 Gambling?

It turned out perfect.

With Lugia assisting.

Traveling to Shining Caves just got a whole lot smoother.

Heiduo almost turned into a ruthless earth-digging machine. Heiduo found the fossils buried deep in the ground one by one under the stunned gaze of many gold diggers who also wanted to dig out fossils to make a fortune.

Green their jealous eyes.

Can't wait to rush up and snatch it away.

Rely on!
They have been digging for several years, but they may not be able to dig a piece. Why does this person seem to be digging everywhere? !

But when they saw the biting land shark beside Heiduo, their sour faces beyond recognition and their muddled brains instantly sobered up.

—waking up with a fright.

Immediately afterwards, she was driven away by Miss Junsha who came after hearing the news.

"There is no place outside the world."

The Shining Cave is not a deep mountain forest. The Carlos Union even has the idea of ​​developing it into a tourist attraction, not to mention that there is a thorny mountain road outside that has been transformed into a race track.

It is one of the venues of Carlos' famous one-horned rhino race.

Even if these gold diggers really snatched the fossils from Heiduo, they would probably be caught by Miss Junsha.

on the other hand.

Miss Junsha was also amazed at Heiduo's "luck" against the sky. The Shining Cave is now a paradise for archaeologists and gold diggers. Everyone is eager to dig out a precious ore or fossil from here.

Things like fossils.

It may not be possible to dig out a piece in a month.

Not to mention getting rich with it.

What is the difference between someone like Heido who digs up a lot as soon as he arrives, and someone who gambles on the best seeds in the stone city every time in some novels?
It seems that there is no difference, all of them use perspective hanging.

Heiduo, who was repeatedly praised by Junsha, just smiled, and was a little curious that a place with high economic value like Shining Cave was not monopolized by some interested people in the alliance.

With the temperament of some Carlos people, there is no reason to let this kind of hen that lays golden eggs let some gold diggers toss here.

Although so far, except for the Yusanjia, he has not seen any monopoly situation.

The monopoly of the Yusanjia is not an absolute monopoly, it just collects all the Yusanjia near the city, there must still be some deep in the jungle, or some fish that slipped through the net.

The purpose of collection is also to speed up the breeding process and spread to thousands of households as soon as possible.

In a way, that's a good thing.

Most of the credit is due to Caroni.

Unlike the two leaderless places in Johto and Kanto, Carlos had no classic villains before Fradari's blackening, so the operability of the champion will be very high.

Especially the regional champions with eight gyms standing behind them.

Carlos is a strange place. People with strong abilities have good personalities, are kind and have a sense of social responsibility.

On the contrary, those who have nothing have a lot of shit.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why they have no strength?

However, these have nothing to do with Heiduo.

His purpose has been achieved.

Even overfulfilled.

The fossil of the baby Tyrannosaurus was successfully obtained, and the two of Hezhong, which seem to be called the original Gai turtle and the proto-bird?

There are also many fossils in several other areas, but Heduo is not rare.

There are so many finished products in Yicishan, isn't it better than cultivating from scratch?

So he directly tried to find a way to go to the finished product cultivation greenhouse of the Fossil Research Institute and find the director of the Fossil Research Institute to replace it.

One piece for one, for the baby Tyrannosaurus, or the two of the combination.

The director did not change at the beginning.

It wasn't until Heiduo sacrificed some other weird plant fossils and artifact fossils that had nothing to do with elves that he "reluctantly" exchanged two with him.


People's research institute is called the Fossil Research Institute, not the Fossil Elf Research Institute.

However, for Heduo, those grotesque fossils with only academic research value are just bonuses for digging elf fossils, and he dug out a bunch of them by relying on Lugia's perspective ability.

What is given to the director is only an insignificant part.

Take the rest back to benefit Chengdu.


Heiduo got three baby tyrannosaurs, two males and one female; five ice dragons, four males and one female;

The sex ratio of Fossil Pixie is very, very extreme, there are too many males to see, no better than the notorious Eevee.

Typically, there are more monks than porridge.

Maybe that's why they went extinct?

Just kidding.

And the director probably also had the idea of ​​betting that there were female fossil elves in the first four generations of fossils that Heiduo gave him, so he was willing to exchange with Heiduo. It is fair to exchange a male for a possible female.

Otherwise, no matter how many other fossils Heiduo took, it would be impossible to impress him.

But luck has always been Heiduo's specialty.

Except for the original Gai turtle bet, all the other three kinds of Heduo lost their females.

That means one of these ignorant little males doesn't have to be a bachelor.

Where is the director?


All bets were lost, all fair.

It made people almost so angry that they smashed the machine that resurrected the fossil elves.

All are public, which means that the future destiny of these elves may be to be single for a lifetime.

Maybe it's spending a lifetime with a pink gummy.

Who let Pokmon lay eggs to see the matrilineal line?

Fortunately, the pink gummy can transform, maybe it can become the type they like.

But the reality is not a game, unless there is a magical item [red line], otherwise, with the aesthetics of an elf, it is absolutely impossible to fall in love with a candy like leather, um... 90.00% probability.

Even if the gummy candy can become its favorite appearance.

But it’s essentially gummy candy, too? !

Moon Ibrahimovic, who is good at gloating at other people's misfortunes, mocked the director mercilessly at that time.

With a dark face, it can only be exposed to Heiduo's light at this time.


After visiting Guxiang Town.

All the way to the resort city of Biyi City.

Along the way, try to abduct the remaining elves, such as the only scabbard, the poisonous algae dragon, and the little diamond.

For Heduo, Carlos' trip was completely complete, and he no longer had any regrets.

Maybe next time I come back, it will be with Xiaolan?
The gym has touched the fish for so long, and the position of the head of the gym trainer has been left aside for so long, it is time to pick it up.

Ignore the twists and turns, after a nice vacation with Carlos.

Heiduo took another look at Maggie'er and the others, and finally got on the plane back to the city.

He was a little curious, how is the eco-garden of the gymnasium today, and whether it is necessary to expand.

Well, inevitably, Heiduo, who thought the gym was so big at the beginning, began to think about whether to expand it.

Maybe people are such creatures, constantly wandering between really fragrant and not fragrant.

Heduo was not spared either.

"...Well~~~ Apart from not having a computer to play, this vacation is still very happy."

Moon Ibrahimovic looked refreshed. This trip can be regarded as a complete fulfillment of his dream of being a trainer.

Also got a little elf.

——In its view, it is very likely to be a croaking frog with hidden characteristics.

Heiduo has always kept a wait-and-see attitude towards this. After all, he can't do it himself. If Moon Ibrahimovic can do it, it is indeed a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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